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Monday 7 October 2024

Inherently Irrational


There's no greater* cognitive dissonance than that of the free speech advocates. I have lost count of the amount of people on my timeline who a week or so ago were defending free speech, sending around links and articles about it, and making a big fuss about how anti-free speech the current government is. But now this week many of those same people are sharing posts calling for the hammer to be brought down on protestors they have a political disagreement with. Protestors a lot of us disagree with.

The honest truth is that free speech is as unworkable for a society as free love. Almost no one can consistently believe in it. And everyone finds certain speech beyond the pale and liable for some kind of sanction, and so they should, the tongue is a restless fire, it can tear down socities. No gift of God, including speech, was designed to exist without boundaries.

Free speech, like free love, was always a progressive, leftist radical idea until about 5 minutes ago in history. Broad political speech is necessary, free speech is impossible, and the way people can flip on a dime without even realizing what they are doing is evidence of that cognitive dissonance.

I remember the day it finally became clear to me just how wrong the free speech position is and just how correct those who say there will always be blasphemy laws are. The truth is those who advocate for free speech the most are those who want to upset the establishment. Therefore it's never really a principle, it's actually a strategy, a tactic, but many people don't realize that is the case, until they have the power to silence those they see as beyond the pale, and realize they want to do that.

I understand why you think free speech is a pillar of our society, I once agreed with you. As I explain here.

* With the possible exception of the feminist who says she's fighting for equality, when it's actually about power. 

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