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Friday 2 August 2024

Equality Lie Exposed


This Olympics has done more to smash the idol of equality than any argument someone like me could ever make. 

In their wickedness the Olympics has done the world a service, because evil always undermines itself eventually. They’ve crushed the lie of equality that hurts women everyday. Men expect their wives to work all day like them, and then work more when they get home. Society puts them in combat roles, front line policing roles, and more, where they cannot cope and are not cut out for it. And it pushes them into contact sports which is just plain wrong, devastatingly wrong. Their bodies are not made for it. 

Every action movie today, almost, has some 120 pound bringing wet woman beat up special forces soldiers or trained fighters like its nothing. Sadly, many actual living women believe this can happen, and some men to. Every now and then lies hit reality hard. In real life a few hits from such a man would nearly kill that woman. 

The lesson in this is women are not men and men are not women and they should not be treated the same. Men, live with your wives in a considerate way for she is the weaker vessel is a command, not a suggestion. Society should listen to this too. The false doctrine of equality gets women hurt every day in a thousand ways.  It’s an idol that must be pulled down.

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