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Tuesday 30 April 2024

Feminists Can’t Solve Domestic Violence Issues


There has been a massive push in the media in Australia recently from the government seeking to address violence against women. Setting aside the fact that Australia is one of the safest countries on the planet for men and women, the media is making the mistake of putting forward the feminist narrative about domestic violence: that it is a men’s problem and women and children are the only victims we should really speak about.

It is for this basic reason that feminists will never be able to solve the domestic violence problem, because they are ideologically dedicated to only seeing part of the problem, violence against women and not the totality of the problem.

I think two points really drive this point home. First, should not we consider abortion domestic violence? Yes, we should. Abortion is violence between a mother, sometimes a mother and father, towards a child. This fits the basic societal understanding of domestic violence. When you factor this in then we see that women influenced by feminism are actually far more likely to be violent towards a family member than our society likes to admit. Secondly, should we also not consider a woman cheating on her husband, leaving him for another man, using the courts to take his home and his dignity, as forms of domestic violence? If coercion is domestic violence, is not a woman threating to do that to her husband or live-in-boyfriend, or actially doing it, also guilty of domestic violence? You see the issue here, feminists look at a very limited range of problems in the home and trumpet them as the totality of the issues involved, which leads to a situation where many other issues are just being neglected.

The Goodsauce has addressed this in a fantastic piece this week, it is well worth reading,

“Women are victims, men are violent”

IF YOU’VE BEEN listening to the Lying Harlot Media, politicians or feminists for the past few weeks, you’d have noticed an increasing volume of complaints about “violence against women”.

One headline shocks:

A woman is being violently killed in Australia every four days this year.

Is there any other way of being killed – “non-violent murder”?

The article uses the same gendered, exclusive language as is seen everywhere – men are killing women. It quotes a professional lobbyist who’s organisation only exists to end violence against women:

“…Another woman has been killed allegedly by men’s violence…”

“…A shocking rate of violent deaths of women this year that exceeds anything Australia has experienced in recent years.”

Last year saw 64 Australian women “violently killed”: a rate of one per 5.7 days. Of course anything over zero is terrible.

This year, after 114 days, 26 women have been murdered: a rate of one per 4.4 days.

But that’s including the psychopathic mass murder event in Bondi which any responsible statistician would exclude as an outlier, not part of a relevant sample of endemic male behaviours. If you do exclude Joel Cauchi’s psychotic rampage in honestly assessing our culture, the rate reduces to one per 5.4 days this year, just slightly higher than last year.

But we’re told this is a “crisis”, and I can’t help noticing our media and governments love using that word.

Here’s why I’m not buying that narrative.

Only 31% of homicides in Australia in 2022 (most recent data from ABS) were women.

Let me interpret that for you.

Men are being killed at more than twice the rate of women, and no one thinks that’s a crisis. No one’s holding rallies or protests or marches or vigils or starting DV shelters or getting government funding to “solve” the problem or getting wall to wall media coverage or high profile, major party politicians speeches clutching their pearls about violence against men.

The modern proverb “follow the money” might cause critical thinkers to observe the federal budget is only weeks away, the perfect time to pressure governments to be seen to be “doing something”. Like every grievance industry, real solutions only mean an end to rivers of cash from government to charities, so this won’t end well for any victims of violence or vulnerable others.”[1]

Looking at the issue of domestic violence honestly is not good for the bottom lines of many feminist organizations in Australia. There is a vested financial interest in making sure that people are continually fed a particular narrative on this issue, rather than the full truth. But refusing to look at this issue wholistically and addressing the full truth is not just wrong, it actually takes a terrible toll on society, especially on children, as the article notes,

“The third example of feminist hypocrisy is their aribtrary scale of horror which holds violence in the home as more evil than violence outside the home, the place where about 70% of female victims experience violence, as opposed to male victims, 70% of whom experience violence elsewhere.

The inconsistent standard is their typical, shameless, political support for a cultural normalisation of making the womb the most dangerous place in Australia for anyone.

Cancer killed 29,300 Australians, heart disease killed 24,400, and dementia killed 13,700 in 2017. These top three causes of death according to the ABS killed 67,400 people, while the number of living humans killed in abortion clinics numbered between 70,000 to 100,000. That’s at least 95 little girls, deliberately killed, every day.

No, the home is not even close to the most dangerous place in Australia to be a female.

The godless amorality of feminism dares to claim a vain right to “violently kill” (poison and/or tear limb from limb) a unique, living human being at any stage of gestation for literally any reason – including just being female – and then has the two-faced audacity to say that violence in the home is worse than all other violent behaviours.

Every argument “violence against women” alarmists offer is hypocritical at best, and maliciously divisive at worst.”[2]

Many Christians are aware that abortion is a great evil in society, and it is really good to see this issue addressed in the context of a discussion of domestic violence. Whether you want to put the blame for this at the feet of feminists, and to a degree we should, or at the feet of the weakness of modern Australian men, and to a degree we should, as this article points out the most dangerous place in Australia, at least in raw numbers, is the womb. THIS SHOULD NOT BE!! This is a terrible evil, a terrible wrong, and we constantly see politicians stand up and grandstand about stopping violence against women and then allow tens of thousands of baby girls and boys to be aborted each year. It needs to stop, and it needs to be recognized that this issue should be framed in the context of the wider domestic violence issue.

Feminists are not capable of stopping domestic violence because their ideology requires violence against children in the womb, including young girls, to be allowed. And the way their industry gets funding requires they present a misleading narrative about the issues surrounding domestic violence in society. If they were to be more honest about these two facts, much of their industry and much of what they profit off would disappear. This would actually have a net positive effect on society, because rather than politicians feeling pressured to address this issue from one very narrow perspective, it would allow society to honestly address the full range of problems of violence that our society has not yet dealt with.

I think working towards a society where no violence ever happens is a utopian goal, as long as sinful humans live in this world, there will be some who give themselves over to violence. But I do believe we can tackle certain issues of violence successfully to a large degree, and it is obvious that we have achieved this in many aspects of our society. The irony is that feminists claim a victims status that they exaggerate whilst also proclaiming an ideology which perpetuates the most violent act in our society today; abortion. And as Christians we should work tirelessly to see this evil overturned in our lifetime. It can happen. Pray it does.

List of References

[2] Ibid.

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