Never take experimental medication. I can’t believe I have to say that, but I do. Of course, an exception to this rule might be because your life is on the line and you judge that it is worth the risk to face serious injury in the face of certain or almost certain death. But in general do not take experimental drugs. Especially not if you are being coerced.
And certainly
do not take the advice of politicians and media…or those we could call, “The bought and
paid for…”
Very early on
in the crazy Covid times a young woman came up to me in a public setting, this
would have been mid 2020, and asked me directly, if I was going to take the
vaccine. No vaccine had been announced, at this stage the only people who were
saying they were going to push a mandatory, or at least ‘as
mandatory as possible’, vaccine were being called conspiracy theorists.
Though it was not long after this that Scott Morrison made his infamous “as
mandatory as you can possibly make it” comment. It was not really until later
that year, as I remember, that it became much wider news that a vaccine would
be our only way out.
My response
to this young woman? I will wait to see how safe it is. This was the only
sensible response in my view. But what I did not realize yet was that the
fault lines were already been drawn. Already people were starting to judge each
other on whether or not someone was willing to take this. But my only thought
at the time was simple: who would take an experimental medication for such a
virus? Especially considering it was new technology. The answer to that is:
most people would. Many because they wanted to. And many because they felt the
pressure to do so. And others because they were coerced. But at the end of the
day as we know now, many would.
But we are
still seeing that this damn thing is not fully understood, and only now are
some prominent doctors connecting the increasing sickness we have all seen
going around with the fact that this thing effected people’s immune systems in
a negative way,
from Yale University have discovered an alarming syndrome linked to the
mRNA Covid vaccines.
previously-unknown condition - dubbed 'post-vaccination syndrome' - appears to
cause brain fog, dizziness, tinnitus and exercise intolerance.
sufferers also show distinct biological changes, including differences in
immune cells and the presence of coronavirus proteins
in their blood, years after taking the shot.
condition also appears to reawaken a dormant virus in the body called
Epstein-Barr which can cause flu-like symptoms, swollen lymph nodes and nerve
full results of the small study have not yet been published, and the Yale
experts emphasized the results 'are still a work in progress.'
the findings, from a well-respected institution, suggest more research on
post-vaccination syndrome is needed, independent experts said.
next phase of the research will be to ascertain how widespread the condition is
and who is most at risk…
they analyzed the patients' immune systems, those with PVS had different
proportions of some immune cells. It’s unclear what these differences might
mean as the researchers couldn't link them to specific symptoms
team also looked at 134 people with long Covid, as PVS symptoms overlap with
it, as well as 134 healthy vaccine recipients.
people with long Covid and those with PVS seemed to have reactivated
Epstein-Barr syndrome…
causes symptoms like fatigue, fever, and rashes, and once symptoms disappear,
the virus remains dormant in the body, where it can be reactivated when the
immune system is low.”[1]
So the vaccine has weakened peoples immune systems. This is not the only mechanism that is causing vaccinated people to get sick. The presence of
constant inflammation is another, “Persistent spike proteins in the body are
thought to cause some of long Covid's symptoms, by keeping the body in a
constant state of inflammation.”[2]
But this next
line is the one I want to highlight, “'Much larger studies of very carefully
defined and phenotyped individuals [genetically analyzed] need to take place.'”[3] In other words, this thing
has not been studied at any responsible level, yet already much of the world
population has taken it and has its impact in their blood.
People were conned into taking an under regulated dangerous new drug, and revelations are still ongoing about how little doctors understand the damage and side effects it has caused.
Don’t take
experimental medication. It’s wisdom 101. And especially do not follow society
down a road that they were coerced by politicians into.
[3] Ibid.
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