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Thursday 25 July 2024

Never Give Up, Never Surrender


A good friend of mine, and a Christian brother, someone who’s Christian wisdom and tenacity I have seen in many different ways over the last few years is facing the fight of his life.

Dr Jereth Kok is a doctor in Melbourne who is facing deregistration and the loss of his ability to ever practice medicine again because of his vocal opposition to abortion, transgender surgery and other evils. He has boldly spoken out against evil in our society and is paying the price for it at the moment. The Give Send Go website shares a bit of his story,

“Please support Jereth in a disciplinary case in a Victorian Tribunal where he could be stripped of his licence to practice medicine because of social media posts. Jereth has been suspended for almost 5 years awaiting trial. In July, Jereth will finally face a 5-day hearing to defend his (and all Australian medical professionals’) freedom of speech and religious liberty.

Victorian General Practitioner, Jereth Kok, a well-respected and competent medical professional with 15 years’ experience, was suspended by the Victorian Medical Board in 2019 after being targeted by an anonymous complainant. Jereth had never received a single complaint from any of his thousands of patients he had treated during his career. Yet, the Medical Board pursued selective complaints about Jereth’s social media posts discussing his personal beliefs on religious and political matters like abortion, marriage, Covid lockdowns and transgender ideology.

In August 2019, the Medical Board used its emergency powers to suspend Jereth in the “public interest” while the Medical Board completed its investigation. For almost 5 years, Jereth has been unable to practice medicine and support his family while he has awaited his day in Court.

After five years, Dr Kok will finally have his case heard at a five-day hearing in July. We must ensure that Jereth’s medical license is not cancelled. Jereth is being represented by the Human Rights Law Alliance, and an exceptional barrister team of Jim Peters AM KC assisted by Owen Wolahan, with expert evidence being provided by top experts on theology, clinical practice in gender medicine and Covid science. 

Your support is urgently needed to help Jereth and his team with the expenses of a 5-day trial.

Andrew Thorburn, Israel Folau, Margaret Court, J.K. Rowling and many other wonderful people have all been targeted and lost their jobs for expressing their beliefs on contentious social issues.

For Jereth personally, the last five years have been a trying ordeal. Notwithstanding the fact that as the sole provider for his young family, he was forced to retrain into a new career in order to support them, but he was devastated to be barred from work that he performed diligently and isolated from his patients and colleagues.

“The greatest difficulty at first was the sudden dislocation and uncertainty. Suddenly I had no job, no income, and was cut off from my patients and workplace. I experienced tremendous grief on many occasions, thinking about my many patients who I’d gotten to know so well over many years.”

Jereth has engaged the help of the Human Rights Law Alliance, a not-for-profit law firm specialising in religious freedom cases. HRLA will be working for Jereth on a heavily discounted basis. However experienced barristers and expert witnesses for Jereth’s case are expensive, and essential to run the best defence possible for himself and other medical practitioners.

Legal challenges are expensive. The Medical Board has Government funding behind it. Jereth can’t defend himself alone – He needs your help.

Please prayerfully consider this need.

All money raised will be put into a legal trust account to run Jereth’s case. Any leftover funds will be donated to the general work of HRLA.

Thank you.

 "Hi, this is Jereth! Thank you for reading my story, and for your prayers and support. It’s important that my story is shared widely, so please share this page with others who can add their support.”[1]

As I said I have known Jereth for a few years now and talked with him about many issues, including this ordeal he is going through. He is a true man of God, with a clarity of vision about what the word of God says, and he has not shied back from speaking the truth of the scriptures publicly.

Many people have said over the years that if this or that is wrong with the medical industry why don’t more medical professionals speak out? Well, here is your answer, because if they do they risk losing everything. It is such a hard qualification to get, those who speak out risk the loss of a level of investment many people cannot fathom. Supporting Jereth is important because not only does it protect him from losing his medical license, it will give further support to other medical professionals who feel their conscience driving them to speak out against evils done in the name of health. Medicine is a science, to have speech about medicine restricted for ideological reasons is to effectively kill the ability for true science to happen.

If you can donate to his legal fund that would be great. If you can’t please pray. This is truly a spiritual battle. Jereth's conduct trial essentially breaks down to the idea that Christians will only be allowed to practice medicine if they don’t publicly bring their faith into certain aspects of medicine, aspects which desperately need a Christian voice. So Jereth’s fight is not just against an unjust disciplinary process, but against principalities and powers over this present darkness, but as powerful as they are, Christians praying in unison are more powerful. Please pray for this man, and please consider donating.

List of References


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