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Tuesday 4 July 2023

Praise God, May This Increase


Image: Unsplash

More people are starting to say no. Evidence is mounting up to show that the transgender movement is losing ground. Which stands to reason, because even many liberal minded people I know find it to be a ridiculous cause. And even many of the most godless pagans find the way that this movement has sought to disciple kids disturbing. As the Epoch Times reports,

IN-DEPTH: After Targeting Children, the Transgender Movement Loses Ground

According to the results of a growing number of studies and surveys, a new truth is emerging. For its persistent effort to target children, the transgender movement is losing ground—on several fronts.

It began with drag queen story hour. It evolved into “family-friendly” drag shows. Now we have naked men peddling bikes in front of children at Seattle pride parades while LGBT activists in New York City dance naked in public fountains and march through the streets boldly admitting: “We’re here. We’re queer. We’re coming for your children.”

However, a growing number of polls and studies are confirming that the transgender movement is rapidly losing ground. The mounting pushback and results of boycotts show it’s happening fast.

The Pushback

While the general public seemed to tolerate and even participate in LGBTQ+ causes and events, there is a growing effort to get rid of them.

Nineteen states have passed legislation restricting access to gender-affirming care for children and teenagers.

In a show of support for a Florida mother who’s fighting to protect children from transgender indoctrination in schools, 21 states and 37 parent rights organizations have joined forces.

Because of the growing number of hockey players who refused to wear pride jerseys, the National Hockey League’s Board of Governors has decided to stop participating in such events.

Due to increasing backlash, drag queen story hour events are being canceled from Florida to New York and West Hollywood to North Carolina.

Drag shows have been canceled in places like Texas, Indiana, Georgia, and across Florida. The US Defense Secretary has issued a department-wide prohibition of drag shows on military bases.

Paramount canceled its Queen of the Universe TV series.”[i]

Our culture has bent over backwards in recent years to remove all mention of the Christian God from the public sphere and the classroom as much as possible. This secularization of our culture has not led to a liberal paradise, but a very sinfully degraded culture, that has been given over to many different sexual sins. And to a large degree many people in our culture have approved of this happening. But it appears to have gone too far for many people, especially in a place like America, where the Church is still reasonably strong. Even a heavily degraded culture can only take so much, and it is good to see this pushback gaining momentum.

There is also a growing suggestion that the transgender movement is in some ways a social contagion,

“In a separate interview, Meckler says everything about the radical transgender movement “fits every definition of a social contagion.” He also said “social contagions are well studied” and that “psychologists who are promoting this stuff just choose to disregard it.”[ii]

Last year I finally read a book I had been intending to read for several years called ‘Crazy Like Us’ by Ethan Watters. In that book he explores how American culture has helped to export some of its mental illnesses through marketing and cultural influence. The book is fascinating because it shows that the rate of mental illness, and how these things are understood, in other cultures is far different to how they spread or are viewed in the West. However, the pharmaceutical companies have found there is great profit in seeking to teach other cultures that they have the same diseases of the mind and they, the Pharma companies, just happen to have the cure, in pill form, for monthly subscriptions of course. This has had a devastating effect on various different cultures around the world.  

The chapter on Japan is particularly revealing, because of the stark cultural differences around depression. Japanese culture does not see someone being melancholic as a problem, indeed, they see this as a badge of honour. Because of this, the pharmaceutical companies first had to find a way to teach the Japanese that being melancholic was bad, and that this was a sign of an illness called depression and needed certain drugs to cure it. Which they had already developed. In this way these companies did not just export the cure, but the illness as well. The book is worth reading just for that chapter alone.

The importance of Watters book is that it highlights how certain mental disorders can catch on and spread just like any other phase or craze, and do considerable damage before it has calmed down. I think this explains, in part, what we see with the transgender movement. I say in part, because I also think there are serious and evil spiritual forces at play, not just physical or social phenomena. The transgender movement is perfectly timed and designed to have an impact in a certain cultural context, one that is thoroughly egalitarian, promotes the crossing of gender boundaries and is scientifically arrogant while simultaneously believing that the human body is simply a shell that can be changed. Our culture fits many of these preconditions. In fact, it appears that over the course of the last century our culture was positioned to be susceptible to just this kind of problem.

I think that though there are psychological and sociological issues at play in all of these illnesses taking off in large numbers, I would also argue that behind all of these waves there is demonic activity at play seeking to encourage harm and destruction of human society, because that is what demons do. Whether a young woman is being influenced to be anorexic or to remove parts of her body for gender ideology reasons, either way, she is being harmed, and the Christian should be wise enough to see that there is evil spiritual forces at play here. People don’t cut themselves for godly reasons and they do not starve themselves for godly reasons either.

But all that aside, it is good to see an increasing number of people in a nation like America take a strong stand against this kind of nonsense. We need to see more of this across the West, and across the world wherever this is happening. We should not be content with seeing people using the pretext of liberty to harm themselves or teach others that this is ok. All of these sexual gender identity issues cause great harm, whether homosexuality or transgenderism, and therefore to see them opposed in the popular culture is a good sign of the future of the West. There is still sime light left in western society after all.


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