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Thursday, 31 October 2024



If you take the Apostles literally, you are forced to interpret the prophets figuratively or symbolically.

This is clearly how Jesus taught them to read the Old Testament on the Emmaus Road, and how he taught Paul in Damascus/Arabia. Let me give just three examples.

Example 1. Hosea 11:1 - "When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son."

Literal reading: this is about Israel and the Exodus.

The Apostle Matthew's reading: it's about Jesus, 

Matthew 2:13-17

"13 Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you, for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.” 14 And he rose and took the child and his mother by night and departed to Egypt 15 and remained there until the death of Herod. This was to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet, “Out of Egypt I called my son.”

Example 2: Psalm 16:9-11. David writes a beautiful Psalm about eternal joy at God's write hand. 

"9 Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices;

my flesh also dwells secure.

10 For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol,

or let your holy one see corruption.

11 You make known to me the path of life;

in your presence there is fullness of joy;

at your right hand are pleasures forevermore."


Literal reading: David is talking about himself. 

The Apostle Peter's reading: it's about Jesus,

Acts 2:22-31

"22 Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with mighty works and wonders and signs that God did through him in your midst, as you yourselves know— 23 this Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men. 24 God raised him up, loosing the pangs of death, because it was not possible for him to be held by it. 25 For David says concerning him,

“‘I saw the Lord always before me,

for he is at my right hand that I may not be shaken;

26 therefore my heart was glad, and my tongue rejoiced;

my flesh also will dwell in hope.

27 For you will not abandon my soul to Hades,

or let your Holy One see corruption.

28 You have made known to me the paths of life;

you will make me full of gladness with your presence.’

29 “Brothers, I may say to you with confidence about the patriarch David that he both died and was buried, and his tomb is with us to this day. 30 Being therefore a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him that he would set one of his descendants on his throne, 31 he foresaw and spoke about the resurrection of the Christ, that he was not abandoned to Hades, nor did his flesh see corruption."

Example 3: Amos 9:11-15 Shows us a glorious future for Israel, 

“In that day I will raise up

the booth of David that is fallen

and repair its breaches,

and raise up its ruins

and rebuild it as in the days of old,

12 that they may possess the remnant of Edom

and all the nations who are called by my name,”

declares the Lord who does this.

13 “Behold, the days are coming,” declares the Lord,

“when the plowman shall overtake the reaper

and the treader of grapes him who sows the seed;

the mountains shall drip sweet wine,

and all the hills shall flow with it.

14 I will restore the fortunes of my people Israel,

and they shall rebuild the ruined cities and inhabit them;

they shall plant vineyards and drink their wine,

and they shall make gardens and eat their fruit.

15 I will plant them on their land,

and they shall never again be uprooted

out of the land that I have given them,”

says the Lord your God."


Literal reading: God will restore Israel and it will rule the Gentiles.

The Apostle James reading: This is about the Church giving full access to Gentiles,

Acts 15:13-20

"13 After they finished speaking, James replied, “Brothers, listen to me. 14 Simeon has related how God first visited the Gentiles, to take from them a people for his name. 15 And with this the words of the prophets agree, just as it is written,

16 “‘After this I will return,

and I will rebuild the tent of David that has fallen;

I will rebuild its ruins,

and I will restore it,

17 that the remnant of mankind may seek the Lord,

and all the Gentiles who are called by my name,

says the Lord, who makes these things 18 known from of old.’

19 Therefore my judgment is that we should not trouble those of the Gentiles who turn to God, 20 but should write to them to abstain from the things polluted by idols, and from sexual immorality, and from what has been strangled, and from blood."

Notice how the Apostles read all these passages in light of Jesus Christ. They do this continually in the New Testament. Jesus did it too. Remember when he said he would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days? If you take this literally you'll be as confused as his Jewish opponents, thinking he is talking about the physical building. He was really talking about himself, as he is the temple that counts. 

The false dichotomy of literal verse firgurative is just that, false. No one thinks the antichrist is a literal animal, even though that's what "Beast" literally means. The literalists cannot be consistent. Some passages are meant to be literally taken, some aren't. This is true in any written text. The question is: how should we read it? The true hermeneutic is how did the Apostles read it? That should be our baseline. If you take the Apostles literally you cannot take the prophets anyway but figuratively pointing to Christ, his ministry and his return. And remember the Church is built on the foundation of the Apostles and prophets, so we need to follow the Apostles lead on how to read the prophets. 


Tuesday, 29 October 2024

God Save The Man


God bless this man,

“Former US President Donald Trump promised not to send Americans to fight and die in countries they have never heard of while addressing a crowd in the battleground state of Pennsylvania this weekend.

Speaking at a campaign rally on Saturday, Trump once again claimed he is the only one capable of preventing an all-out global conflict, arguing that his Democratic rival Kamala Harris “would get us into World War III, guaranteed, because she is too grossly incompetent to do the job.”

“To make her president would be to gamble with the lives of millions of people. Sons and daughters will end up getting drafted to fight in a war in a country you’ve never heard of,” he said.

In his nomination acceptance speech earlier this year, Trump vowed to “end every single international crisis that the current administration has created,” particularly the Ukraine and Gaza conflicts.”[1]

"Now God save such a lord, who is so good He will not have destruction of men's blood!"

-        Chaucer, A Knights Tale

Lord is used here in the sense of ruler, of course, not in the sense of the Lord of Lords. For all his faults Trump worked hard not to start any new wars, and to draw down in the wars the US was already in, during his last presidency. And he has largely committed to doing the same next time round, with the exception of Israel, which is foolish – though he has been somewhat inconsistent on this point, so we may be in for a positive surprise.  

A leader who wants to limit the warmongering and blood thirsty US empire might be the blessing America, and we need. Remember our country follows the US blindly into all its wars. I hope we get an anti-foreign intervention leader of the western world. It is about time that the West stopped it international crusade to force all nations into its image, and pillage their resources at the same time. The West has so many problems of its own it needs to work on. Fighting other people's fights should never have been our task. American men should not be dying for foreign causes, they are far more valuable staying home and working for their own country to be improved, as is the case for Australian men.  

American elections should be irrelevant to us here, but they are not, because our country is a satrapy of the US. So, let's hope Trump restrains the warmongers.

List of References

Monday, 28 October 2024

Retro Video Games Are A Waste Of Time?

I came across this article not to long ago, and I find it interesting how disconnected from the mind of the average gamer it really is. Look what this person says,

“A reader worries that retro gaming is become more mainstream and is encouraging publishers to take less risks in terms of making new games.

I have watched the circus surrounding PS Plus Premium with some amusement for the last few weeks and, like everyone, I’ve been confused as to why it seems so rushed and poorly thought out. I was curious only out of a general interest though and not because I had any intention of paying for it. I realised a long time ago that I have no interest in retro games and I’m genuinely surprised to find anyone else does.

A lot of it is nostalgia, I realise that, but I remember when Microsoft started pushing backwards compatibility and I was excited to put in some of my old OG Xbox discs and see how they looked and… I wish I hadn’t because it killed my sense of nostalgia over them. In short, they looked terrible and, in general, they played worse, even with enhancements.

I’m not surprised that PS Plus Premium has relatively few PlayStation 1 and 2 titles, as games from that era just do not stand up, as far as I’m concerned. I think that’s perfectly understandable, given their age and how quickly the games industry moves on but rather than actually doing that it seems we’re spending more and more time looking backwards and I don’t like it….

…And in terms of remasters and remakes, well… it’s obvious why companies do that. Remasters are cheap and remakes have a built-in audience that ensure the game will always be a hit to at least a certain degree.

In other words, retro mean easy money and minimum effort, which is the perfect combination as far as any business is concerned. But I worry that it’s starting to have an increasingly negative effect on gaming, in terms of being able to move onto new ideas and make things that are more than just sequels or rehashes…

…The more retro gaming is idolised the less urgency there is to make anything else.”[1]

The reason retro gaming and remasters are so popular right now is two-fold. Firstly, many, many, many modern games suck. Think of Concord, or any other number of Fortnight/Call of Duty clones, or a host of other titles. There are so many games that come out that just are not that interesting. Then there is all of the DEI[2] that is forced into video games today. The memes are legion making fun of the fact that so many western game developes seem to go out of their way to put unattractive people on the screen for people to both play and watch in modern games.

Just take a look at this image here and note how many of these women in western games are given masculine chins and jaw lines. It is off-putting and enough to throw you out of the game. Of course, the way some people get obsessed over sexualizing characters in games is a problem all of its own. But no one wants to spend their time looking at imaginary people that are simply unpleasant to look at. That is just not how the human mind works. We want our fantasy worlds to be fun, fearsome and attractive.

Think of how remarkable and notable every character in Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy, and the beauty that is on display all through that movie and the variety of ways it is displayed from the high elves to the scenery, to the beauty of life in the shire. There is a reason those movies capture people’s thoughts and imaginations, still to this day. Jackson took Tolkien’s vision and made it look incredible on the big screen. Those movies are filled with the good, the beautiful and the true and people love that. Even the Bible comments on the beauty and attractiveness of many of its characters, because this stands out to people, even prophets. It does not do it in a sexualizing way, but it does account beauty as a notable thing. Western game creators are going out of their way to present uglification with their characters, in much the same way that modern architecture has uglified our buildings, and modern deconstructionism has uglified our literature. This is a pervasive unattractiveness and it drives people away.

There are other reasons why modern games are not always that great either. They have become too simplified, too repetitive, too big, too focused on graphics and not game play. But of course, not all of them are bad. There are stand out exceptions like God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn and Spiderman, but those games are not really new anymore, are they? They all came out in the last generation, and for the latter two their sequels are filled with DEI nonsense. The Chinese made game Black Myth Wukong is a good example of a high quality modern game, and Ghosts of Tsushima is a modern stand out. But good games just don’t seem to be coming out at the same rate they used to.

But the second reason that retro-gaming is so popular is because Millennials are coming into their middle ages and have successfully built some disposable wealth, and many millennials are stuck in a nostalgia loop. There is nothing wrong with liking old movies, music and video games, but millennials seems to be more prone to this kind of nostalgia in all these areas compared to other generations. Think of the amount of remakes and sequels to older movies there are at the cinemas. This phenomenon is not just limited to video games.

When you combine these two things together, the fact that modern games are often just not as good and that many millennials are longing for the fun they had back in the late 90’s early 2000’s, you can understand why this phenomenon of old games being resurrected is so popular right now. Of course, there is a positive side effect of this too, because even some of the largest game developers that have gone woke are starting to go broke (look at you Ubisoft), and as video gaming is one of the easiest things for people to personalize and use to ignore the modern narratives in this world, we might just see gamers lead the way in bringing down some of the worst woke companies out there right now. Who wants modern games to succeed if they are simply cesspools of DEI? Not me, and not most gamers. Gamers just want to be left alone to play stories they like with mechanics they find challenging and interesting.

It is not just nostalgia which is drawing people to older games as well. No matter what console or PC you have had to play games on in the past, in whichever generation it is you can think of, there is an endless library of rolled gold classics that most of us have never played. Why would you pay top dollar for a modern, unattractive game that preaches nonsense to you, when you can pick up any number of console or PC games you have never played and avoid all of that and have even more fun? Most members of the PC master race have a steam library that adds up to hours to be played far beyond their natural lives. Gaming is not just about the latest and greatest thing. It is about relaxing after a big day, or having fun playing co-op with your kids. If gaming companies go woke, that is fine with many gamers, because these companies will run out of money, before we run out of older games to choose from.

List of References

Saturday, 26 October 2024

Christians Will Reign From Jerusalem


Moses was not good enough to take Israel into the promise land. This task was left to Joshua. It had to be Joshua, and none but Joshua, that could lead the people into the promise land. The typology here is incredible and undeniable. Only Jesus can take his people into the promise land.

Many people are aware that Jesus' name in Hebrew is Yeshuah, which is correctly translated as Joshua and means, ‘The Lord Saves’. Jesus is not incorrect, it comes to us through the Greek ‘'Iesous’ and also means Joshua and is transliterated as Jesus. The Joshua that takes his people into the promise land points to the true and final Joshua who will truly achieve this. This typology is not even hidden, it is so powerful and obvious and the New Testament confirms this for us. Hebrews notes that Jesus is the true Joshua who takes us into rest, which is what the land represents, “8 For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken of another day later on. 9 So then, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God, 10 for whoever has entered God's rest has also rested from his works as God did from his” (Heb. 4:8-9) The Joshua of the Old Testament could not fully achieve this. The promised land was given to the Israelites (Josh. 24:14-16), however, not in its completeness because Israel was unfaithful (Judg. 2:1-5). Therefore, the first Joshua failed, but the true Joshua, the Lord Jesus Christ, can succeed and did. So, if you want to inherit the land, or rest, you must trust in Jesus.

Hence neither the conquest of Canaan or the conqueror, Joshua, are ends in themselves. They are both shadows or symbols pointing to the greater fulfilment in Jesus Christ. The Conqueror who will not fail his people and all who trust in him will find rest.

But it gets even cooler, because Joshua is a full-blooded Israelite. Of all military age males of the first generation only he and Caleb were allowed to enter the land. Caleb is accounted of the tribe of Judah, but he did not originate as one the Israelites, Caleb is called a Kenizzite, Caleb the Kenizzite, again and again. The Kenizzites are mentioned in Genesis 15:18-19 as among the Gentiles inhabiting the land God promised to Abraham. So, of all the previous generation of men over the age of twenty in the wilderness after Israel left Egypt, only one Israelite and one Gentile, or a Jew and a Gentile in New Testament speech, inherited the land. A Jew and a Gentile inherit the land together, which was always God's intention. His people were never a people of flesh, but always of faith. Which is why the faithless generation perished in the wilderness.  

The promise was never, ever, for the flesh but only for the people of faith. And it is finally fulfilled in Jesus Christ, the true Joshua who takes his people, Jew and Gentile, into the promise land. This cannot be fulfilled in the modern state of Israel, which is clearly an attempt of the flesh to fulfill that which is the Spirit's job to fulfil, and that is why there is no rest, constant war and never-ending danger. The flesh cannot understand or fulfill the things of the Spirit. This inheritance can only be fulfilled at the coming of Christ, who establishes his kingdom.

Which is why the churches, or congregations, are promised they'll rule in Jerusalem:

"11 I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown. 12 The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will they leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on them my new name. 13 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches." Revelation 3:11-13.

Which is more than likely fulfilled in the future millennial reign of Christ, but carried over into heaven, because the Lord Jesus Christ says,

“25 Only hold fast what you have until I come. 26 The one who conquers and who keeps my works until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations, 27 and he will rule them with a rod of iron, as when earthen pots are broken in pieces, even as I myself have received authority from my Father. 28 And I will give him the morning star. 29 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches’” (Rev. 2:25-29).

And he also says this, “21 The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne. 22 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches’” (Rev. 3:21-22).

The Old Testament prophesied many times that God’s people would rule the world from Jerusalem. This will be fulfilled in the Church, who will hold the power of this world, alongside Jesus, with an iron sceptre. The Church will rule the nations from the centre of the Lord’s glorious kingdom. Joshua may have failed to achieve that kingdom, but a fallen earthly man was never meant to achieve the true victory, this was always something the Lord himself was going to achieve. And he has achieved it and when his kingdom comes, it will be glorious for all who have trusted in him.  


Friday, 25 October 2024

Scientists Can Be Dumb


Sometimes we just need a bit of fun and to remember that being smart does not actually make someone useful to society. This article is hilarious, a bit dated, yes, but still funny because it shows what passes for science can often just be a joke,

“Every day there are new studies, surveys and polls. Some are valuable but most are irrelevant, don't you think? I think so. In fact in just the first four months of 2016 I've come across 8 dump research studies paid for by donors, tuition, grants and taxpayer money. Can an entrepreneur learn anything from this dumb research? Believe it or not, we can. But first, let's go to the data, shall we?

1. Spiderman doesn't exist.

After an extensive analysis, researchers at Cambridge University have concluded that the larger a person is, the more adhesives he would need to stick to a wall, making it virtually impossible for a normal sized human being to have the characteristics of Spiderman. "If a human, for example, wanted to climb up a wall the way a gecko does, we'd need impractically large sticky feet -- and shoes in European size 145 or US size 114," said Walter Federle, senior author also from Cambridge's Department of Zoology. As for Batman, the jury's still out.

2. Most of your Facebook friends are not really your friends.

A study done by an Oxford University professor of more than 3,300 Facebook users in the UK concluded that there were only 4.1 "dependable" friends out of a typical user's 150 Facebook friends. "Friendships," our brave professor concluded. "Have a natural decay rate in the absence of contact, and social media may well function to slow down the rate of decay. However, that alone may not be sufficient to prevent friendships eventually dying naturally if they are not occasionally reinforced by face-to-face interaction."

3. Playing Tetris for just three minutes stops your craving for sex, alcohol and food.

A team of psychologists from Plymouth University and Queensland University of Technology have determined, after many hours of Tetris, that the game can be addicting and distract users from doing other stuff for a while like eating, drinking and having sex. It kind of makes you wonder how they managed to finish the study…”[1]

The article also lists studies that show healthy food and exercise are good for you, and a bunch of other silly things to study because they are commonsense things. But such is the state of science in our world, so much of it is publicly funded so people have to work hard to find things to do to spend the budget money so they can ensure they get their funding for next time around. This sort of bad systemic structure is part of what causes a lot of science to be just junk science.

But it is not just that. Sometimes people want to study ridiculous things. What I find interesting is the Irenaeus, the early Church Father, anticipated this,

“…But if any one should ask us whether every number of all the things which have been made, and which are made, is known to God, and whether every one of these [numbers] has, according to His providence, received that special amount which it contains; and on our agreeing that such is the case, and acknowledging that not one of the things which have been, or are, or shall be made, escapes the knowledge of God, but that through His providence every one of them has obtained its nature, and rank, and number, and special quantity, and that nothing whatever either has been or is produced in vain or accidentally, but with exceeding suitability [to the purpose intended], and in the exercise of transcendent knowledge, and that it was an admirable and truly divine intellect which could both distinguish and bring forth the proper causes of such a system: if, [I say,] any one, on obtaining our adherence and consent to this, should proceed to reckon up the sand and pebbles of the earth, yea also the waves of the sea and the stars of heaven, and should endeavour to think out the causes of the number which he imagines himself to have discovered, would not his labour be in vain, and would not such a man be justly declared mad, and destitute of reason, by all possessed of common sense? And the more he occupied himself beyond others in questions of this kind, and the more he imagines himself to find out beyond others, styling them unskilful, ignorant, and animal beings, because they do not enter into his so useless labour, the more is he [in reality] insane, foolish, struck as it were with a thunderbolt, since indeed he does in no one point own himself inferior to God; but, by the knowledge which he imagines himself to have discovered, he changes God Himself, and exalts his own opinion above the greatness of the Creator.”[2]

What is most interesting about this is that Irenaeus has identified the characteristic of the foolish scientist (or in this case taxonomist?). It is the scientist who puts themselves in the place of God and after finding themselves in this supposed place they end up pursuing insane quests for knowledge,

“? And the more he occupied himself beyond others in questions of this kind, and the more he imagines himself to find out beyond others, styling them unskilful, ignorant, and animal beings, because they do not enter into his so useless labour, the more is he [in reality] insane, foolish, struck as it were with a thunderbolt, since indeed he does in no one point own himself inferior to God…”

How was Irenaeus able to foresee this kind of foolishness in humanity's pursuit for knowledge? Because wisdom begins with the fear of God, and the one who does not fear God will inevitably find themselves following a foolish path. Science cannot survive in a culture that does not submit itself to God. Because the knowledge of God being the creator is the basis of understanding our world to be orderly and rational and therefore knowable. But also because those who acknowledge such a God will seek to pursue orderly, rational and useful science. Apart from God though, anything goes. And where anything goes, things start to fall into chaos. 

List of References

[1] Gene Marks, 2016, These are the 8 Dumbest Research Studies of 2016, Entrepreneur,

[2] Horn, Thomas; Roberts, Alexander; Donaldson, James. The Researcher’s Library of Ancient Texts VOLUME II: The Apostolic Fathers: Includes Clement of Rome, Mathetes, Polycarp, Ignatius, Barnabas, Papias, Justin ... Library of Ancient Texts Book 2) . Defense Publishing. Kindle Edition.

Thursday, 24 October 2024

Free The Hostages


The taking of innocent civilians in hostages is a war crime, and almost everyone finds the practice abhorrent. But it also happens to be something which the Israelis and Palestinians have a record of doing to each other. Israel puts Palestinian political prisoners in various jails across their country, and Palestinians find ways to take Israeli hostages as well. Both sides have a long history of targeting civilians in various ways, and both sides seek to justify their actions. You would think that any national leader worth his salt would be doing all that he could to get the hostages of his people brought home  right?

Well, according to Israeli Newspaper Haaretz not Netenyahu,

“Wednesday night, Channel 12 News' Yaron Avraham, presented a comprehensive report detailing all of the hostage negotiation deals that have been proposed since November, when the last, and only, successful exchange took place.

Presented as a detailed timeline of the last 11 months, the investigation includes never-before-seen documents and previously unheard conversations which highlight Netanyahu's relentless attempts to "Torpedo the Deal," as the segment is titled…

…Over the next nine months, Avraham reported, Israel's negotiation team was sent on what is ultimately a futile mission to secure another deal that would bring home more hostages. Along the way, the investigation demonstrates, Netanyahu did everything in his power to make sure they are not successful. He repeatedly prevented them from traveling to cease-fire talks, or greatly limited their negotiation powers when they are allowed to go.

He walked back several promises he made, including an agreement to end the war, and invents new "non-starters" that were previously never mentioned. He changed his mind, he denied, and he shifted blame to anyone he possibly can. And throughout all of this, he has ministers like Smotrich and Ben-Gvir threatened to leave his government, if a deal moved forward.[1]

Why would Netanyahu not want these deals to go forward? Well, there is significant pressure from his ministers and government not to give in to any demands from the combatants holding their people, for one. And it must be said that Hamas has murdered some of these people, civilians who should not be targets in war, but often are, especially in the Middle East. So the leaders of Israel should be doing all that they could to get them out of captivity.  

I think this is important to bring up because it highlights how often the public image people have of political leaders is so far disconnected from the reality. I am watching a show right now and one of the main characters is this woman who is high up in a drug cartel laundering their money, though its not publicly known. And she gets up in one episode and gives a speech about how her family want to give back to the community to fight against the scourge of drugs that is ripping through the community, and she even mentions her brother was a victim of drugs. She says this, even though she knows he was a victim of her crime cartel and her own actions. But the public image she is presenting to the people is one of a politically connected woman of high character who is seeking to do good, when she is anything but. The writers of this show understand how the world works, what people see and hear from the powerful is anything but the reality. This is often how the powerful act, one face for the people and one face for who they really are. 

In the Australian media, and I am sure this is true for the American media too, the Israeli Prime Minister is being presented as a statesmen, a great man doing all that he can to get the hostages back. When the truth is journalists have revealed this is not the case behind-the-scenes. In reality, he's been tanking these negotiations. So why does he not want to work for the hostages to come back?

Well, one answer is that he is ideologically opposed to negotiating with terrorists,

“A few years later, Benjamin Netanyahu launched ‘the Jonathan Institute’, a counter-terrorism centre named for his late brother, and edited a book called Terrorism: How the West Can Win (1986). In it, he wrote his personal stance on hostage negotiation and counter-terrorism:

All citizens in a democracy threatened by terrorism must see themselves, in a certain sense, as soldiers in a common battle. They must not pressure their government to capitulate or to surrender to terrorism. This is especially true of public pressure on  government by families of hostages. Such pressure can only be called a dereliction of  civic duty. If we seriously want to win the war against terrorism, people must be prepared to endure sacrifice and even, should there be the loss of loved ones,  immeasurable pain.

Decades later Netanyahu’s words have an eerie resonance. As a matter of principle, Netanyahu, based on his personal experience and the idealised legacy of his brother, does not believe in hostage negotiations with terrorists.”[2]

So he is ideologically opposed to negotiating? Except he has at other times done such deals.[3] So, one cannot say that he is entirely ideologically consistent in this area.

Another answer is that he does not want this war to end, because it allows him to stay in power,

“Netanyahu’s stance is also key to his political survival. Oct. 7th took place during a time of unprecedent political division within Israel. After winning the 2022 Israeli elections, Netanyahu formed a ruling coalition with extremist religious and nationalist parties, creating the most right-wing government is Israel’s history. Netanyahu and his coalition partners attempted to pass a ‘judicial reform’ bill that would strip Israel’s supreme court, the only check on its 120-member legislature body, the Knesset, of judicial review powers. Israel had mass protests for nine months that only ended with 7 October and the start of the war in Gaza. Netanyahu’s approval rating plummeted after 7 October, but has recovered. The war has allowed Netanyahu to put the protests behind him and instead portray himself as the protector of Israel.”[4]

So, another possible answer is that this is politically a winner for Netanyahu whose political career and freedom were in danger before this war happened. His hold on power was in fact on the brink. 

Still another answer is that his goal is to completely destroy any semblance of self-rule in Gaza, and a deal would not help achieve that.[5] This even goes as far as drastically decreasing the population of Palestinians in Gaza by trying to drive them out. As the Intercept reports,

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has tasked his top adviser, Ron Dermer, the minister of strategic affairs, with designing plans to “thin” the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip “to a minimum,” according to a bombshell new report in an Israeli newspaper founded by the late Republican billionaire Sheldon Adelson.

The outlet, Israel Hayom, is considered to be something of an official organ for Netanyahu. It reported that the plan has two main elements: The first would use the pressure of the war and humanitarian crisis to persuade Egypt to allow refugees to flow to other Arab countries, and the second would open up sea routes so that Israel “allows a mass escape to European and African countries.” Dermer, who is originally from Miami, is a Netanyahu confidante and was previously Israeli ambassador to the United States, and enjoys close relations with many members of Congress.

The plan to ethnically cleanse Gaza of Palestinians faces some internal resistance from less hard-line members of Netanyahu’s cabinet, according to Israel Hayom.”[6]

If Netanyahu makes a deal that brings the war to an end this puts his Prime Ministership in jeopardy and he loses his chance to clear the Palestinians out of Gaza once and for all. Or at least to break their ability to make any resistance to the increasing encroachments of Israel into their territory. Therefore, for multiple reasons, from his perspective, a hostage deal is not preferred. Israel must keep pushing if it wants to achieve its goals.

This is medieval. This man is clearly on a crusade. Going to war like this on such a scale between two states is a thing of ancient military history, not modern war practice. Yet here we are. And he appears to be willing to take down the entire West to fulfil his crusade. And not one senior western politician seems willing to counteract this quest. The hostages create his public cover, his justification. But in reality he could have done a deal long before now. 

Hamas should release the hostages. So too should Israel release their political prisoners. But at the end of the day both these sides are not really focused on that, they both want dominance over the same land, and this war is really about that. Some Christians are ok with this because they believe it fulfills prophecies in the Bible. Many other Christians condemn the actions of both sides because they are placing the lives of innocent civilians in danger. Either way, we can see that the public image of a leader doing everything he can to get these people back is not the case.

Don’t fall for the public image presented by the media of public leaders, especially leaders who are willing to drop bombs on civilians. Our modern media is a fully captured propaganda arm of the globalist military machine. This war will be condemned by the same media in years to come, just like they now condemn the Iraq war. But that is not good enough. Evil is happening now, and there is every good reason to speak out against it while it is happening.

List of References

[1] Rachel Fink, 2024, “New Evidence Reveals Netanyahu's Relentless Efforts to Block Hostage Deal, Report Shows”

[2] Charlotte Krausz, 2024, “Why Netanyahu Doesn’t Want a Hostage Deal”

[3] Ibid.

[4] Ibid.

[5] Ibid.

[6] Ryam Grim 2023, “Netanyahu’s Goal for Gaza: ‘Thin’ Population ‘to a Minimum’”

Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Argue Like A Father


I have been reading some of the Church Fathers again recently, and I like how Justin Martyr made his case for the truth of Christianity. In one particular document he argues that the Greeks would not be abandoning their ancestors by following the teachings of the gospels and Old Testament prophets, because it is clear from their own prophets and philosophers that they drew some of their ideas from the Old Testament teachings, and that these teachings therefore predate their own ancient ideas. This can be observed in different ways in Greek mythology, though it is also possible that they had similar ideas because they drew them from a more ancient common connection going back to the Tower of Babel. However, it is still interesting how Justin seeks to present his argument in a way that would cause the Greeks to really think.

Another way he makes this argument is by demonstrating that the you can see from the writings of the Greeks that they once held to the same ideas as the Bible, but had wandered from this truth. He writes in one tract,

“Chapter II.—Testimonies to the unity of God.

First, then, Æschylus,[2597] in expounding the arrangement of his work,[2598] expressed himself also as follows respecting the only God:—

“Afar from mortals place the holy God, Nor ever think that He, like to thyself, In fleshly robes is clad; for all unknown Is the great God to such a worm as thou. Divers similitudes He bears; at times He seems as a consuming fire that burns Unsated; now like water, then again In sable folds of darkness shrouds Himself. Nay, even the very beasts of earth reflect His sacred image; whilst the wind, clouds, rain, The roll of thunder and the lightning flash, Reveal to men their great and sovereign Lord. Before Him sea and rocks, with every fount, And all the water floods, in reverence bend; And as they gaze upon His awful face, Mountains and earth, with the profoundest depths Of ocean, and the highest peaks of hills, Tremble: for He is Lord Omnipotent; And this the glory is of God Most High.” But he was not the only man initiated in the knowledge of God; for Sophocles also thus describes the nature of the only Creator of all things, the One God:—

“There is one God, in truth there is but one, Who made the heavens and the broad earth beneath, The glancing waves of ocean, and the winds; But many of us mortals err in heart, And set up, for a solace in our woes, Images of the gods in stone and brass, Or figures carved in gold or ivory; And, furnishing for these, our handiworks, Both sacrifice and rite magnificent, We think that thus we do a pious work.” And Philemon also, who published many explanations of ancient customs, shares in the knowledge of the truth; and thus he writes:—

“Tell me what thoughts of God we should conceive? One, all things seeing, yet Himself unseen.” Even Orpheus, too, who introduces three hundred and sixty gods, will bear testimony in my favour from the tract called Diathecæ, in which he appears to repent of his error by writing the following:—

“I’ll speak to those who lawfully may hear; All others, ye profane, now close the doors! And, O Musæus, hearken thou to me, Who offspring art of the light-bringing moon. The words I tell thee now are true indeed, And if thou former thoughts of mine hast seen, Let them not rob thee of the blessed life; But rather turn the depths of thine own heart Unto that place where light and knowledge dwell. Take thou the word divine to guide thy steps; And walking well in the straight certain path, Look to the one and universal King, One, self-begotten, and the only One Of whom all things, and we ourselves, are sprung. All things are open to His piercing gaze, While He Himself is still invisible; Present in all His works, though still unseen, He gives to mortals evil out of good, Sending both chilling wars and tearful griefs; And other than the Great King there is none. The clouds for ever settle round His throne; And mortal eyeballs in mere mortal eyes Are weak to see Jove, reigning over all. He sits established in the brazen heavens Upon His throne; and underneath His feet He treads the earth, and stretches His right hand To all the ends of ocean, and around Tremble the mountain ranges, and the streams, The depths, too, of the blue and hoary sea.” He speaks indeed as if he had been an eyewitness of God’s greatness. And Pythagoras[2599] agrees with him when he writes:—

“Should one in boldness say, Lo, I am God! Besides the One—Eternal—Infinite, Then let him from the throne he has usurped Put forth his power and form another globe, Such as we dwell in, saying, This is mine. Nor only so, but in this new domain For ever let him dwell. If this he can, Then verily he is a god proclaimed.”[1]

From these sources he shows that the great thinkers among the Greeks were aware that there really was one true God, and all should acknowledge and bow before him. He also shows that the Greeks understood that there will be a final judgement, a reckoning that man will have to make:

Chapter III.—Testimonies to a future judgment.

Then further concerning Him, that He alone is powerful, both to institute judgment on the deeds performed in life, and on the ignorance of the Deity [displayed by men], I can adduce witnesses from your own ranks; and first Sophocles,[2600] who speaks as follows:—

“That time of times shall come, shall surely come, When from the golden ether down shall fall Fire’s teeming treasure, and in burning flames All things of earth and heaven shall be consumed; And then, when all creation is dissolved, The sea’s last wave shall die upon the shore, The bald earth stript of trees, the burning air No winged thing upon its breast shall bear. There are two roads to Hades, well we know;[2601] By this the righteous, and by that the bad, On to their separate fates shall tend; and He, Who all things had destroyed, shall all things save.” And Philemon[2602] again:—

“Think’st thou, Nicostratus, the dead, who here Enjoyed whate’er of good life often man, Escape the notice of Divinity, As if they might forgotten be of Him? Nay, there’s an eye of Justice watching all; For if the good and bad find the same end, Then go thou, rob, steal, plunder, at thy will, Do all the evil that to thee seems good. Yet be not thou deceived; for underneath There is a throne and place of judgment set, Which God the Lord of all shall occupy; Whose name is terrible, nor shall I dare To breathe it forth in feeble human speech.” And Euripides:[2603]—

“Not grudgingly he gives a lease of life, That we the holders may be fairly judged; And if a mortal man doth think to hide His daily guilt from the keen eye of God, It is an evil thought; so if perchance He meets with leisure-taking Justice, she Demands him as her lawful prisoner: But many of you hastily commit A twofold sin, and say there is no God. But, ah! there is; there is. Then see that he Who, being wicked, prospers, may redeem The time so precious, else hereafter waits For him the due reward of punishment.”[2]

The Greeks knew that there was a God and that there would be a judgement. They also knew that they would have to give an account of their actions and that could not just buy their way out of judgement with possessions and money,

Chapter IV.— God desires not sacrifices, but righteousness.

And that God is not appeased by the libations and incense of evil-doers, but awards vengeance in righteousness to each one, Philemon[2604] again shall bear testimony to me:—

“If any one should dream, O Pamphilus, By sacrifice of bulls or goats—nay, then, By Jupiter—of any such like things; Or by presenting gold or purple robes, Or images of ivory and gems; If thus he thinks he may propitiate God, He errs, and shows himself a silly one. But let him rather useful be, and good, Committing neither theft nor lustful deeds, Nor murder foul, for earthly riches’ sake. Let him of no man covet wife or child, His splendid house, his wide-spread property, His maiden, or his slave born ill his house, His horses, or his cattle, or his beeves, Nay, covet not a pin, O Pamphilus, For God, close by you, sees whate’er you do. He ever with the wicked man is wroth, But in the righteous takes a pleasure still, Permitting him to reap fruit of his toil, And to enjoy the bread his sweat has won. But being righteous, see thou pay thy vows, And unto God the giver offer gifts. Place thy adorning not in outward shows, But in an inward purity of heart; Hearing the thunder then, thou shall not fear, Nor shall thou flee, O master, at its voice, For thou art conscious of no evil deed, And God, close by you, sees whate’er you do.” Again, Plato, in Timæus,[2605] says: “But if any one on consideration should actually institute a rigid inquiry, he would be ignorant of the distinction between the human and the divine nature; because God mingles many[2606] things up into one, [and again is able to dissolve one into many things,] seeing that He is endued with knowledge and power; but no man either is, or ever shall be, able to perform any of these.”[3]

These insights from these Greek philosophers show that James was right when he said, “For from ancient generations Moses has had in every city those who proclaim him, for he is read every Sabbath in the synagogues” (Acts 15:21). But they also show that there is a common sense in humanity that there is a God, that he is one and above all, that there will be a judgement, and this judgement will be based on equity not financial success and bribery. This God will judge the living and the dead according to what they have done.

Justin is here showing how these needs in the hearts of man for a way to assuage this divine power point to the truth of the scriptures. What culture has not believed in encouraging sacrifice to escape judgement? Even our modern culture continually preaches that we are facing Armageddon for our unrighteous use of our resources and environment. Humanity just expects to be judged, even if it is just by nature itself. Something inside of all human beings shows that we are both sinners and deserving of punishment. Something in us also causes us to look for a way to escape this punishment. The gospel present us with that way; Jesus Christ. It is only by faith in him that we can escape that judgement.

Justin here shows us how to do apologetics. He shows us that speaking to the common experiences and ideas of humanity that the Bible reflects is a way to provoke their minds to look to the God of the scriptures. Humans have a sense of justice, why? Because we are created by a just God. Humans hate when things are unfair, why? Because we are created by an equitable God. Humans hate being in debt and want their debts forgiven. Why? Because we are created by the God of freedom, who wants us to live free of unrighteous burdens. Humans know that love is more important than gaining possessions. Why? Because we are created by a God of love.

I think Justin shows us that it is as important to speak to a person’s heart as to their head in our evangelism, because God has created us both with a mind to think about him, but also an inbuilt sense that he is there. As Paul says in Acts,

“26 And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, 27 that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us,…” (Acts 17:26-27, emphasis added).

Justin shows us that a powerful method of apologetics is showing people how some of their common ideas gel with the truth of the word of God, and that the word of God fills in the gaps they were searching for. It is an intriguing thought. Modern apologetics is often incredibly dry and fact based, and facts are important, because they are what make up truth that can be known. But humans are not merely rational creatures, we are emotional creatures, we are creatures who sense things as well as think about them. Provoking that sense of being credible is as important as simply presenting rational facts. Showing that those things that some great thinkers have latched onto find their fullest revelation in Jesus Christ is a powerful method of reaching people. This is probably something the evangelical church overlooks today.

List of References

[1] Horn, Thomas; Roberts, Alexander; Donaldson, James. The Researcher’s Library of Ancient Texts VOLUME II: The Apostolic Fathers: Includes Clement of Rome, Mathetes, Polycarp, Ignatius, Barnabas, Papias, Justin ... Library of Ancient Texts Book 2) . Defense Publishing. Kindle Edition.

[2] Ibid.

[3] Ibid.