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Tuesday 6 August 2024

Stay Safe Out There


Australia has upped its terrorism threat level,

“Australia's terrorism threat level has been raised from possible to probable due to an increased risk of politically motivated violence - as the country's spy chief warns there is a 50 per cent chance of an attack on Australian soil in the next year.

While it has not been raised due to one specific incident, it's understood there have been eight incidents in Australia investigated by security officials for alleged terrorism or possible terrorist links.

The conflict in the Middle East is also understood to have exacerbated concerns by security agencies about politically motivated violence in Australia, although it is not the direct cause of the threat level rising.

It's the first time the threat level has been raised since 2014 during the height of threats from terrorist group Islamic State.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said the national security committee met on Monday morning to discuss the change.

'Probable does not mean inevitable and it does not mean there is intelligence about an imminent threat or danger,' Mr Albanese told reporters in Canberra.

'But the advice that we've received is that more Australians are embracing a more diverse range of extreme ideologies.'[1]

How many times on this blog have we talked about how diversity equals increasing division? Again and again over the years, but this call by many for our government to slow down and stop the move towards a diverse population has not only been ignored, the government has doubled down and in the last few years we have had the highest level of immigration in our  nations history.

The societal effects of this are vast, and almost all of them are negative. House prices have increased. Wages that were starting to tick up during covid have flat lined or gone backwards as inflation has eaten away at the value of our currency. Competition for jobs has increased, also suppressing wages and making it harder for people to afford to live in this ever more expensive economy. And now we hear that “more Australians are embracing a more diverse range of extreme ideologies.”

My encouragement to you is stay safe out there. Don’t live in fear, don’t fail to live your life and enjoy it as you can. But be vigilant. Keep an eye out for people around you who seem to be acting suspicious. Make sure you keep in good shape so that if you are caught in a high pressure situation you can handle it, or get away from it. Talk to those you love about what they should do in a time of serious danger at the shopping mall.

We have lived in a remarkably safe society for a remarkably long period of time, especially compared to what most people in history have faced. But the world is becoming more dangerous again, divisions have increased all over the world and this will lead to more friction as well. World War 3 is already long under way, and it appears to be escalating not quieting down, and now most people in most nations live in severely divided places. We don’t want to be fearful, but we also don’t want to be naïve as well.

On top of all of this, if you are a Christian, remember times of great pressure on society are chances for the Church to shine in showing the mercy and grace of God. Like Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel did when he was attacked. Pray that you, nor anyone you love would be in danger, but also prepare yourself for an increasingly divided society.   

List of References


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