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Tuesday 20 August 2024

Don’t Take The Ticket


If someone were to have told you in about 1990 that they could make you famous, wealthy beyond your wildest dreams, popular throughout the western world and that you would even get to date Julia Roberts in the peak of her beauty, what would you say?  A lot of men would jump at that chance. I doubt the conversation that led Matthew Perry to his success went exactly like this, yet this is what he ended up with. He chased fame, and fortune and he succeeded beyond what most people will ever experience.

And yet look where he ended up,

“An accused drug dealer dubbed the "Ketamine Queen" by authorities is among five people charged in connection with actor Matthew Perry's death.

Here's what we know about Jasveen Sangha and the drug she is accused of dealing.

Who is the alleged 'Ketamine Queen'?

Ms Sangha is accused of supplying the ketamine that caused Mr Perry's overdose death in October 2023.

Who else has been charged?

Kenneth Iwamasa

Mr Iwamasa was Mr Perry's live-in assistant.

The 59-year-old has been accused of conspiring to distribute the ketamine that caused his boss's death.

Authorities say he acquired ketamine from Salvador Plasencia in September 2023 and also began obtaining the drug from Ms Sangha in October that year.

He has also admitted to repeatedly injecting Mr Perry with ketamine without medical training, including multiple times on October 28, 2023, the day the actor died.

On August 7 this year, Mr Iwamasa pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to distribute ketamine causing death.

Mr Iwamasa faces a sentence of up to 15 years.

Dr Salvador Plasencia

Dr Plasencia is a licenced doctor who, according to an indictment, learned in September 2023 that Mr Perry was interested in obtaining ketamine.

He allegedly contacted Mark Chavez, who previously operated a ketamine clinic, to obtain the drug to sell to Mr Perry.

Court documents say Dr Plasencia discussed how much to charge Mr Perry for the ketamine in text messages to Dr Chavez.

"I wonder how much this moron will pay," the documents quote. "Lets (sic) find out."

During September and October that year, Dr Plasencia allegedly distributed ketamine to Mr Perry and Mr Iwamasa illegitimately on at least seven occasions.”[1]

Matthew Perry’s death was tragic enough. This was a man who was ubiquitous in the lives of many of us who grew up in the 90’s, and his humour was cherished by many. But with these new details of what has allegedly happened, his death is even more tragic. A lonely man is a vulnerable man, no matter how wealthy or how famous. 

The god of this world is happy to share his fame and fortune with many, as long as he has a chance to claim their souls. I have heard from some people Matthew Perry became a Christian in his later days, let us hope that is true. But still who would want his life?

The kind of fame and fortune that comes with his level of success is the definition of lonely. You cannot really trust that anyone is in your life for the right reasons, you cannot find joy in your wealth or things, because they cannot satisfy you. And many who go down that route get burnt out and end up dying in horrible and tragic ways. Perry’s story is tragic but also is very much a cliché at this point.

The things of this world are not worth the damage they can do to you. Do not make them your be all and end all, because they can truly destroy you, first from the inside and then from the outside,

“15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world. 17 And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever” (1 John 2:15-17).

There will be many people who pursued the life that Perry did who will end up regretting it. There will be many who do not even reach a fraction of the fame he did who will end up in a similar fate. Do not seek to take the ticket. If you pursue any kind of platform, which is not wrong, you will eventually get different offers to go to a new level of fame, be wary of all these offers. Be wary if you find yourself lusting for wealth, or lusting for fine things. Many have destroyed themselves in the pursuit of wealth and glory. God sometimes does make people’s name great, but if you pursue this the wrong way it will destroy you. It is best to take steps to make sure that you can be faithful in the smaller things God has called you to, because then this will protect you from the temptation that the Perry’s of this world were driven by.

 List of References

[1] ABC 2024,

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