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Thursday 4 July 2024

Boomers Are Gonna Keep Booming


This boomer has identified, all on her special own, where true happiness lies, in pursuing the self,

“Adelle wasn't familiar with the term weaponised incompetence before reading our recently published story, but she knew the behaviour intimately.

"I found the difference in effort and care levels beyond annoying," says the 63-year-old from Adelaide, who asked we don't use her real name.

As Adelle watched her children leave home and enter adult life, she feared the same responsibilities of caring while her husband sat on the sidelines awaited her again.

"Developed, capable women with good enough employment and super do not need to stay around to endure burden and the cycle again with grandchildren," she says.

So, after more than three decades of marriage, Adelle "walked out like Shirley Valentine", cycled around Europe, and returned home to live in a caravan.

These are her words…

…'Marriage felt repressive'

Throughout my pregnancies my husband never attended any of my ante- or postnatal visits.

It never occurred to me to ask him, and he certainly never offered.

Throughout having my three children, I was adamant about hanging on to my own income and staying employed…

…I told him I was unhappy about that, and desperately unhappy in general.

So I booked a ticket to Madrid with a friend and that was it. I biked around Europe with a tent and had a wonderful time.”[1]

Isn’t it remarkable how so many in this generation just come to the exact same "independent" conclusion that focusing on themselves, and their pursuits, their career, their happiness, their desires, is the key to true and lasting joy. So many of them just independently come to the exact same narcissistic conclusions: I need to focus on myself more, bye bye marriage, bye bye family, bye bye responsibilities, I am off to discover everything my own way, or fund a new husband or new wife, or new adventure. 

This story is so common and so often told, that it has become incredibly ridiculous, but there are countless boomers who still want to tell you that they have made this journey of discovery for themselves. Like it is some fresh revelation and they are just unique, when in reality they are just rehashing the same old tired tropes that were taught to their generation in the media, music and radio they listened to as kids. They are simply rehashing their own version of the original 1975 Stepford Wives movie, based on a book of the same name, or some other cultural messaging story that was drilled into them in their youth.

It's not like this was the first generation to discover selfishness of course, selfishness has always existed, and was even considered a virtue in many ways in the ancient pagan societies in some contexts. But it does appear that this was the first generation in over a millennia to make selfishness a virtue on the road to self-discovery and self-love. Something changed with the boomer generation, and many of them are stuck in the mindset of the ideologies of their youth, and still pursue them to this day. 

Paul told us there would be a change coming to how people acted in the last days, “1 But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. 2 For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,…” (1 Tim. 3:1-2). Of course, he intended this to apply to the end of days. But I think it applies to some lesser degree also to the declining stages of civilisations in history. These lesser, but still cataclysmic, falls of civilisation point to the final collapse of civilisation in the last days, so of course there will be similarities.

For the younger people reading this, be wary where you see this completely self-focused perspective from the older generations, or really anyone. We are all prone to selfishness, and we all need this sin slain by the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, but there are many out there that see selfishness as a virtue, and not just among the boomer generation. The younger MGTOW’s in the manosphere are another example of this phenomenon. They make a real effort to create a virtue out of teaching men to love themselves in selfish ways. There are other examples too.

This kind of selfishness is poison, run from it like Joseph ran from Potiphar’s wife. It will plague you your whole life if you don’t, it will drive you to end up alone, with your cats, or your dog when you reach your twilight years, when cycling around Europe is no longer an option, and you just wished you had someone else in your life you could share those final moments with. Reject the way of the boomer, for it is the way of the end of civilisation.

List of References

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Adam Had The Authority, Not Eve



All the arguments that Adam and Eve were created equal in authority, and that male headship only came to exist after the fall, collapse down on one point, a point that is central to the gospels, central to the state of humanity and that if one denies they unravel all of Paul's theology of sin.

That point: Eve sinned first, but it was through the disobedience of the man that sin entered into the world, not the sin of the woman. Adam had the authority and responsibility to stop sin in its place, but he failed.

Eve sinned first, but Adam was responsible.

Hierarchy was built into the created order as Paul says explicitly in 1 Corinthians, “3 But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God” (1 Cor. 11:3). Not just hierarchy either, more specifically patriarchy: that is leadership and therefore the responsibility of the man. Nowhere in scripture, not on any page, is this order rescinded. It is in fact reiterated again and again in both covenants and is central to our understanding of sin: The first Adam let sin into the world, the second Adam, Christ, defeated it.

It's no wonder people cannot submit or handle this order in large measure, the first man and woman inverted it. But it is there none the less.

It's not an accident that our egalitarian world is less Christian, egalitarianism strikes at all the most fundamental hierarchies of the Scriptures. Including the initial ones that give us our understanding of how the world fell. Egalitarianism is to the family, what evolution is to concept of creation: a destabilising force, that undermines how God wants us to think about ourselves. Evolution says we are not special, we are products of random chance being modified by natural law (it can't even begin to say how natural law exists). Egalitarianism say that no one should submit unto anyone else, especially not a wife to her husband. It undermines the entire family structure.

To put it more bluntly egalitarianism and the gospel are mutually exclusive concepts. If egalitarianism is right, then the gospel cannot be correct to say that Adam was responsible, and that a man was necessary to reverse Adam's sin. If the gospel is correct, which is the correct position, then egalitarianism cannot be correct because the man was responsible for his charge, the woman.

This is why our egalitarian age is so anti-Chrisitan, the logical impulse of egalitarianism is to reject Christianity which is not egalitarian. The secular egalitarian is just being more consistent and logical than the Christian one, who is building a house of cards under their Christian faith. Not only should you not be surprised that an egalitarian culture is less Christian, you should expect it. As the falsehoods of egalitarianism becomes more and more apparent, you should expect to also see the reverse happen and more and more people be attracted to traditional Christianity, that is if Islam doesn’t get a leg up first.

Monday 1 July 2024

God Help America


God has truly revealed that he has not blessed America, but given it over to judgement with this election. Again there is a choice between two pro-Abortion candidates. One can argue that Trump is better on abortion, and without him Roe vs Wade never would have been overturned, but being more moderate on Child sacrifice is still being pro-child sacrifice, and it's disgusting,

“During the presidential debate Thursday night, former president Donald Trump clarified for the first time his position on abortion pills, saying that he supports a recent Supreme Court decision preserving access to the widely used drug.

Asked whether his position on abortion had changed in the wake of the Dobbs decision, Trump weighed in for the first time on the hot-button issue of abortion pills, endorsing the Court’s ruling that pro-life doctors lacked standing to challenge the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of the abortion pill mifepristone.

“The Supreme court just approved the abortion pill, and I agree with their decision to have done that,” Trump said. He went on to defend the overturning of Roe and argued that each state should be left to draw its own line on abortion access.”[1]

I don't care about Trump's tone. He's actually funny, genuinely funny a lot of the time, a true entertainer, that can even make a hostile crowd laugh with him, that’s a rare skill. I don't care that he's rough around the edges, I'm from a working class background, I find that refreshing most of the time, not like the upper middle class people who are offended by that. I've learnt over the years that smooth speech from powerful people often covers over wicked intent, and many smooth talking politicians have done great evil and this should offend us more than mean tweets every day of the week. I don't care that he's made a lot of personal mistakes, he's owned them and stated that he made such mistakes, everyone has and you can be forgiven that.

But I do care that Trump has announced that he's OK with the abortion pill and believes it should be a state's right issue. This is his current position, so it matters more than the rest. Murder is not a state's right issue, nor was slavery. The states have no right to murder the innocent, they may have the power, but they do not have the right.

This statement by Trump is him signalling that he's not willing to go further on abortion. Why? Because he knows he needs to attract the so-called moderate abortion voter. This shows that God has given over the US to entrenched evil and corruption. I have consistently supported Trump a lot in the past, and often enjoyed how he has pilloried the establishment, but operation Warp-speed and empower Fauci were pretty bad and led the world down a disastrous route. All leaders make mistakes of course, however that was a legacy destroying mistake. But as Calvin said, When God wants to judge a nation he gives them bad leadership. A choice between full on for abortion and half on for abortion is a bad choice.

America is not voting itself out of judgement. Trump’s previous Presidency did more to combat abortion than any previous one. I won't deny that and he probably will achieve some good, much better than the shadowy figures behind Biden. But he's stating plainly that he is still OK with abortion, with the after-conception pill. The majority of the electorate is too, which is why many politicians seek to be “moderate” on abortion, as if you can be moderate on murdering innocent children. America is not a blessed nation, but a cursed one for that reason, and though Trump’s leadership might slow the decline, unless he and his nation repent of this position its decline is ensured.

And yes, the same is true for our nation too, our governments here in Australia are even worse on this, it would be wrong of me to not mention this. I don’t want to see America fall, or my own country either, but this is what happens to nations throughout history that legislate and encourage child sacrifice. So, if we want to see these nations revitalized, they need to reject this evil from their midst, and quickly. Pray that Trump changes his mind on this, and that Americans do as well.

List of References