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Thursday, 30 January 2025

Foreign Aid Is A Racket


Many people are shocked that the USA was going to send $50,000,000 worth of condoms to Gaza. But you will only be shocked if you have not realized that war and foreign aid are simply rackets. Here is how it works: the official books say $50,000,000 worth of condoms are to be provided, that money actually goes to a particular company who has donated to the reigning political party of the day, or lobbied for kickbacks in some other way. The company takes a big chunk of that money and pockets it as "production costs", CEO's get bonuses, politicians secure high paying board  jobs after their time in office, and maybe some condoms get to Gaza. It's a racket. The same thing happens with weapons and all sorts of stuff.

I'll let Smedley Butler explain:

"But here's how some of the other patriotic industrialists and speculators chiseled their way into war profits.

Take the shoe people. They like war. It brings business with abnormal profits. They made huge profits on sales abroad to our allies. Perhaps, like the munitions manufacturers and armament makers, they also sold to the enemy. For a dollar is a dollar whether it comes from Germany or from France. But they did well by Uncle Sam too. For instance, they sold Uncle Sam 35,000,000 pairs of hobnailed service shoes. There were 4,000,000 soldiers. Eight pairs, and more, to a soldier. My regiment during the war had only one pair to a soldier. Some of these shoes probably are still in existence. They were good shoes. But when the war was over Uncle Sam has a matter of 25,000,000 pairs left over. Bought -- and paid for. Profits recorded and pocketed.

There was still lots of leather left. So the leather people sold your Uncle Sam hundreds of thousands of McClellan saddles for the cavalry. But there wasn't any American cavalry overseas! Somebody had to get rid of this leather, however. Somebody had to make a profit in it -- so we had a lot of McClellan saddles. And we probably have those yet.

Also somebody had a lot of mosquito netting. They sold your Uncle Sam 20,000,000 mosquito nets for the use of the soldiers overseas. I suppose the boys were expected to put it over them as they tried to sleep in muddy trenches -- one hand scratching cooties on their backs and the other making passes at scurrying rats. Well, not one of these mosquito nets ever got to France!

Anyhow, these thoughtful manufacturers wanted to make sure that no soldier would be without his mosquito net, so 40,000,000 additional yards of mosquito netting were sold to Uncle Sam.

There were pretty good profits in mosquito netting in those days, even if there were no mosquitoes in France. I suppose, if the war had lasted just a little longer, the enterprising mosquito netting manufacturers would have sold your Uncle Sam a couple of consignments of mosquitoes to plant in France so that more mosquito netting would be in order."[1]

This is from War is a Racket, by Smedley Butler.

Foreign aid is the exact same racket, only it can be run during peace time, and those who oppose it are just called uncompassionate and unmerciful. It's a con job that is more lucrative than many others. And worst of all it is done under a shroud of charity. 

Now I should note that there have been reports that question whether or not that $50 million dollars was just for condoms, or was rather for broader contraceptive aid, or even just a broader health package. But quibbling over exactly what every dollar is earmarked for misses the point. The point is American money is being run through government taxation and borrowing, then through private companies, and lots of people are making profits off money that never should have been taken (or created) and spent in the first place. Not one green American cent should go to buying condoms for anyone overseas, or any other foreign aid. Not one Australian dollar should either. As Matt Walsh recently said:

And yes, he did note that there should be no exceptions. Not even for America's greatest ally. This is a racket that has gone on long enough. It is time for the racket to end.

List of References

[1] War is a Racket, Smedley Butler,

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

The Vaccine Changes Personalities?


An interesting study has recently come to light that claims that the Covid MRNA not-vaccines change people’s personality,

“An alarming study has provoked major new concerns about mRNA “vaccines” after researchers confirmed that Covid injections change the personalities of those who receive them.

The shocking study into Covid mRNA “vaccines” has sent shockwaves through the scientific community.

Leading researchers in South Korea confirmed that the injections are altering human behavior.

The troubling study found that people’s emotions, personalities, feelings, fears, stress levels, mental well-being, and general outlook changed after they were injected with the “vaccine.”

The peer-reviewed study, which included over 2 million participants, was published in the renowned Nature Journal.

The study was led by Professor Hong Jin Kim of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at Inje University Sanggye Paik Hospital and the College of Medicine at Inje University in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

The researchers confirmed that the Covid injections are responsible for increasing global reports of major personality and behavioral changes in people in the last four years.

They explain that the “vaccines” cause “psychiatric manifestations” among the vaccinated.

The study found that these psychiatric changes resulted in spikes in mental health disorders.

Patients described feelings of inner turmoil, fear, dread, and depression.

The study found that Covid shots triggered a 68.3% spike in depression, a 43.9% increase in anxiety disorders, and a 93.4% surge in sleep disorders.

The researchers recruited 50% of the Seoul-resident population.”[1]

I find this study interesting, for several reasons. Firstly, the wide spread negative effects of these not-vaccines are becoming clearer by the day. But who would have thought they would change people’s personality? This might sound incredulous, until you read why it is having this effect,

“They correctly explain that the spike protein may be the primary driver behind the surge in vaccine-induced psychiatric disorders:

“Our study suggests that neuroinflammation caused by spike proteins may contribute to occurrences of some psychiatric AEs such as depression and anxiety, dissociative, stress-related, and somatoform disorders.”[2]

Inflammation in the brain is effecting people’s mood in various ways.

Secondly, it goes to show that the unintended consequences of medical interventions can be far outside the range of possibilities that even the most sceptical people can conceive prior to their advent. 

Lastly, it is because my wife and I have recently caught up with some people who we have known for some time, and some of these people were so different, it was noticeable. I was actually talking to my wife recently about why this might be the case, and then along comes this article. It had not crossed my mind that this might be the cause, but it explains so much in hindsight.

The actual study says in the discussion section,

“From our cohort between 1,718,999 vaccinated subjects and 308,354 non-vaccinated subjects, we found that the vaccinated subjects showed a significantly higher incidence of depression, anxiety, dissociative, stress-related, and somatoform disorders, sleep disorders, and sexual disorders and a significantly lower incidence of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder than the non-vaccinated subjects. Furthermore, COVID-19 vaccination increased risks of depression, anxiety, dissociative, stress-related, and somatoform disorders and sleep disorders but reduced risks of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder…

… In conclusion, this population-based cohort study revealed that COVID-19 vaccination differentially affects occurrences of psychiatric disorders. It increased the risks of depression, anxiety, dissociative, stress-related, and somatoform disorders, and sleep disorders while reducing the incidence and risk of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Our findings suggested that the relationship between COVID-19 vaccination and mental illness may be underestimated along with the complexity of its impact on mental health. Thus, close observation and special caution are necessary for administering additional COVID-19 vaccinations to populations vulnerable to psychiatric AEs.”[3]

The study also notes that it has some limitations, however, it does show a very clear link between these MRNA vaccines and negative psychological effects. Considering the inflammation that has been reported in other studies, this is reasonable to deduce. After all, are you the same person when you have a really bad headache as you normally would be? No. It is only natural for people with increased inflammation in their heads to be more withdrawn than usual, more depressed, more anxious and more distracted. 

The summary is simple though, never take experimental medication for a mild flu like virus. 

List of References

[1] Frank Bergman, “Major Study Confirms Covid ‘Vaccines’ Change People’s Personalities, Emotions”

[2] Ibid.

Friday, 24 January 2025

Inversion Equals Sulfur

Likening sending illegal immigrants home to lack of mercy, is like saying you are inhospitable for expecting your uninvited house guests to go home, after a time. It's just nonsense. It's inversion, actually, and just straight up evil. And it's not wrong to expect invited guests to return home either. 

Any preacher who teaches that sending people to their home country is unmerciful is lying whether they are aware of it or not. In fact, they are committing the Biblical sin of legalism, or Pharisaism, which does not mean to strictly hold people to the Bible standard, as commonly thought, but rather means to go beyond scripture or add to scripture. In other words, they have committed the sin of creating a new sin and judging people by their own standard, just as the Pharisees did. They have replaced God's law with their own (c.f. Mark 7:1-13). 

The chief salvation event of the Old Testament, which gives us the vast majority of verses about the sojourner (foreigner) in the Bible, is centred around an oppressor not letting people go. Justice to the sojourner is framed in light of this event. For example: Exodus 23:9 - “You shall not oppress a sojourner. You know the heart of a sojourner, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt." This teaching is often repeated in the Old Testament. It was to guide the Israelites on how they treated the foreigner. 

There's no imperative in the the Bible to have to let people stay. And you won't find the verse that teaches it. Justice to the sojourner (sometimes translated foreigner) meant treat them well during their visit. Sending them home was never forbidden, or called unjust, it is an alien concept in the Bible. In the Scriptures the key plank of injustice to the sojourner is to keep them their against their will. You see that? The exact opposite of what the false teachers are saying.

False teachers have turned this biblical teaching on the sojourner on its head to lay an ungodly guilt on any society that tries to deal with immigration problems. They base their teaching on inversion, the opposite of what the Bible teaches on the issue, and that's without dispute.

Monday, 13 January 2025

Disgust at the Bible


Some passages of the Bible provoke pure disgust. A good example of this is Judges 19. This chapter goes from bad, to worse, to revolting. If you meditate on what is happening, it actually makes you angry. The passage includes homosexuality, rape, murder, mutilation and complete disregard for the victims of the rape and murder. And one of the men who empowered the crime is a Leviticus priest, it’s a sordid affair.

Some critics of the Bible use passages like this to attack the Scriptures. But they are simply misreading it or misunderstanding it.

A chapter such as this is in the Bible precisely to provoke disgust in the reader. It is to highlight just how wicked God’s own people become if they depart from the word of God.

I saw a post the other day where some progressive Christian was trying to use scant archaeological evidence to argue for women in ministry today, because we have evidence of it in some of the early Church. The evidence was spurious, however, even if we grant it to be true, it doesn’t argue what that person thought. It simply demonstrates how quickly God’s people can go apostate if they abandon his commands. The same can be said for early worship of icons, and so many other practices in the early Church. God’s people can go apostate quickly.

In Judges it takes just a generation for Israel to go from righteously following God to worshipping idols and committing abominations. And this cycle goes on and on until Israel becomes as evil as Sodom. If you don’t believe me, just read Judges 19. It is perhaps the most disgust inducing chapter in the Scriptures.

But this shows us how depraved we can become and how quickly it can happen if we reject the God we know. How quickly did our society go from saying all religions and ways of life are equal, to neutering kids through surgery and chemicals, and celebrating it as liberty? Fast enough to give many people whiplash. So fast even many unbelievers are now disgusted that our culture went there.

But without God as the centre of a society, no abomination is off the table. Such is the state of mankind apart from God, our father, and his Son, Jesus Christ our Saviour.

Hence why Peter warned:

“20 For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the last state has become worse for them than the first. 21 For it would have been better for them never to have known the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them. 22 What the true proverb says has happened to them: “The dog returns to its own vomit, and the sow, after washing herself, returns to wallow in the mire” (2 Peter 2:20-22).


Sunday, 12 January 2025

Trump Shares Criticism of Netanyahu


Well, this is a development

"US President-elect Donald Trump has shared a video of an interview with Jeffrey Sachs in which the American economist calls Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “a deep, dark son of a b***h.”

Trump posted the clip on his Truth Social platform on Tuesday without comment. In the two-minute video, Sachs accuses former US President Barack Obama of arming jihadists in Syria in a bid to overthrow Bashar Assad’s government. Sachs also condemns former President George Bush’s 2003 invasion of Iraq, and accuses Netanyahu of goading Bush into launching the two-decade war and pushing for US intervention in Syria and Iran.

“He’s still trying to get us to fight Iran this day, this week,” Sachs says at the end of the clip. “He’s a deep, dark, son of a b***h… because he’s gotten us into endless wars.”

Trump was a close ally of Netanyahu during his term in the White House, and described himself as “history’s most pro-Israel US president.” He imposed sanctions on Iran at Netanyahu’s request, moved the US embassy in Israel to West Jerusalem, and brokered the Abraham Accords, which saw Israel normalize relations with Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco, and Sudan.

However, the two seemingly fell out after Netanyahu congratulated President Joe Biden while Trump was still attempting to challenge Biden’s electoral victory in the courts in late 2020." 

Now let's see what Trump actually does. It is not unheard of to hear US presidents criticise Israel's leadership and policies, and then continue to empower them anyway. So let's see if Trump really does intend to get the US out of the Middle East. Praise God if he does.