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Thursday 5 September 2024

Only Proof Needed


One of the best arguments to prove that WW2 was not a just or good war, is that you can trace the rapid moral decline of the West to that war, and probably even the previous one. But especially World War 2. From the moment those veterans came home they produced the most decadent generation in history, and the West was given over to the fruit of its evil actions. God didn't bless the West's actions in WW2, he judged them.

Even many of the men who dropped those bombs on civilians cities as a terror tactic knew they were murderers, not heroes. Many drunk themselves into an early grave. The mass social issues in the West after the war were all the proof we need to show that many of the men who came back were broken by their evil actions. Many men were heroes on the battlefield, every war has and produces genuine heroes, but many others knew that they were ordered to do evil and that they did do it. Many western governments even passed laws after the war to outlaw such things, because the evil was recognized, though not repented of.

The WW2 generation returned from the battlefields and promptly created the "me" generation, the boomers, who perfected consumerism. The boomers then created the nihilistic Generation x who saw no hope in consumerism and the anxiety driven Millennial generation, who saw no comfort in possessions (and can’t really afford much anyway). After this Gen x and Millennials created the "we are confused about our identity" generation, that Gen Z which is avoiding dating and marriage at record rates.

History will mark the two world wars, and especially the second, as the beginning of the reign of darkness in the West, where evil began to rise in force. And they'll note how much we lied to ourselves about our righteousness in those wars, because the reality was too hard for consumeristic materialists to confront honestly. It is easy to see the enemy's evil, it is much harder to see your own.

I believe that evil will be overcome, eventually, but the West that exists now must go through a time of trial and testing first to be restored to a good place and become again what the West should be, Christendom, or at least a refined and probably smaller version of it. A culture that has bombed its way to dominance but lies to itself about being the culture of freedom, lives on a bed of lies that is incredibly unstable. They must be exposed by harsh realities first.

You will often here people say that the generation who fought the war would be horrified by the world that their victory created, if they could see society today. This might be true in some ways. But I think many today who look back on the war fondly would be equally horrified if they looked at it through a critical rather than a propaganda lens. We still live in the wake of the successful WW2 propaganda campaign, but I think more and more people are starting to notice the reality of what happened. What really happened is the West turned down a road of severe darkness. It is our job to shine the light on that, so it can turn back the right way.

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