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Saturday, 21 December 2024

Cars Don’t Kill People


I have been in Europe at Christmas time, I have walked through Christmas markets in France, and seen New Years displays in Germany. I love my country, I think Australia is great. But you realize that we are the backwater of western civilization when you actually get to spend considerable time in the centre of Western society, Europe, especially at Christmas time. It was like being in a Christmas movie. I can tell you the whole time I was there I did not think once that they needed diversity, Europe might not be a utopia, because no such place exists, but it is an incredible place, at least it used to be.

It is a crime what the leaders of Germany and other European countries have allowed to happen. And that is really understating it,

“Magdeburg: What we know so far about German Christmas market attack

Two people have died, including a young child, and dozens more people have been injured, according to local officials, while a 50-year-old man, originally from Saudi Arabia, is said to have been arrested.

A police investigation is under way after a car was "driven at speed" into a crowd at a Christmas market in Germany.

At least two people have been killed, including a small child, and dozens of others have been injured following the incident in Magdeburg, according to local officials.

They say the suspect is a 50-year-old Saudi doctor who first came to Germany in 2006.”[1]

Mass immigration from the Middle East has been a disaster for every single country that has experienced it. Enough is enough already.

List of References

Friday, 20 December 2024

What is the Identity of the Great City In Revelation?


What is the identity of the Mystery city Babylon in Revelation? I have heard many people surmise about the identity of this city in my time as a Christian and pastor. But I have seen far fewer people approach the issue exegetically. When you look at what the Bible says about the city, from multiple biblical angles, there really is only one solid contender. Here is an example of this from something else I am writing,

“We pick up Babylon again in Revelation 16:17-21, at the last bowl judgement. 

“17 The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and a loud voice came out of the temple, from the throne, saying, “It is done!” 18 And there were flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, and a great earthquake such as there had never been since man was on the earth, so great was that earthquake. 19 The great city was split into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell, and God remembered Babylon the great, to make her drain the cup of the wine of the fury of his wrath. 20 And every island fled away, and no mountains were to be found. 21 And great hailstones, about one hundred pounds each, fell from heaven on people; and they cursed God for the plague of the hail, because the plague was so severe” (emphasis mine). 

Clearly in this passage Babylon is “the great city”. Notice that again it is being distinguished from the nations, that is the Gentiles. Some might not see this connection as explicit, perhaps reading “the great city” and “Babylon the great” as different cities. But this does not make sense conceptually because “Babylon” and “great city” were virtually synonymous in the Ancient World. There is a reason that Alexander the Great was so determined to conquer it, and place his throne there, as were many other conquerors equally determined to also do for millennia. But if this is not enough to convince you, then Revelation 18:21 should be. We read there, “Then a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, “So will Babylon the great city be thrown down with violence, and will be found no more…” (emphasis mine). Here, we again are not given the identity of Babylon, but we see that it is “the great city.” Babylon is identified as “the great city” in multiple occasions in Revelation 17 to 18, for instance 17:18; 18:10, 16, 18, and 19. There can be no doubt that “the great city” in Revelation is Mystery Babylon. And we are told in 16:19 that “the great city was split in three parts”.

But what city is Babylon? Is it the city conquered by Alexander? Well, again the Bible helps us, because it interprets itself. This passage is likely harkening back to Revelation 11 which tells us,

“8 and their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city that symbolically is called Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord was crucified…13 And at that hour there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city fell. Seven thousand people were killed in the earthquake, and the rest were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven” (emphasis added). 

Both Revelation 11 and 16 mention “the great city” being damaged by an earthquake. We have also noted that Babylon was virtually synonymous with ‘great city’ in the ancient world. But to first century Jews, particularly godly Jews, what city was “the great city”? Jerusalem, Mt Zion, the City of David. This is very clear, even without having to read that “the great city” is the city “where their Lord was crucified…” Though Jesus was crucified outside the city, outside the camp (Hebrews 13), on the hill of Golgotha, there is only one city associated with his death: Jerusalem. He was not crucified just outside Jericho, or Athens, or Rome, he was crucified just outside of Old Jerusalem, which is now contained within the contemporary walls Jerusalem. This shows the forward-looking nature of this prophecy. So, if both Jerusalem and Babylon are the great city and they are, then Babylon is clearly being used symbolically to refer to “the great city” that apostatized or rejected God.

To add weight to this interpretation, we read in an end times reference in Zechariah 14:4 –

“4 On that day his feet shall stand on the Mount of Olives that lies before Jerusalem on the east, and the Mount of Olives shall be split in two from east to west by a very wide valley, so that one half of the Mount shall move northward, and the other half southward. 5 And you shall flee to the valley of my mountains, for the valley of the mountains shall reach to Azal. And you shall flee as you fled from the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. Then the Lord my God will come, and all the holy ones with him.”

Jerusalem will be split by an earthquake in the end of days, in the midst of being judged by God (cf. Zech. 14:1-3). Now this passage says it will be split in 2, Revelation 16 says it will be split in three parts. But the locus of the Zechariah passage is specifically on the Mt of Olives, so there is no reason that this split could not be one part of the larger split of the whole city of Jerusalem mentioned in Revelation 16. If we take this into account, then when the city is split in three one of those chasms opens up along the Mt of Olives which will be split in two. This shows there is no reason to see a contradiction.

Taking all of this together, there are just too many points of cross reference to swat away the fact that the whore, Babylon, is apostate Jerusalem, or apostate Israel. Remember cities can work as stand ins for the people that originate in that city. The Scriptures often symbolize them in that way.”  

A careful examination of the text in Revelation 17-18 shows us multiple references that point to Mystery Babylon representing Apostate Israel. I encourage you to look at what these chapters say in light of what the Bible says about Israel. I especially encourage you to look at what city in the Bible is responsible for persecuting the prophets and the saints (Rev. 18:24).


They Hate You


They hate you and they hate your way of life. And they are not quiet about, though they will try to dress up their hate for how the ordinary person lives with language about how they care for the environment. They are not quiet about telling you the amount of problems your way of life causes. For one, you are apparently taking up too much room,

“Architect Jeremy McLeod's latest work is a house designed to make you squirm.

"Were you aware that we built the biggest houses in the world in the middle of a housing crisis?" he asks as he guides me through Home Truth, his team's mammoth installation at the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV).

Home Truth, winner of the NGV's 2024 Architecture Commission Design Competition, takes the form of a house mid-build and it stands at a whopping 236 square metres.

"It's the average size of a new Australian home," McLeod says. That puts house sizes in this country ahead of the US, UK, Canada and France.

"Congratulations, Australia. We're the gold medallist."

As with so much of his work — his architecture firm Breathe advocates for sustainability, and McLeod helped establish Nightingale Housing, a non-profit housing provider — there's a message built into his NGV installation that's as compelling as it is beautiful to look at…

…"We exist in a housing crisis and a climate crisis, in a cost-of-living crisis. And do we think the answer to any of those three things is in building the biggest houses in the world?”[1]

The idea that our housing crisis has anything to do with the size of our homes, when we are actually living in the midst of record immigration, is so dishonest only the ABC could actually put such pen to paper (or type this on a screen). We are living in a housing crisis because the current government is bringing in far too many people, and the previous government put over $300 billion on the economy causing a massive inflation spike, and all previous governments for the last 30 or so years have been using immigration to slowly inflate the economy artificially and now that strategy is biting back hard. Before the current wave of immigration and economic stimulus homes were too expensive, now they are way too expensive and hard to get access to.

Immigration has made housing so unattainable for some that over 10,000 Australians are becoming homeless each month,

“Ten thousand extra Australians are becoming homeless each month – a 22% increase in the past three years – according to a new report from UNSW and Homelessness Australia.

It comes as those on the frontline say they are seeing an uptick in people with employment coming in for housing help, including part-time teachers and nurses.

Homelessness services across the country help 95,000 people each month, with the number of new clients who were already homeless before seeking support increasing 9% over the three years to 2023-24, and now exceeding 10,000 a month.”[2]

I have seen this homeless problem firsthand. I don’t just write about this, I also try to do what I can to help the homeless. But the problem is getting worse. There is just too much of it for volunteers to keep up. 

Neither of these articles even mentions that homelessness is being driven by record immigration. They both actually appear to work really hard to avoid mentioning that and both instead call for more government action, for instance, “Governments need to take immediate action and deliver an emergency homelessness investment so that when people reach out for homelessness support there is someone there to help them.”[3] The first action the government should make is stopping immigration, the second is repatriation of all the people who have come in, and the third is to stop subsidizing people who own multiple homes. The government owes no services to foreigners, but only to Australians, who have had their way of life stolen from them by consistent government policy.

You can see that those in power hate our way of life if you just read around a little wider. They want us to live in smaller homes, in crowded cities, with less reliable and enjoyable cars to get around in. I noticed this article the other day condemning Australians for driving Australian cars,

“ We all love an Aussie-made Holden Commodore or Ford Falcon, but a new report has revealed they're responsible for something that has policymakers worried…

…Now that Australia is no longer manufacturing new cars – with Holden the last to shut down its local production lines in 2017 – owners are reluctant to part with their beloved Falcons and Commodores, with cost-of-living pressures making them even less likely to opt for a replacement.

However, according to a new report from the National Transport Commission (NTC), older models like the Holden Commodore are part of the reason Australia’s carbon dioxide emissions intensity is significantly higher than that of Europe and the United States…

…"Seven years after local manufacturing ended, the Holden Commodore and Ford Falcon remain popular, and still in the top 10 of vehicle models on our roads,” the report states…

…But can that love affair last forever if Australia is lagging behind in cutting emissions? Some think not and say it underlines the importance of the upcoming New Vehicle Efficiency Standard (NVES) legislation…

…“There is still more work to be done to boost EV adoption in Australia – the NVES will help but continued support from governments and industry is essential including through purchase incentives, increased infrastructure and regulatory changes.[4]

Do we all love Aussie cars? I know I do, but I doubt this journalist does. There are plenty of advocates like this journalist who want the government to pass laws to get us out of cars we like. I actually own an Aussie car, and it is right inside the bracket of cars that people like this hate. Because it is big, not the best on fuel, but it is also cheap, reliable, easy to fix, comfortable and very nice to drive. Big rear wheel drive cars are popular for a reason. Ford’s and Holdens made in Australia were so popular even long after these companies stopped making these cars they are still in the top 10 of the most popular cars on the road. A sedan is nicer to drive than a 4wd or dual cab ute any day of the week, and much more practical in most situations as well. Their continued popularity tells you that their disappearance from our manufacturing base had nothing to do with demand. These companies went out of business for completely different reasons, which I have addressed here.

Essentially, we are being told in many different ways that we need to live in smaller homes, with more people, and we need to give up the cars we like in “honour of the environment”, we are also told that we eat too much (that one is actually true, people are too obese), and that we use too much energy. We are constantly being told we are the problem and we need to change our way of life to help the environment. Which we all know is nonsense because the environmentalist movement has always been more antihuman than pro-environment.

The truth is that there are very powerful and influential people who hate the fact that Australians live so well, and have so much room to spare. And they want to take this away from us. And they are doing something about it. A recent state government got elected and one of their promises was that they were going to allow first home buyers, who bought their home in part with a government grant, to rent out a room in their new home, and not face the restrictions a previous government had placed on doing this. But this does not solve our housing crisis, it simply means that governments would prefer that you cannot live in peace in your own home, and rather than enact policies to protect our way of life, they are ok with you increasing the living density of people in your house. This is not a solution, this is movement towards WEF goals. The deliberate mass immigration is also being done to make our way of life harder. The government controls the levers of immigration, they are not being forced to do this by trends, it's a deliberate decision. 

Why would they do this? I think it is because the people our leaders really serve hate you and your way of life. All the evidence is there. Every single policy being enacted in recent years makes our way of life harder, more expensive and less attainable for many. This is not by accident. It's too consistent. 

List of References

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

The Problem With Rebuking A Fool


The problem with rebuking a fool is that they often cannot actually understand what you are even saying. The intelligence gap is real, but just because someone is not as smart as you does not mean they are a fool. However, if they are both foolish and less intelligent, you are opening yourself up to a world of hurt just trying to give the person an honest rebuke, feedback, or criticism. A world of hurt. 

As one of my best friends says, “Don’t argue with a stupid person, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.” And as Aristotle has said, some people cannot be taught. No amount of information is enough, because they are not capable of processing the information. Of course, that is my paraphrase of Aristotle, but that is the basic summary of his position on the issue. Some people just cannot process information very well, and when you seek to rebuke them, they will take that, twist it a dozen different ways in their head and then launch into an attack against you and before you know it you are in some stupid fight about some other issue that you never even intended discussing. They dragged you down to their level. 

A good example of this kind of person is the guy at the roundabout, or somewhere else in traffic, that cuts you off and nearly takes you off the road and then turns around and gives you the finger, even though he was completely in the wrong, and there is no way you could have contributed to the situation, except by existing in that place at that moment. This man is a fool, he is so foolish, that he thinks your existence is some kind of impediment on his right, will, or desire to do whatever he likes on the road, and so when you are in his way, you are the problem, even though you did no wrong. What would be the use of seeking to reason with such a man? 

A man of understanding is very different to this. Solomon notes, “A rebuke goes deeper into a man of understanding than a hundred blows into a fool” (Prov. 17:10). Solomon here is agreeing with both Aristotle and my friend. He is noting that there is no point reasoning with some people, because they cannot learn, they are unteachable in the most basic definition of that term, and seeking to reason with them is only going to cause you more pain, frustration, or anguish. It is a pointless endeavour, like decaf coffee. As he says elsewhere, “Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself” (Prov. 26:4). This is the biblical way of saying, don’t argue with a stupid person, because he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. 

One way to avoid being dragged down to this level and being made like the fool, is when you are arguing with such a person, you need to stay relentlessly on track. You need to make sure that you don’t fall into the trap of going down the little side trails and alley ways that the person is going to launch at you to try and get the upper hand. They will try insults, they will attack your character, they will seek to impute you with the guilt of your ancestors and your ancestors enemies. They will bring up any flaw or fault you have committed in the conversation and make it about that very little thing. Or they will bring up any wrong you have done them in the past with a recollection that will surprise you and momentarily throw you off guard, because they will display the recall of a highly advanced debating machine that belies their lack of understanding in many other areas. But remember, this is their skill set. They think not in abstract thoughts and concepts, but in rhetorical flourishes of emotions, so they are experts at bringing up emotive attacks in rapid succession. If you argue with a stupid person they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience…See that? My friend was absolutely right. 

Another approach would be to just not engage with them. 

Of course, sometimes a fool needs to be rebuked, “Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes” (Prov. 26:5). This Proverb may appear to contradict the previous one which says do not answer a fool according to his folly. But, remember, the book of Proverbs is not a list of rules for life, it is a series of observations about wisdom, and the wise man knows that one situation calls for one sort of the response, and another calls for another. Sometimes it is necessary to fight fire with fire, so as to get through to the person you are rebuking. Sometimes this how you help the fool become wise. However, I would advise you to do this rarely and sparingly, because the previous Proverb is more applicable in most situations. 

However, it is legitimate to sometimes respond to the rhetorically inclined in an argument with rhetoric of your own. Just be aware, that when you seek to hit someone’s emotions, you will get an emotional response. And that response can be unpredictable. You might break through, you might cause them to recoil back and launch an even worse barrage at you. What you can be confident of though is that they will understand what you are saying when you do that, better than they will understand any well-reasoned and thought out argument that you can put together. Using logic with the illogical is illogical. Yet how many times have you sought to do that very thing? Even the person capable of complicated reason can find themselves doing what is irrational. 

Part of the reason this happens is that we tend to think that everybody is the same and with just the right amount of education and intelligence they will be able to understand what you are saying. But Aristotle, Solomon and my friend have all noted that this is not the case. If we can’t accept this, then the biggest irony of all is that we then become the fool incapable of instruction. You see that? That’s fascinating, isn’t it. 

Monday, 16 December 2024

Gender Movie Swap

It has been done. It's called Mrs Doubtfire, and looking back on that movie it was creepy and terrible.

In fact, while we are thinking about this, is it not incredible just how degenerate some of those old beloved movies for kids were? I can’t imagine watching this movie today in the same humourous light I did when I was a kid. This movie was pushing an agenda that now has become so public and so heavily promoted, transgenderism, that there is no humour in it at all. It is just creepy. 

Saturday, 14 December 2024

Dr William Bay Vindicated


A man I have personally met on several occasions, a man whose faith I have personally witnessed, and who’s boldness I have also personally seen, has been vindicated in court,

“Supporters have clapped and cheered in court after a doctor who clashed with regulators over COVID-19 vaccines had a medical ban lifted.

Dr William Anicha Bay had his registration as a medical practitioner suspended by the Medical Board of Australia on August 17, 2022 in response to five complaints involving his anti-vaccine activities.

Brisbane Supreme Court Justice Thomas Bradley overturned that suspension on Friday after finding Dr Bay had been subject to "bias and failure to afford fair process" over complaints unrelated to his clinical practice.

Justice Bradley said he was not entering the debate about COVID-19 vaccines.

"The court is concerned only with whether the decision or the conduct (of the medical board) was free from an error," Justice Bradley stated.

One of the complaints was that Dr Bay had posted a social media video claiming COVID-19 vaccines had killed his patient and harmed others.

Another complaint stated Dr Bay had attended an anti-vaccination protest outside the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) office in Brisbane in July 2022.”[1]

The title of this article is misleading because these Covid-19 jabs were not and are not vaccines, they are something else entirely. It should read, ‘Bold Doctor Who Spoke Out is Vindicated.’ And he has been. The medical board abused its power in stepping him down.

You will often hear people say, “If these vaccines are so bad, why don’t doctors speak out?” The answer is simple, they know they will be punished if they do. Some doctors are bold and brave people, but there is nothing inherent to medicine which makes someone bold. Doctors are largely bookish types with moderately high, to high intelligence, who posses incredibly good discipline which is necessary to complete a complicated series of education, tests and trials to become doctors. This bodes well for their ability to fulfil their roles to some degree, it does not breed courage, and many doctors are so thoroughly trained to follow procedure by the end of that process, they are generally disinterested in rocking the boat. Couple that with fear of reprisals from the bureaucracy and many stay silent. 

But some doctors do speak out, and with these Covid not-vaxxes the numbers of medical professionals speaking out is incredible. The question is are you listening?

List of References

Friday, 13 December 2024

Has Standing With Israel Blessed America (Part 4).


The Corruption of the West

I remember in high school leading up to the senior years, grade 11 and 12 for us in Australia, that I had to choose my elective subjects for the final two years. Among my choices I had to make a choice between Modern History and Geography. I had always loved history and it was my favourite subject currently in grade 10, but my interest was really in ancient history. I loved to read about Egypt, Babylon, Sumer, Persia, Greece and Rome, and all of the interesting things that occurred with those eras. I particularly liked the parts of ancient history where we had missing information, like with the ancient Mesopotamian societies and pre-Hyksos Egypt. The inherent mystique involved in reading about those societies intrigued me. So, when I had the choice of Modern History and Geography it was really a coin toss for me, as neither were really my area of interest, so I chose Geography. This subject was so boring by halfway through year 12 I had completely checked out. I also could not have been more wrong about Modern History, not only is it interesting, it has endless mystique in its own way.  

This all happened of course before I realized how much we live in a world of lies. Students of ancient history know that most written history in that early era is either the accounting records of traders and debt collectors, or the official histories of conquering kings and emperors. Therefore, so much of what we find in the written accounts of these kings needs to be taken with a grain of salt, and compared to the surrounding archaeological record, and, where it can be found, the competing histories of rulers who opposed those kings. With these various sources we can build somewhat of a picture of the ancient world, that becomes much more detailed as we get into the classical era and after that. But what I did not realize is just how deceptive modern historians can be as well.

I would never go so far as to say there is no such thing as objective history, but all history is written for a purpose. Even the most reliable ancient history we have, the Bible, is written with a theological agenda in view. It is virtually impossible to find unbiased history. Perhaps the best example we have of this is the Scriptures, which were largely written by the critics of the ruling elites in Israel and Judah, though not always, sometimes it was written by the rulers (Moses and David both contributed to Scripture for instance). Even the biblical writers were selective in what events they told as they were seeking to teach the importance of following God not seeking to merely chronicle everything that happened. Though unlike other historians they stuck exclusively to the truth. Outside of that we find great testaments to those seeking to write chronicles and histories of peoples, and empires, but even those people had their own biases.

This propensity for people to cloud the truth shines bright and evident in modern western society. They say, as we all know, history is written by the victors, this is not always true, but the histories of the victors often carry the day more than not. We see the way that the West thinks about itself in how we have spoken about many events in the last century or so. Britain and America have framed themselves as champions of liberty in both World War One, and World War 2. American has been claiming to fight for democracy against the evil Nazis, then Communists, then Islamic terrorists, then just “terror” itself, across the world. Currently today much of the western elites, and many among the population believe this to be the case. America and its allies claim to be on the side of righteousness in Ukraine, and Gaza, and Syria, and any number of other smaller but no less devastating conflicts. The West sees itself as the liberators of mankind. I even think it once genuinely believed this, and maybe even once, at least in part, it actually fulfilled this role. After all, how can one not laud the British for using its Navy to put an end to the African slave trade across the oceans? But in this fog of narrative, it is becoming clearer to more and more people just how evil the Western powers have come. There are many reasons for this, but one has been the West’s support or empowerment of terrorism in Israel. Nothing shows just how shallow and wicked the modern western elite have become like their empowerment of this wickedness.

I mentioned briefly in a previous piece how Britian was thanked for its support in establishing the nation of Israel by Jewish terror attacks on British personnel, but before I go further, I need to give more details on this. In 1939 Britian released a White Paper which recommended severely limiting Jewish immigration to Palestine. Britian was instrumental in setting up the Israeli nation, but their intentions were not all charitable, or necessarily intended to create an independent nation. From the mid-19th century there were both Christian and Jewish Zionist groups advocating for the re-establishment of a nation for Jewish people, by the early 20th century these groups had settled on Palestine as the place for Colonialisation. But Britian also had geo-strategic reasons for wanting to claim the land, as I have mentioned elsewhere, they could not countenance the French taking the land. But also remember the British Empire was still at its peak in early 20th century and was looking for where to expand next. The Middle East had not yet been carved up by the Western powers, so Britian, and other European powers, had their eyes on that region as the Ottoman Empire collapsed during World War 1. Britian wanted Palestine, and it wanted to encourage Jewish settlement, but it also wanted to walk the line between support for Jewish and Arab interests in the region. This set it in conflict with radical Zionists.

Many Jewish nationalists in Palestine could not tolerate the fact that Britian intended to stay, and that it also intended to support Palestinians as well as Jewish immigrants. One of those groups was the Stern Gang,

“Stern Gang, Zionist extremist organization in Palestine, founded in 1940 by Avraham Stern (1907–42) after a split in the right-wing underground movement Irgun Zvai Leumi.

Extremely anti-British, the group repeatedly attacked British personnel in Palestine and even invited aid from the Axis powers. The British police retaliated by killing Stern in his apartment in February 1942; many of the gang’s leaders were subsequently arrested. The group’s terrorist activities extended beyond Palestine: two members assassinated Lord Moyne, British minister of state in the Middle East, at Cairo (November 1944). Later the Stern Gang attacked airfields, railway yards, and other strategic installations in Palestine, usually with success, though at heavy loss in members killed or captured. After the creation of the state of Israel (1948), the group, which had always been condemned by moderate leaders of the Jewish community in Palestine, was suppressed, some of its units being incorporated in the Israeli defense forces. Unlike the Irgun Zvai Leumi, a precursor of the Ḥerut (“Freedom”) Party, the Stern Gang left no political party to carry on its political programs.[1]

Another was Irgun Zvai Leumi,

Irgun Zvai Leumi, Jewish right-wing underground movement in Palestine, founded in 1931. At first supported by many nonsocialist Zionist parties, in opposition to the Haganah, it became in 1936 an instrument of the Revisionist Party, an extreme nationalist group that had seceded from the World Zionist Organization and whose policies called for the use of force, if necessary, to establish a Jewish state on both sides of the Jordan River.

Irgun committed acts of terrorism and assassination against the British, whom it regarded as illegal occupiers, and it was also violently anti-Arab. Irgun participated in the organization of illegal immigration into Palestine after the publication of the British White Paper on Palestine (1939), which severely limited immigration. Irgun’s violent activities led to execution of many of its members by the British; in retaliation, Irgun executed British army hostages.”[2]

These terrorist attacks by these groups were designed to put pressure on the British government to remove its Mandate Rule from the region. After WW1 Britian had established the British Mandate in Palestine and were ruling it as they had many colonies in the past. Britian’s rule was at times harsh as they came down with a hammer both on Arab and Israeli opponents to their presence. Such is the way of empires; people chafe under foreign rule. But the legacy of this British Mandate rule, which ended in 1948, was to empower many of these terrorists to become part of the official Israel state.

These attacks culminated in 1946 with the King David Hotel bombing in Jerusalem. But their legacy, as I have said, was the leave in the Middle East a powder keg for conflict,

“After the creation of Israel in 1948 Irgun’s last units disbanded and took the oath of loyalty to the Israel Defense Forces on September 1, 1948. Politically, it was the precursor of the Ḥerut (Freedom) Party, one of Israel’s most militant right-wing groups, which later merged with the Liberals into the Gaḥal Party. See also Stern Gang.”[3]

You don’t hear much about this in the official discourse of the establishment of Israel, do you? It is often framed from the perspective that poor harassed European Jews just moved to an empty land to start their new lives. But the truth is far removed from the reality. The establishment of Israel happened in the context of the fall of an ancient empire, the Ottoman Empire, and there were three broad militaries powers at play in the aftermath of this collapse: the British Imperial overlords, the rising Jewish nationalists, and the disenfranchised and much weaker Palestinians or Arabs. This was a military conquest at heart, and a violent one. Those who know it well know that the Palestinians have a word for what happened after the UN established Israel in 1948, the Nakba, or the Catastrophe. Britian left in 1948 and abstained from voting for the establishment of Israel. But it had already left its mark on the region, it had left the ingredients for an ongoing conflict that is still raging to this day.

But, why do I bring this up, when our topic is discussing how standing with Israel blessed America? Simply because from the very beginning of the establishment of Israel the global empire has empowered a terrorist element to be present in Israel. As you saw above, these terrorists were in large part neither charged or prosecuted, but were incorporated into the IDF. And right after this military force was to go on and drive tens of thousands of Palestinians out of their homes and into places like Gaza, Egypt or Jordan, with violent force. You might respond that the Israeli military were simply responding to the violence of the inhabitants of the land. But do you hear what you are saying if you respond that way? How do you expect people to respond to being disenfranchised in their own land?

I take us back to the founding of Israel and the terrorist attacks that the British suffered to show that the modern conflict is simply a perpetuation of this same conflict for control over the land. And to this day westerners, and even Christians, both support and empower terrorism in that land and region, because of their support for the state of Israel and for many their belief that it needs to be re-established to fulfill God’s will for the end times.

A good example of this is the plan to rebuild the temple. Stephen Sizer writes, 

“It gets more ominous still. On January 8, 2001, former Shin Bet secret service chief Carmi Gillon and former police commissioner Assaf Hefetz, together with leading Israeli academics, delivered a report to the then Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, detailing their concerns regarding plots by Jewish extremist groups to blow up the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque. Keshev, the Centre for the Protection of Democracy, based in Tel Aviv, founded by Gillon and Hefetz following the assassination of Rabin, published a 12 page report entitled, ‘Target Temple Mount’, which examined current threats to the Temple Mount from extreme militant and Messianic groups. The report claimed, 'The Temple Mount is like a smouldering volcano that is bubbling and threatening to erupt - a threat that is liable to endanger Israel's existence.'”[4]

This might seem quite extreme, but is it any different than what some of the more extreme founders of the nations did to get rid of the British presence? No, it is precisely the same kind of activity. Now, of course, not all Israelis would support such an effort, but my point is not to examine just how many do. My point is to show how standing with Israel has morally corrupted the West, and especially the church. As Sizer explains,

“And the tragedy is that some Christians are ready to light the fuse. On the same day, around 500,000 secular, religious and ultra-Orthodox Jews gathered near the Temple Mount at the Western Wall ‘and swore faithfulness to the Temple Mount and Jerusalem.’[154] Six months later, in July 2001, the Rabbinical Council of Judea, Samaria and Gaza called on all rabbis to bring their communities to visit the Temple Mount. This was the first time a group of rabbis representing a significant proportion of the religious Jewish community had ruled it permissible for Jews to ascend the Temple Mount. Previously this had been forbidden. The rabbis also called upon the Yesha Council of Jewish settlements to organize mass visits to the Temple Mount from the settlements.[155] So what on earth would lead so many Jews and Christians to agree on such a provocative and dangerous plan that could very well start World War 3? As scary as it may seem, they simply believe the Bible not only predicts but indeed requires them to help rebuild the Jewish temple, with no fear of the consequences. Let’s consider their arguments.[5]

And as with all passionately held beliefs, even those which are in error, many Christians are seeking to do all that they can to see the “prophecy” fulfilled,

“Lindsey must be living on another planet when he suggests a future Jewish temple could be built right alongside the Dome of the Rock. Somehow I don’t think the Muslim authorities are going to agree to move it elsewhere or allow a Jewish temple to be built alongside it. But Lindsey claims it could revive the Israeli economy and become ‘the greatest tourist attraction in the world’. He goes on to say, ‘Right now, as you read this, preparations are being made to rebuild the Third Temple.’

On the last point at least, Lindsey is right. Building a temple with all the fancy architectural detail stipulated by Ezekiel is going to be pretty expensive. So who is going to foot the bill? You guessed it – gullible Christians who believe they are helping speed the return of Jesus. I was in Colorado Springs recently when Gershon Salomon was also speaking – in his case at one of the largest churches in town, raising funds for his organization. Grace Halsell estimates that at least $100 million a year is being raised by some rather well-known televangelists and church leaders to rebuild the temple. And if you want to know where to send your own donation, Randall Price in his book, The Coming Last Days Temple, provides you with the contact details of all the Jewish organizations committed to rebuilding the Jewish temple.[168]”[6]

And these people are not ignorant of the potential consequences of this kind of action,

“It seems that it is more a question of ‘when’ not ‘whether’ this happens. Speaking at a Christian Zionist conference in Jerusalem recently, Gershon Salomon stated:

The Israeli Government must do it. We must have a war. There will be many nations against us but God will be our general. I am sure this is a test, that God is expecting us to move the Dome with no fear from other nations. The Messiah will not come by himself, we should bring him by fighting.”[7]

I have heard many people argue that Christian support for Zionism is a harmless religious belief. But nothing could be further from the truth. First British and now American support for the establishment of Israel has caused these western nations to empower violence both in the land of Promise and beyond, all because of an errant belief that standing with Israel would bring blessing to the West. $100 million dollars a year is being raised by Christians alone to rebuild the temple, even though everyone knows this will likely precipitate the largest war seen in the modern Middle East, and that is saying something. This is beyond reprehensible. Not to mention it is against Christian teaching to say any building can truly be the temple of God. Christ is the temple, and he dwells both in his Church and in individual believers.

Coming back to my introduction, I don't remember learning about any of this in school, university, or in the churches I grew up in, though it is known by mainstream history. I referred to Encyclopedia Brittanica in this piece for a reason, to show these events are not debated, they are well established. Despite this, the recreation of Israel was always framed as this miraculous event that proves God’s word to be true, and also as an act of justice for harassed European Jews. That was the official story. But in reality, it was and is a violent conquest that is ongoing, and to stand with it has caused many Christians in the West to both stand with, pray for and materially support great evil. No wonder the Western Church is so decrepit. How many prominent Christian leaders can we all think of that unquestionably throw their support behind the expansion of Israel, and how many also want to see the temple rebuilt? To rebuild the temple, according to Christianity, is blasphemy. Yet many Christians want to see it done because of their view of the end times.

As recently as this last week we have seen how this standing with Israel has degraded the west. For years now the West has been punishing Syria with sanctions, and now that country has collapsed and been overtaken by jihadists as a result. And who has publicly taken credit for the collapse of another state into the hand of Islamic radicals? The leader of Israel,

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has claimed that the fall of Bashar Assad’s government in Syria is a “direct result” of Israel’s military campaign against Hezbollah and Iran.

Anti-government forces, including Hayat Tahrir-al-Sham (HTS) jihadists and US-armed Free Syrian Army militants, stormed Damascus on Saturday, as the Syrian Army stood down and Assad – according to the Russian Foreign Ministry – left the country for an unknown destination. HTS leader Abu Mohammed al-Jolani, a former al-Qaeda commander, proclaimed victory in a televised statement on Sunday, declaring that “the future is ours.””[8]

The leader of Israel takes credit for wrecking his region further, and much of the western media celebrate this as a victory and the result of combined U.S. and Israeli efforts in the region. Western leaders are admitting to having supported jihadists with their actions, which also have further destabilised an already unstable region. At many points America’s standing with Israel has degraded it morally in the eyes of much of the world. But what is worse is how much of the Church in Australia and America support these efforts, either knowingly and not caring, or unknowingly and not caring to investigate, because they have bought into a false narrative of modern history that we in the West are the good guys. None of this sounds like the actions of the good guys, does it? Till next time.

List of References

[2] Ibid. 

[3] Ibid

[4] Sizer, Stephen. Zion's Christian Soldiers: The Bible, Israel and the Church . Kindle Edition.

[5] Ibid. 

[6] Ibid. 

[7] Ibid. 

Thursday, 12 December 2024

Puberty Blockers Banned



The UK has banned puberty blockers for minors,

“The United Kingdom indefinitely banned puberty blockers for children after warnings about an "unacceptable safety risk" on Wednesday.

Wes Streeting, the U.K.’s secretary of state for Health and Social Care, announced the ban would affect everyone younger than 18.

"We need to act with caution and care when it comes to this vulnerable group of young people, and follow the expert advice,” Streeting said.

The declaration from the British government comes after the Commission on Human Medicines found there is “an unacceptable safety risk in the continued prescription of puberty blockers to children.”

With the commission’s report revealing that puberty blockers were prescribed to minors who filled out only one online questionnaire and completed a single Zoom call, Streeting said Wednesday that there was “particular concern” about whether the “children and their families were provided with enough time and information to give their full and informed consent.”[1] 

Now the prosecutions of the doctors who prescribed these puberty blockers to children should begin. This was only and ever child abuse, and it is about time that this practice was banned.

I remember when I was a kid you would hear teachers at school often talk about how evil China was for allowing the practice of foot binding. This was the practice of binding little girls' feet to stop them fully growing. I remember thinking how cruel and evil it was. I am not sure what sort of support this practice has in modern China, but blocking the natural development of children through puberty is just as, if not more, cruel than binding little girls feet.

If you are wondering how such obvious cruelty can ever happen in a society, the answer is really simple. Human beings are depraved. We need great restraints on our sin to have a relatively stable and just civilisation. But when you remove those restraints then that evil can develop in often unpredictable and cruel directions. Practices like sub-incision of the penis in Australian Indigenous culture, or the stretching of the neck in some African tribes, or blood rituals, can become common and even important rituals among a people when those restraints are removed.

This is because humans are not simply material beings. We are spiritual beings as well and we exist in a world where spiritual good and evil exist. When we ignore the Lord Jesus Christ and reject his message, we ignore the only champion who can hold back those evil spiritual beings. This is precisely why depravity has escalated in the West as people have moved away from Christianity.

Praise be to God though, that there are still people advocating for the truth even in our degenerate western countries. But this war between good and evil will not end until the final day, until then we must be vigilant. The evil one will continue to try and harm people, especially the powerless like children, as much as he can. It is our job to oppose him and call out evil when we see it.

Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Clownworld Takes New Ground


Netanyahu claims credit for destabilising the Middle East, and empowering Jihadists to take control of Syria.

"Anti-government forces, including Hayat Tahrir-al-Sham (HTS) jihadists and US-armed Free Syrian Army militants, stormed Damascus on Saturday, as the Syrian Army stood down and Assad – according to the Russian Foreign Ministry – left the country for an unknown destination. HTS leader Abu Mohammed al-Jolani, a former al-Qaeda commander, proclaimed victory in a televised statement on Sunday, declaring that “the future is ours.”"[1]

It's baddies verse baddies over there.

It's incredible what is being openly revealed in our day. Incredible. Of course, those paying attention have known this for some time, but now it is becoming more and more public. 

George Christensen the former National Party MP from Qld has some interesting things to say about this defeat of Syria as well,

“On December 8, 2024, the Syrian government fell in what can only be described as an engineered collapse. Bashar al-Assad, who held Syria together through years of war, fled to Russia as Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS)—a rebranded Al-Qaeda front—seized Damascus. But make no mistake: this wasn’t the result of some grassroots revolution. This was an operation orchestrated by globalists, with the United States, Israel, and Turkey at the helm, cheered on by the sycophantic Western media.

What’s worse, this disaster has left Syria’s ancient Christian communities in grave danger. And all the while, the same people who brought us this chaos have the gall to pretend they’re champions of freedom and democracy…

HTS: Terrorists in Disguise

The media want you to believe HTS is some kind of moderate opposition group. Don’t buy it. Their leader, Abu Mohammed al-Jolani, was Al-Qaeda’s top man in Syria. He didn’t suddenly change because his group got a new name. HTS is enforcing Sharia law, targeting minorities, and silencing dissent. Yet the media has whitewashed them to justify years of intervention.

This group’s rise is a direct result of the U.S.’s reckless policies. The Obama-era “red line” debacle—where Assad was threatened but nothing was done—paved the way for Russia to step in, and now, with Russia bogged down in Ukraine, the globalists are making their final move.”[2]

The American and Israel alliance has been punishing Syria with sanctions, bombings and more for years now. It is actually remarkable how long the nation was able to stand up against the ongoing onslaught, but eventually things needed to crack. Though the speed of its collapse has surprised everyone. Syria has now been overtaken by Islamists, and as Christensen points out it is Christians who are likely going to suffer the most.

What I find most incredible though is that Netanyahu, the darling of many evangelicals and someone that many Christians think is anointed by God to restore the promise land to his people, was taking credit for destabilizing the region and making it possible for these Jihadists to take over Syria. Openly. 

I have read some interesting reasons why Russia did not do more to intervene, but I suspect it is mostly because they are focused on securing their own borders at the moment, and rescuing Syria was not at the top of their priority list. Some people have suggested other reasons, but as I know nothing about that, I will leave it for you to investigate those other possibilities if it interests you. Exactly why they did not save Syria is not important, what is important to note is that once again Christians are hung out to dry, along with all other Syrians, and the West and Israel have both once again emboldened and empowered violent radicals to take the Middle East further back into the dark ages.

If you find it shocking that the West would align so closely with Jihadists, remember James Bond, MacGyver and Rambo. What on earth am I talking about you ask? Don’t you remember that all three of these men allied with the Mujahedeen, the precursors to the Taliban, in the 1980’s to fight against the Soviets? Bond in The Living Daylights, Rambo in Rambo 3, and MacGyver in an episode of his T.V. show by the same name. That’s right all three of these men were given stories designed to sell the idea that the Afghan rebels were good guys, when less than two decades later the same country, the U.S., was fighting the very same resistance groups they once held as heroes. This is pretty common in war, and especially in the Middle East. Any power that seeks influence there becomes an evil hypocrite, and allies itself with genuine bad guys. Watch this video for a detailed discussion of how America has allied itself often with Jihadists. And in the middle of these Middle Eastern wars it is always Christians who suffer the most at the empowering of radicals and the destabilization of the region.

Not that Israel or the U.S. care about that. One could even surmise that the abandonment of Christians in the region serves their overarching goals. Afterall, globalism has more in common with Sodom than the heavenly Jerusalem, and their actions prove this again and again.

World War 3 continues to escalate as more and more nations are drawn in, and borders are being rewritten in multiple parts of the globe. Clownworld has taken new ground, of course, now we must see if they can hold it, and what the consequences of this increasing instability will be. I suspect it will not go according to their plans. But we will have to wait and see.

List of References

[1] RT, 2024, “Netanyahu claims credit for overthrowing Assad”,

[2] George Christensen, 2024, “The Syria Deception: The West’s Dirty War That Toppled Assad and Doomed Christians”,