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Friday 14 July 2023

Immorality Is Costly


Image: Unsplash

Immorality is costly. It is harmful. In the modern world there are few things more harmful than gender “affirming” healthcare. And health insurers are becoming aware of this,

“One of Australia's leading medical insurers has dumped cover for private practising doctors who initiate hormone treatment in adolescents with gender dysphoria, a decision that may put even more pressure on public hospital waiting lists.

MDA National said it will also no longer insure private doctors, such as general practitioners, from legal claims arising from the assessment of patients under 18 as suitable for gender transition treatments, such as cross-sex hormones and gender affirmation surgeries.

The Australian Professional Association for Trans Health (AusPATH), representing hundreds of health professionals who provide care to transgender people, is aware of some GPs who have already stopped gender-affirming care — a model that supports the child's choices and can lead to medical interventions such as puberty blockers and hormone treatment.

AusPATH is concerned the MDA National decision will particularly affect trans youth living outside major cities, who struggle to access public gender services.

"It's going to stop a number of children ever being able to access gender affirming care before they turn 18," AusPATH president Professor Ashleigh Lin said.

The MDA National decision, effective from July 1, comes after the insurer reviewed the medico-legal risks amid what it described as "growing criticism globally of the research that underpins medical and surgical transition of children in response to gender dysphoria"

It was made in response to "the risk of potentially high-value claims arising from irreversible treatments" provided to children and adolescents.

Gender-affirming hormonal therapies with testosterone or oestrogen may cause temporary or permanent infertility…[1]

This is a good move in the right direction, but of course does not go far enough. Until those who do such surgeries are stopped with the full force of the law, so they cannot hurt kids anymore, it will not have gone far enough. Throughout history pagan societies have enacted harmful practices including various forms of cutting of the body and other abhorrent acts. Our modern pagan society is no different. And this is an intolerable evil. May it become untenable and unacceptable in every quarter of society to practice such barbaric medicine.

Men and women are created in the image of God. Male and female he created them, we do not have the power or the authority to override biology and to try to do so can only cause harm and disfigurement. And people often regret doing such harm to their bodies. The fact that insurance companies are starting to reject insuring this kind of Frankenstein "healthcare" is a really good move. It is also a sign that reality is pushing back against people's insane fantasies. Which is a good thing. Immorality is costly and harmful. The greatest cost being those who suffer the damage that is done to them by those who practice it. 

May this end in our lifetime, so our children and children’s children don’t have to ever encounter it. 


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