There is one
clear and present reason why conservative men, whether in politics or religion,
are largely incapable of really transforming our culture, and it is a glaring
issue. What is this issue? It is simply the fact that they by and large do not
understand how to hold women truly accountable for their role in degrading
society, or even really think that you should hold them accountable. I have
seen this problem for a while now and it is incredibly widespread, endemic
really, and is probably one of the core reasons why our society is in the bad
moral and cultural situation that it is.
The reason
this is such a problem is that these conservative men will look at the bad
behaviour of women and then immediately look around, behind, or above that
woman who is acting badly and try to find the man or men responsible for her
sin. And if they cannot identify a specific man or class of men, they will just
broaden it to all men or male society in general. Now, of course, as a bible
believing Christian, I do believe that men should be held ultimately responsible
for errors in their family, community, church and wider society. God has
created men to hold authority and lead. When Adam and Eve both sinned in the
garden it was Adam that was held responsible, for instance. This is not an
interpretation just held up by a so-called “patriarchal lens” either, the
entire gospel hinges on this point; Jesus Christ, the second Adam according to
Paul, came to reverse the sin and damage done by the first Adam. This shows who
God held ultimately responsible. So, these conservative men have started off
with the correct basic assumption that men are ultimately responsible and need
to be held to account, but they have not applied this accountability properly. Because
they have failed to recognize that part of being a man and holding the
perpetrators responsible, is to also hold women to unrelenting accountability
as well as men.
Let me give
two examples, both of which I saw on Facebook. I have not named the men who
made these posts, because who they are is not the issue. Both these men are on
the side of what is good, true and beautiful, and advocate for strong Christian
morals. I have no issue with them or their wider advocacy. These posts are simply
representative of a much more widespread issue, and so it is the ideas, not the
purveyors that I want to address. This is an internal Christian/Conservative dispute
that I believe needs to be corrected if
the conservative right is going have any success in turning society around.
The first example
is on the issue of abortion,
Notice that
this post frames women as the victims of abortion. This is a common approach of
conservative men on the right, particularly those who are in positions of
public advocacy against abortion. In fact, this is true for many women as well.
They often seek to appeal to women as the victims of the abortion, rather than framing
them as the perpetrators they are. As the image notes “a recent global report highlights
terrible carnage on women.” Many conservative men either see the issue through
this framework, or at least seek to address it this way in the public sphere.
Ultimately this is an attempt to seek to rescue women from evil being
perpetrated on them, rather than correctly seeing how these women are
perpetrating the evil.
Some men with
this perspective will defend this approach vociferously if you challenge them
on it. They do not see any except maybe the tiniest minority of women who have
had abortions as intentional perpetrators of the crime. Yes, they see them as
sinners, but only as sinners who have been coerced by men, society, or
circumstances, or ignorance into doing something they would prefer to have
never done in the first place, or did not have full agency in doing. They
almost completely remove the agency of women, and I have even seen men struggle
to even comprehend what you are talking about when you drill down on why their
rhetoric completely falls short of winning ground on the issue, except perhaps with
fellow conservative men and some conservative women, who already agree anyway.
It is essentially a white knight approach to solving the issue.
Sure, there
are women who are exactly as these conservatives describe. And there are women
who have been in this situation who will openly share their story about being
coerced by men or their circumstances into having an abortion, and these women
will garner quite an emotional response, especially from men who see virtually all
women who have had an abortion as a victim. But it is just false that abortion
happens largely because of the influence or coercion of men. For instance, “The
vast majority of women who had abortions in 2021 were unmarried (87%), while
married women accounted for 13%, according to the CDC, which had data on this
from 37 states.”[1]
Single women are responsible for their decisions, are they not? And some
studies show that it is particularly mothers and mothers-in-law who are the
most influential people in convincing younger women to have an abortion.[2] So, the idea of male
influence being a major factor is demonstrably wrong. This makes sense as well
from the perspective of experience. To whom would most women, especially unmarried
women, go to seek wisdom in a situation like this? Their mum, or an older woman
they trust. This reality flies in the face of the conservative stereotype that abortion
happens because vulnerable women are falling under the pressure of aggressively
pushy men to abort their children. Many men don’t
ever get a say.
Even a study designed to
evaluate the influence of men in abortions notes that many women saw their
mothers or their own personal beliefs as more significant influences in their
reasons to have an abortion than their partners.[3] It also notes often men
put pressure on women not to have an abortion, or refuse to provide the
resources for the woman to have one, or, often the case is that they support
the woman in her decision.[4] So while it does note
instances of men coercing abortions, this is far from the majority of men’s
influence in the situation.[5] The cases of women being
coerced by bullying men into abortions does exist, but it is nowhere near the
full picture. This is why the Australian pro-life movement is so ineffectual;
their rhetoric does not point to the truth. That truth is that for many women
abortion is a right that grants them increased liberation, or power over their
own choices, and therefore, rhetoric which frames them as victims is not
capable of moving the needle. It just receives derision from such women. Good rhetoric points to the truth, pro-life rhetoric
does not. This is especially clear when you look at women’s reasons for abortions.
The reasons
most women decide to have abortions is lifestyle choices, that effect their career
or their social circumstances. 40% claim a financial reason.[6] 4% claim lack of
employment.[7] 36% claim timing as an
issue.[8] And 20% claimed it would
interfere with career.[9] 29% are mothers who just
don’t want another child.[10] 12% claim health reasons.
7% claim to simply be immature or too young.[11] The most relevant
statistic to our purposes is that 31% of women claim partner reasons, this may
include coercion, but is not even mostly that.[12] These partner reasons can
be things like the woman having an unstable relationship, or that they were not
yet married,[13]
though some do claim the partner is abusive or did not want the baby.[14] However, only 5% claim
influence from family or friends is a factor,[15] and remember the most
influential family member in other research is a mother or mother-in-law, not
the husband or boyfriend. So, a woman is more likely to get coercion or at
least influence from another woman than from a man. The data completely rebukes
the women-are-victims-of-abortion narrative.
Most women
who have abortions do so because that is what they WANT to do, and like many
other people who make distasteful decisions, they then find one of many
different reasons to justify why it was the right decision. But this does not
change the fact that it is, more often than not, a willing choice. Abortion is
not carnage on women’s bodies, though it can result in that. It is carnage done
by doctors, nurses and the pregnant women, mothers, on the most helpless person
in the room, the baby. Women need to be held accountable for this. The
conservative man is not capable of doing this, his view of women is not fully
based in reality. Why this is the case, we may come back to in a future piece.
The second
example I want address is with prostitution,
I have no
hesitation calling to account the men who participated in this sin with Lily.
But Lily is not a victim here of anything but her own decisions, unless it
comes out that she was forced into this by coercion or other threats of
violence. But all the evidence says that she was not coerced to do this, because
she openly admits, brags really, that extreme sex is her hobby and that she
loves the fame and fortune from these deplorable acts.[16] This is a hybrid of
prostitution and porn, a natural but deplorable development in our highly
online age.
however that the man who wrote this post immediately focuses on the man or men
who should be blamed for this woman’s whoredom, “I wept for Lily and wondered
where her dad is. I want to punch all the blokes who took advantage of her…”
This is the response of a man who cannot even see the accountability of a
woman. It is right to be disgusted by these men, but we should also be
disgusted at what this woman did. Lily is an adult, a relationally backward one
of course, but still an adult. There is no doubt that all the men who watch
this rubbish, or got involved, are responsible for their part in this. But to
say that this kind of porn, or any kind, only exists because men patronize it
is only half true. It also exists because women can profit off it, and some of
these women enjoy the power, prestige, wealth and fame that comes from this
line of not-work.
Let me pause
for a moment here. I know that many women in the sex trade are slaves who have
been coerced into it. This is a reality. I think the men who coerce such women
are among the worst people on the planet. They should be investigated, tried,
prosecuted and hung, if found guilty. Such exploitation is evil. We even see
prostitutes in the Bible respond with great repentance and joy to Jesus, in
large part because he was probably the first man in some time to treat them
with dignity. So, I in no way want to absolve any men from their guilt in this
deplorable crime and sin or diminish the impact that good men can have in
helping women avoid this kind of life. But women like Lily are just as guilty
and as responsible for porn as the men who consume it. Porn, and many forms of
prostitution, exist because they are incredibly lucrative professions not just
for men but for many of the women involved as well. And the women who
voluntarily engage in this stuff need to be held to account as well. This is
something conservative men often cannot even fathom to do. They see a woman in
this situation and they immediately see a victim. They see a woman who has had
one, two, three abortions and they immediately see a victim, they do not see a
perpetrator. They see these women as women who have been victimized by men, and
while this can be true, it is not always true, sometimes these women are
exercising their sexual power over weak men.
men have failed to harken to the wisdom of the Bible which does see women as
agents in their own sexual sin. For Proverbs 5 tells us,
My son, be attentive to my wisdom; incline your ear to my understanding, 2 that
you may keep discretion, and your lips may guard knowledge. 3 For the lips of a
forbidden woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil, 4 but in the
end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. 5 Her feet go down
to death; her steps follow the path to Sheol; 6 she does not ponder the path of
life; her ways wander, and she does not know it…20 Why should you be
intoxicated, my son, with a forbidden woman and embrace the bosom of an
adulteress?” (Proverbs 5:1-6, 20).
conservative men who almost find it impossible to see women as having their own
agency in sexual sin and acts like abortion, the Bible is very honest about
this issue and points out the dangerous nature of this type of sexually
licentious woman. Ironically, conservative men have fallen into a progressive
lie without even realizing it; the idea that men always hold the power in
male/female dynamics. This is a feminist pillar, and it can often be true. A
woman is never wise to allow herself to be alone with an untrustworthy man,
because she is at a strength disadvantage. But what feminists do not
acknowledge is that it goes the other way too. Sometimes the woman holds all
the sexual power in the situation and a man is without spiritual or moral
strength before her, “20 Why should you be intoxicated, my son, with a
forbidden woman and embrace the bosom of an adulteress?” We see a clear example
of a woman trying to exercise this kind of power over a man in the Bible,
Joseph, though he had the moral fortitude to run away from her. We also see
examples the other way, such as with Jacob’s daughter Dinah who was seized by
Shechem. The Bible is more honest in pointing out that the balance of power is
not always one way.
The point is
not to paint women as holding all the responsibility nor to paint men with it
all, but rather to be realistic about the shifting nature of the power dynamic
between men and women and to note that sometimes women hold all the cards in a
sexual situation and that many men are incredibly weak in the situation.
Countless men can tell you that they had a child aborted against their will, or
even their initial knowledge, and countless men can’t because they will never
know that it happened to them. Women are, more often than not, the perpetrators
in abortion, and legally and almost just as often practically, they hold all
the power. Even in situations where a man is coercing a woman to have an
abortion the woman will be alone with the doctors and can speak up about it if
she wants to. The man in that situation is scum, and should face some kind of
legal sanction, but it does not mean that women do not usually hold all the
cards in abortion.
men need to learn that taking responsibility as men means not just holding men
responsible ultimately for the state of society, but also holding women relentlessly
to account for their actions, as well. They could, ironically, learn from this
old song I heard again for the first time in ages the other day,
and girls wanna hear a true story?
Saturday night I was at this real wild party
They had the liquor overflowing the cup
About 5 or 6 strippers trying to work for a buck
And I took one girl outside with me
Her name was Lonni, she went to junior high with me
I said, "Why you up in there dancing for cash?
I guess a whole a lot's changed since I seen you last."
She said
would you do if your son was at home
Crying all alone on the bedroom floor
Cause he's hungry
And the only way to feed him is to, sleep with a man for a little bit of money
And his daddy's gone
Somewhere smoking rock now, in and out of lockdown
I ain't got a job now
So for you this is just a good time, but for me this is what I call life
you ain't the only one with a baby
That's no excuse to be living all crazy
Then she looked me right square in the eye
And said every day I wake up hoping to die
She said…I know about pain cause
Me and my sister ran away so my daddy couldn't rape us
Before I was a teenager
I been through more shit that you can't even relate to…
What would you do?
Get up on my feet and let go of every excuse
What would you do?
Cause I wouldn't want my baby to go through what I went through
Come on, what would you do?
Get up on my feet and stop making tired excuses
What would you do?
Girl, I know if my mother can do it, baby you can do it...”[17]
What would
you do? “Get up on my feet and let go of every excuse.” What is he saying here?
Woman, take responsibility for your life. And then he tells her that is exactly
what his mother did. And countless women have done this. It is a bit of a trope
in society that women do not like having
accountability. If
this is the true, and many people can give anecdotal evidence that it is, then
the person who struggles to do something, should not they be held to a stricter
standard to help them achieve it?
The people
who wrote this song knew that a large part of the answer to the problem was holding women
relentlessly accountable. He does not say, “Oh dear, I am so sorry to hear
that.” He instead says, “let go of every excuse.” Conservative men need to
realize that to help change society around you cannot fail to call 50% of
society to a much higher level of accountability. The next time you see a woman
who has had an abortion don’t think, “Oh you poor girl.” Think, “That poor kid,
what kind of mother does such a thing to her child?” This does not mean the
woman cannot experience grace and forgiveness and that you cannot have
compassion on her. It just means we should not immediately default to absolving
the perpetrator of harm to that child by shifting the blame away from her. The
child is the victim. Abortion is a form of abuse. We would never absolve a man
who hurt his child, so why do it with a woman?
I do not
believe this issue can change until conservative men in this public space
fearlessly hold women to the same level of accountability that they would any adult
man. Ironically, this is actually men taking responsibility and being willing
to receive all the attacks for being labelled “anti-woman” etc, etc, when this
could not be further from the truth. Abortion and porn do hurt women. And
holding women to a higher account than we generally do, will help steer more
and more women away from these things. Which is the ultimate goal, is it not?
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