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Monday 9 September 2024

Reason 59,642 Why Mass Immigration Sucks


There are many reasons why mass immigration sucks. Your nation loses its ethnic and cultural identity, suddenly everyone is calling themselves by your national identity, while also at the same time seeking to change your country to more closely reflect their own. There are the social and cultural issues with immigration that bring increasing division. The Putnam study on immigration from the early 2000’s proved conclusively that large amounts of immigration lower social cohesion, increase criminality, and fracture society. There are the economic problems associated with immigration, companies can lobby governments to bring in skilled and unskilled workers to compete with the local workforce, which suppresses wages, and also can lower the quality of work being done in that sector, and the mass migration of people splits families into more and more splintered groups, spread across nations and even globally. The case against mass immigration is a strong case. Here is another reason why it sucks.

(Note: before I go further, I don’t distinguish between legal or illegal immigration, for one they have the same effects on nations, secondly, if you immigrate illegally to Australia, you will have a bus load of dyscivilisational lawyers who will clog up the courts for years fighting for your “right” to stay somewhere you had no right to come in the first place. So it is a foolish distinction).

Why would governments have to work out ways to solve working conditions for local employees, when if there is a shortage in any particular sector they can simply import more people to fulfil those roles. Mark my words, this will be the largest part of the solution to the teacher shortage Australia is currently facing,

“Ater 25 years of teaching across several Perth and country schools, both public and private, the workload and pressure became too much for Hayley Gale in the middle of last year.

That was when she quit teaching

She had gone to the doctor because she was experiencing "heart palpitations" and "breathing issues".

"I had actually started to get physical symptoms of stress," she said.

"I did all of these tests and it was nothing, and then I sort of worked out when I was getting those heart palpitations, it was related to stress."

Mrs Gale said these physical symptoms of stress were "the trigger" for her to walk away.

"It's not a school, it is every sector and the pay's not the issue 'cause there are other times when I was getting paid more [and I was more burnt out] — it's the work-life balance, it's having basically no life."

She is now working as a donor coordinator at a fertility clinic in Perth's western suburbs.

She was told about the job by a friend — also an ex-teacher.

"I thought, 'I can't leave my students in the middle of the year,' but I knew I'd regret it if I didn't [take the job] because I knew, physically, I just could not keep doing it," she said.

Mrs Gale is not alone. Education researcher Saul Karnovsky has warned burnout is driving teachers out of the profession in droves, exacerbating staff shortages around the country.

The federal Department of Education has predicted that by 2025 demand for secondary teachers in particular will exceed the supply of new graduate teachers by about 4,100.

It has cited an aging workforce and a dwindling number of new teachers as major factors in the shortage.

However Dr Karnovsky and his counterparts across the country believe the reality of the shortage will be far worse.”[1]

There is a growing teacher shortage out there. The article fails to mention it was exacerbated by the countless numbers  of teachers in the workforce who left when the covid mandates were in force, as per usual for our terrible media. But the work life balance for teachers has been getting worse for teachers for years now.

We are talking here about why immigration sucks, and the difficulties teachers now face with the growing diversity in the classrooms adds another weight on top of their work load already. When I was in school the classroom was basically uniformly made up of British or Irish descended Aussies with a similar cultural background. There may have been a few people from diverse origins, now this diversity has increased exponentially.

But this is not all. Developmental issues are increasing. The tolerance for nonsense gender identities has to be thrown into the mix. And much more. The obvious solution to all of this would be for governments to slow down on changing our society, and observe that the education system can only cope with so much change before it seriously begins to crack.

Of course, this just adds weight to the number of reasons why homeschooling is the best way. But still, it also points to how the vaunted advantages of immigration are outweighed by the disadvantages.  When the government has the power to just replace workers with people who are just happy to be in the country, why on earth would they prioritize solving these cultural issues in the workforce? Mass immigration incentivizes politicians to be lazy. For that reason alone you should oppose it. 

The case against immigration is mounting.  

List of References

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