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Thursday, 20 February 2025

The Vaccines Destroy the Immune System?


Never take experimental medication. I can’t believe I have to say that, but I do. Of course, an exception to this rule might be because your life is on the line and you judge that it is worth the risk to face serious injury in the face of certain or almost certain death. But in general do not take experimental drugs. Especially not if you are being coerced.

And certainly do not take the advice of politicians and media…or those we could call, “The bought and paid for…”

Very early on in the crazy Covid times a young woman came up to me in a public setting, this would have been mid 2020, and asked me directly, if I was going to take the vaccine. No vaccine had been announced, at this stage the only people who were saying they were going to push a mandatory, or at least ‘as mandatory as possible’, vaccine were being called conspiracy theorists. Though it was not long after this that Scott Morrison made his infamous “as mandatory as you can possibly make it” comment. It was not really until later that year, as I remember, that it became much wider news that a vaccine would be our only way out.

My response to this young woman? I will wait to see how safe it is. This was the only sensible response in my view. But what I did not realize yet was that the fault lines were already been drawn. Already people were starting to judge each other on whether or not someone was willing to take this. But my only thought at the time was simple: who would take an experimental medication for such a virus? Especially considering it was new technology. The answer to that is: most people would. Many because they wanted to. And many because they felt the pressure to do so. And others because they were coerced. But at the end of the day as we know now, many would.

But we are still seeing that this damn thing is not fully understood, and only now are some prominent doctors connecting the increasing sickness we have all seen going around with the fact that this thing effected people’s immune systems in a negative way,

“Experts from Yale University have discovered an alarming syndrome linked to the mRNA Covid vaccines.

The previously-unknown condition - dubbed 'post-vaccination syndrome' - appears to cause brain fog, dizziness, tinnitus and exercise intolerance.

Some sufferers also show distinct biological changes, including differences in immune cells and the presence of coronavirus proteins in their blood, years after taking the shot.

The condition also appears to reawaken a dormant virus in the body called Epstein-Barr which can cause flu-like symptoms, swollen lymph nodes and nerve issues.

The full results of the small study have not yet been published, and the Yale experts emphasized the results 'are still a work in progress.'

Yet the findings, from a well-respected institution, suggest more research on post-vaccination syndrome is needed, independent experts said.

The next phase of the research will be to ascertain how widespread the condition is and who is most at risk…

…When they analyzed the patients' immune systems, those with PVS had different proportions of some immune cells. It’s unclear what these differences might mean as the researchers couldn't link them to specific symptoms

The team also looked at 134 people with long Covid, as PVS symptoms overlap with it, as well as 134 healthy vaccine recipients.

Both people with long Covid and those with PVS seemed to have reactivated Epstein-Barr syndrome…

…It causes symptoms like fatigue, fever, and rashes, and once symptoms disappear, the virus remains dormant in the body, where it can be reactivated when the immune system is low.”[1]

So the vaccine has weakened peoples immune systems. This is not the only mechanism that is causing vaccinated people to get sick. The presence of constant inflammation is another, “Persistent spike proteins in the body are thought to cause some of long Covid's symptoms, by keeping the body in a constant state of inflammation.”[2]

But this next line is the one I want to highlight, “'Much larger studies of very carefully defined and phenotyped individuals [genetically analyzed] need to take place.'”[3] In other words, this thing has not been studied at any responsible level, yet already much of the world population has taken it and has its impact in their blood.

People were conned into taking an under regulated dangerous new drug, and revelations are still ongoing about how little doctors understand the damage and side effects it has caused. 

Don’t take experimental medication. It’s wisdom 101. And especially do not follow society down a road that they were coerced by politicians into.


Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Black Mirror


I've seen Christians write comments online and say them in other contexts that are just as deplorable as what those two nurses in NSW's said. They just said it about Palestinians which is more tolerated in our society in some circles.

People know my views on limiting immigration and relevant topics. And many conservative commentators are using this situation to point out the very obvious flaws in our immigration and refugee programs. No argument from me on those points.

But this is not the only significant point that we should address on this issue. We should face the fact that we have imported people from all sides of a war zone, a war zone our country helped create. And then large segments of our society have emotionally tied themselves to one side or another and people on many sides are saying equally evil things.

I think what those two nurses said is evil. But I also think some Christians got to see their mirror opposites in those two.

Monday, 17 February 2025

This World Of Lies

What is truth?

This is not my question, this was Pilate’s question when he was standing in front of the Lord Jesus Christ deciding whether or not Jesus was guilty of anything. We read in John 18,

“37 Pilate therefore said to Him, “Are You a king then?” Jesus answered, “You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” 38 Pilate said to Him, “What is truth?” And when he had said this, he went out again to the Jews, and said to them, “I find no fault in Him at all” (John 18:37-38).

Jesus came to bear witness to the truth, and rather than acknowledge this Pilate simply responds exactly as a cynical politician with no need to look good for the cameras, or to shore up support from voters would respond, “What is truth?” Pilate lived in a world of lies.

Rome was a nation of false gods and was ruled by a corrupt political class that claimed to represent the people, but were really slaves to power and wealth. It claimed lordship over the whole world, yet was stopped at the borders of Germania, Parthia and Arabia by a combination of foreign powers and geography. Lying was not a crime in Rome. It was a method of attaining power, as it was in many other societies. But it was not unique in this way. The whole world of that day laid under the power of the chief of liars, Satan himself, as does our world today.

Jesus on the other hand represents unrelenting truth. What is truth? First and foremost, it is Jesus, he is the truth, the way and the life. If you want to know what the truth is it begins with Jesus himself, who is the full representation of the Father, the Lord of all. For this reason, truth should be defined really simply: it is what is, whether we like it or not. God exists whether we like it or not, and as truth is one of the attributes of the creator of heaven and earth, truth has this same quality. Truth is unrelenting in presenting what is real, tangible and solid, whatever our thoughts or feelings on the matter. In other words, truth is what it is, and you cannot change it. You can deny it, but you cannot change. Truth cannot lie, just as Moses and Paul tell us that God cannot lie (Num. 23:19, Titus 1:2, Heb. 6:18).

It appears that many people including Christians and Christian leaders have not really taken on board just how significant this point is. For sure, no true Christian or Christian leader believes that God would or could lie. At least I have not met one who would teach or assert this. However, the corollary of this is that God, and in his inability to lie, is being contrasted with every other being in existence. This contrast between the truthfulness of God and the faithlessness of humanity is an important theme in the scriptures. For instance, Paul notes in 2 Timothy 2:11-13, “11 This is a faithful saying: For if we died with Him, We shall also live with Him. 12 If we endure, We shall also reign with Him. If we deny Him, He also will deny us. 13 If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself.” God cannot be unfaithful. However, human and spiritual beings can be. Men lie, women lie and even angels, fallen angels, can lie, as is evident with the devil himself. In other words, many Christians and Christians leaders have not stopped to fully take on board just how much we live in a world of lies. Lies are far more common than the truth in this world, which is why God stands out as the lone source of complete truth. 

Jesus and his Apostles tried to warn us about this. The Apostle John notes,

“19 We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one. 20 And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life. 21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen” (1 John 5:19-21).

John went to great lengths to warn us about the true nature of this world. It is a world of lies. This becomes abundantly clear when we note the below passage from John’s gospel and line it up with this one we just read form his first epistle. When speaking to the Jewish leaders Jesus said,

“You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it” (John 8:44).

This whole world “lies under the sway of the wicked one” and the wicked one “is a liar and the father of it”, in fact, there is “no truth in him.” If you want to understand this world we live in, there is your base line: this is a world of lies managed by the father of lies, in whom there is no truth. And who are his children? All who deny the truth, as in all who deny Jesus is the Christ, “22 Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son. 23 Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also” (1 John 2:22-23). The first people to do this were the majority of the Jewish people themselves, but since then billions from all over the world have been added to the list of those who deny that Jesus is the Messiah. Most of the world currently denies Jesus is the Christ. This is, remember, a world of lies. A world of falsehoods, a world run by the chief liar himself, the devil.

But many Christians and Christian leaders have not taken what Jesus warned us about seriously. Pilate is not an exception among powerful political leaders or elites. He is not simply a product of a far-off day where things were done differently. He is an example of the archetype of the powerful elite in this world; the powerful are generally deeply corrupt, not often courageous, and they have a bad grip on the importance of truth; they are often liars, in other words. There are obviously exceptions to this, but putting them aside, virtually any political leader from any society in any age could have made that statement, “What is truth?” And it would not have been out of character for them, because they thrive in a hive of lies in this world of lies. Even good leaders, like say, King David, could have said it when he was asked about what happened to Uriah before Nathan challenged him.  

Corruption, lies, and immorality are not the exceptions among the rulers of our world, they are the norm. They are part of the reason why we need a man like Jesus, who is also God, to come and rescue us. Precisely because of the corruption of this world which they help foster. There are good leaders, some better than others, but how often do they get near the real reins of power? Very rarely, because this is a world of lies. In such a world it is those who play by the devil’s game according to his rules that get granted access to power by the one who holds the whole world under his sway. In a corrupt system corruption is a strategy to get promoted, not an outlier. In a corrupt system the generally honest and earnest people are viewed more as threats to the way things are than assets, because they cannot easily be bought.

This is why for those of us that understand the level of the lies our society spreads, the USAID revelations of money being given to over 6000 journalists and 1000 media platforms worldwide[1] to present false news is exactly what we expected was happening. Because we know this is a world of lies, a corrupt world, and that money greases the wheels of corruption, and we know that corrupt leaders will pay off others to push their message. We know this because we have been paying attention to how much the media just straight up lies. These lies speak of deep corruption. This is why we also celebrate this money being cancelled. It won’t stop all the lies of course, but it will help somewhat.  

But for those Christians and Christian leaders who are not aware of how much our world is a world of lies, the cancelling of this USAID is an attack on a charity arm of a flawed but generous government agency. They have not caught onto just how easily the liars in charge were able to manipulate them because their danger radars are completely turned off, because they still look at the world through a high trust perspective. The revelations that USAID was promoting degeneracy worldwide under the name of USAID is something they do not even have a framework for comprehending, even though this is something that USAID long admitted to being involved in, in fact it has bragged about it. And it has been known to be doing much worse as well. USAID is just one branch of how the American Deep state interfered in countries around the world, toppling governments and extending the US Empire across the globe.[2] Aid has long been a cover for foreign interference. But many Christian leaders have simply not recognized this, or if they knew, they have not openly admitted it.

The problem is that many Christians and Christians leaders just simply do not have a biblical understanding of how much our world is a world of lies. There are many reasons for this. For one, many teachers in the church are false teachers who do not present true Christianity in any way, but treat their pulpits as means for gain and so their congregations are at a deep disadvantage when it comes to discerning the reality of this world. Many Christians and Christians leaders also come from an era where Western society had a much higher standard for public figures and the truth, or at least appeared to. In other words, they still think we live in the high trust society we did 50-60 years ago, but we don’t. Not even close.

Some people, genuine Christians, hold to an eschatology that says the devil is currently bound, even though it is best to see that as future tense[3], as Peter says he roams the world now looking to devour people (1 Peter 5:8), John says the world is presently under the devil’s power (1 John 5:19), and Revelation 12 agrees with this as well. And even if he were bound to some degree, these passages still stand anyway, but this kind of eschatology can make people underestimate just how much sway the devil still has on this fallen world. 

Lastly, there is the simple fact that many Christians have simply not pondered over the implications of the fact that the father of lies has sway over this world. How many Christians even read their Bibles? How many of them that do really take things like this to heart?  

You need to do so right now.

Recognize that when Jesus told us that the father of lies is the ruler of this world (John 8:44, 12:30-32)[4], he was warning us about how much this world is a world of lies. A world which lies under the power of the father of lies is not a world where you can take anything that those who deny Christ say at face value. It is not a world where you can act like everyone is deserving of trust until they prove otherwise. It is a world where you have to be on your guard to how you are being lied to and by whom. Otherwise, you are not facing the world truthfully as it is.

This is a world of lies. Take Jesus seriously when he tells us this. He is the true King, and he knows what he is talking about.

List of References

[1] Belle Carter, 2025, USAID’s funding of over 6,000 journalists, 1,000 platforms worldwide raises concerns over independence and transparency,

[2] Kit Klarenberg, 2025, Did a Trump executive order just cripple the global US regime change network?

[3] Yes, he was bound during Jesus’ ministry. But that is the point. It is the direct presence of Christ that binds him and that is what the time of Jesus’ ministry, and the future Millennium have in common.

[4] It is best to read the fact that he will be cast out, as he was cast out of heaven, to roam on the earth, as Revelation 12 shows us. 

Saturday, 15 February 2025

Four Words Every Christian Leader Should Reflect On


"As for this Moses" (Ex. 32:1).

What are the most important words in the Bible for any Christian leader to hear? I think a case can be made for many, but when it comes to the specific calling of leadership in the church, a good case could be made for these four words, "As for this Moses" being right near the top of the list. Packed into these four words is one of the most important lessons for leaders and also one of the most important conditions for Christian leadership.

Ministry is a calling. It is not just a job, but it is a job. It is not just a position, but it is a position. It is not just a profession, but you need to be utterly professional. But above all you cannot be in it for the adulation of man, and you should not be in it for the adulation of man. If the reason you are in ministry is because you seek the praise of your fellow man, you will go wrong, eventually. Probably sooner rather than later.

Moses was gone for 40 days on the mountain to receive the law of God, and just before he returned to his people, whom he had led through trials, combat, and victories, they were ready to forget him. "As for this Moses..." I don't think you will find four more dismissive words in the whole Bible. This was the man who had given his all to Israel to be God's agent to bring them out of slavery and oppression. He had given up every good thing Egypt, the centre of civilisation at the time, had to offer, and as soon as he was gone the people were willing to forget him, and all that he had taught them about being faithful to God.

As Christian leaders if your motivation for service is that you expect adulation from your fellow man for your service, remember Moses. You are not a fraction of the leader he was and look what he got returned for his service. Forgotten within weeks. And yet when God was planning to destroy this people because of their idolatry, this same Moses advocated for God to have mercy on them instead. He was God’s man all the way, he cared more for God’s approval than man’s approval, and he was willing to serve his people no matter how much they were ready to reject him,

“7 And the Lord said to Moses, “Go, get down! For your people whom you brought out of the land of Egypt have corrupted themselves. 8 They have turned aside quickly out of the way which I commanded them. They have made themselves a molded calf, and worshiped it and sacrificed to it, and said, ‘This is your god, O Israel, that brought you out of the land of Egypt!’ ” 9 And the Lord said to Moses, “I have seen this people, and indeed it is a stiff-necked people! 10 Now therefore, let Me alone, that My wrath may burn hot against them and I may consume them. And I will make of you a great nation” (Ex. 32:7-10).

Encouragement, support, thankfulness and steadfastness are great things to receive from the people you lead. As human beings this does encourage us. But to have God listen to you like he listened to Moses is more important that all of those things combined. To be in it for faithfulness to God is meant to be the Christian leader’s prime motivation. Everything else is a bonus when it comes and when it is not forthcoming it is good to remember these four words, "As for this Moses..." Even the greatest leader to precede Jesus was at times on the outer with many of his own people. But he persevered anyway. Go and do likewise.

Thursday, 13 February 2025

From Hospital System To Merchants of Death


The hospital system began as a Christian charity. Hospital comes from the same root words as hospice and hospitality and originally means a place of care and ministry to the needy. Forms of medicine predate Christianity, of course, the Hippocratic oath is an ancient Greek statement. But only the Christian West created large, charitable institutions, specifically devoted to the care of the sick and needy, and it originally it was done at great sacrifice and cost to the providers, with no government subsidies or profit motive.

For decades, more, Western countries have been functioning under the myth that you can secularise medical care and align it with a profit motive. It's the biggest business in the world, now. But this has completely corrupted the whole system. Read the original Hippocratic oath compared to the watered down modern versions, they are now deplorable. Here are some examples of how modern medicine has gone wrong. For one, the original Hippocratic oath explicitly notes, "With regard to healing the sick, I will devise and order for them the best diet, according to my judgment and means; and I will take care that they suffer no hurt or damage."[1] Notice that the first thing they swore to do for the good of their patients was arrange for them a good diet? The modern version does not go into this explicitly, though you could say it is covered under “all measures” to help the sick. However, with no explicit mention it is no wonder it has become such a small part of modern medicine.

I know some doctors will from time to time discuss diet. But how often do you go to the doctor and this is never mentioned, or they are very overweight themselves? Bad diet can make anything from a mild cold to any other kind of sickness far worse. But don't worry there is a pharmaceutical option you will likely be prescribed in replace of dieting advice. Doctors once swore an oath to make sure their patients ate well, because diet is a large part, the largest part, of health. But there is an even more stark difference. Note this comparison.

The original Hippocratic Oaths says,

"Nor shall any man's entreaty prevail upon me to administer poison to anyone; neither will I counsel any man to do so. Moreover, I will give no sort of medicine to any pregnant woman, with a view to destroy the child. Further, I will comport myself and use my knowledge in a godly manner."[2]

So, no abortion and no Euthanasia. The ancient form of the oath saw it as the doctor's job to do all he could to preserve life, and to work in a healthy and godly manner.

The revised version says something very different, and it is perhaps the one your doctor took,

"Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God."[3]

The modern doctor sees it within their role to "humbly" play the role of God, while also denying that they would ever do that. How do they do that? By allowing for their right to take a life. The nerve of them to think they have that right. They might have the power, but they corrupt medicine completely by claiming to have that right.

See how much of a massive difference there is between the old philosophy and the new?

Healthcare has been inverted in a large way. We are now seeing the increasing fruit of that. There is still much good in the hospital system, but the yeast of a terrible evil has been spreading for some time.

During the big cough hospitals also took great delight in denying countless people lifesaving medical treatment for ideological reasons. Pastors and other Christians celebrated their evil policies (may God sort them out). Till recently, maybe even still, people were denied treatment because they refused an unrelated medical intervention they did not want or need. Pharmaceutical companies knowingly sell countless drugs with side effects worse than the illnesses they are purported to help, often including death, and instead of sanctioning them the authorities authourise the add on drugs they make for the side effects they created themselves. In countless ways our hospital system has been corrupted by a massive stream of death dealers and drug dealers, and people willing to offer death sentences for ideological reasons dressed up as 'medical policy.'

So, it is correct to condemn the words of those two nurses to the Israeli man captured on video recently. What they said was deplorable. For sure, condemn their intentions and their words. Just don't ignore the kind of systemic evil that attracts such sociopaths to the modern hospital system. It was always a myth that we could disconnect charity and Christianity from medicine and keep the meaning of hospital in the hospital system. Now the fruits of that foolishness are manifesting in many evils. Why do you think such people are attracted to our modern healthcare system? Because it now accommodates many ideological death dealers. You've just become numb to that, until it hits closer to home.

List of References


[2] Ibid.

[3] Ibid.

Monday, 10 February 2025

Women Should Not Be Pastors


Women should not be pastors and guess who is working that out in growing numbers? Women themselves, as the ABC encouragingly reports,

“The Reverend Lynda McMinn has been a priest for 25 years. Much of that time has been spent in the Anglican Church’s historically progressive Canberra Goulburn diocese, which was among the first in the country to make women priests in 1992.

In that year, after decades of activism, equality advocates wept and cheered — a new era had begun.

But one year ago, McMinn stood up in her local synod — a meeting of the locally elected leadership and laity of the diocese, much like a parliament — to identify something that had been bothering her deeply: Instead of growing as expected, the number of women in ministry had dwindled in recent years. There were only three female rectors left (a three decade low), there were no female archdeacons, and few were rising in the ranks.

So, what had gone wrong?...

 …“Hard won gains” had been lost.

The reason this report matters goes far beyond the bounds of any single parish, or diocese. It matters because, three decades after the first ordinations of women to the Anglican priesthood, women are still struggling to gain and maintain strong footholds on the rungs of leadership across the national church. Bishops are muttering amongst themselves, committees are being formed, heads scratched. The Melbourne Diocese considered quotas.

It also matters because a profound shift is occurring in some western countries — notably Australia and America — whereby for the first time since such a thing was ever measured, more young men are identifying as Christians than women. This shift has astonished demographers and historians alike, due to the fact that for centuries, if not millennia, the majority of people in church pews have been women. The leaders have been male, but the ranks of the faithful have been mostly female.

So, what’s going on? Where have the women gone? Or where are they going?

In July last year, after undertaking comprehensive research, including interviewing dozens of women in the diocese and analysing statistical patterns of women in leadership with data from the bishop’s office, McMinn and the Women in Leadership Working Group handed down their report. They concluded that the diocese had lost women from leadership because of deep, stubborn “cultural, theological and organisational barriers”. These included “attitudes that are patronising and hostile to women’s leadership” and “unrealistic expectations of clergy”.

What they found would not come as a surprise to women who have sought equality in other spheres, most especially parliament. The template of a good reverend has long been a man with built in (and of course free, or voluntary) domestic support, which has meant prospective female candidates have found themselves grilled about their at-home arrangements (and often found wanting, if single). Young women have looked at a future which appears incompatible with family life, and turned away.”[1]

Particularly take note of that last line, “Young women have looked at a future which appears incompatible with family life, and turned away.” Ain’t that the truth. The amount of men who would actually like to sit under their wives as the leader of their church is relatively few, they do exist, but they are a rare breed. One of the worst things any single Christian woman can do who wants to be a wife and mother is seek a leadership position in a church. This is the opposite for men, men generally have no trouble finding a wonderful woman who wants to support them in their ministry. But, far more often than not, women do not find this same support is supplied, because it inverts the natural order among men and women, and even progressive men can sense this.

The fact that progressive parishes in the Anglican Church (for Americans that is our version of the Episcopalian Church) are struggling to find women to lead their congregations is really encouraging. Because it shows that not only is this model unbiblical, it is simply unworkable. Husbands don’t want to submit to their wives, especially not in the church setting, at least not openly (many do quietly). Men in the main do not want to sit under such feminine leadership. And more and more women are recognizing that to pursue this path will likely mean they lead a physically barren and lonely life.

The promises of feminism were many. The reality is far different to the promise though. Articles like this should encourage us. Women are turning more and more away from seeking ministry. And if history is any guide here, this will have no negative impact on their desire to be a part of the church. Because as the article notes the norm in history is that women have been fine with male headship in the church.

It is a hard job to fight against a culture, especially if the truth is not on your side. Up until recently the church was wise enough not to tell women that they should pursue this role, but now women are learning from bitter experience what once was just the assumed wisdom, a bishop should be a married man, who can manage his family and nor a woman. 

List of References

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Cognitive Dissonance and Palestine



If you don’t care what is happening in Palestine/Israel because it is not your problem, then I encourage you pay attention to it for a very different reason.

Cognitive Dissonance causes in the minds of people an inability to process certain information, because it conflicts with deeply held and cherished beliefs.

One of the reasons so many westerners struggle to see the injustices done to Palestinian people, is because our ancestors did precisely the same thing to the indigenous inhabitants of our land, and most are in denial about it.

The best example of this is in the USA. Over the course of centuries Native Americans were conquered, violently, and after all their nations, or tribes, were broken the remnant survivors were herded into reservations. These reservations are small enclaves on tiny fractions of their former land where they are given some level of independence. It's indisputable that America was conquered, though some try to deny it. However, an honest reflection of the history can only lead to such a conclusion. There's a reason many forward towns were set up close to forward military bases, or forts, which housed large cavalry detachments. Tribes were often rounded up and pushed off their land, or worse. The Americans broke almost every treaty they signed with native Americans culminating in the trail of tears, and the reservations that still exist to this day.

The reason this conquest took so long is because the native Americans were often as good or even better fighters than the Europeans, having come from a long tradition of tribal warfare. But three things sealed the victory of European Americans: numbers, the 6 shooter pistol and the repeater rifle. These three things ensured European conquest. As long as the Europeans only had muskets they made much slower progress in their movement across America.

The problem is many descendants of the conquerors don't see themselves as the beneficiaries of conquest. But they are, just as Saxons are in Britain. As many other peoples are across the world.

So, they struggle to see what is happening in Israel/Palestine as it really is: a conquest against indigenous peoples. But that is exactly what it is. As Ilan Pappe, Israeli historian and scholar, notes,

"What every colonization project primarily needs is land—in the occupied territories this was achieved only through the massive expropriation of land, deporting people from where they had lived for generations, and confining them in enclaves with difficult habitats. When you fly over the West Bank, you can see clearly the cartographic results of this policy: belts of settlements that divide the land and carve the Palestinian communities into small, isolated, and disconnected communities. The Judaization belts separate villages from villages, villages from towns, and sometime bisect a single village. This is what scholars call a geography of disaster, not least since these policies turned out to be an ecological disaster as well: drying up water sources and ruining some of the most beautiful parts of the Palestinian landscape."[1]

Palestinians have been continually herded into reservations, just as the US did to native Americans. Genetic studies prove most Palestinians have ancient DNA from at least the Bronze Age era. Remember, ancient Israel even had large Gentile populations, hence Galilee, as you know from the bible, is called Galilee of the Gentiles. Jerusalem had its Gentile quarters, and even the temple, remember, had a place for the Gentiles, called the Gentile’s Court. Gentiles were never not inhabitants of the area, and Genetic studies, history and the Bible all agree. In Ezekiel God even commanded Israel to make room for Gentiles in the distribution of the land.

Indigenous peoples being herded into reservations. It is not new. But it is a painful topic for former colonial peoples.

In Australia the remnants of these semi-reservations are still demarcated by all those roads called Boundary Road. These were the boundaries the Indigenous were not supposed to cross.

Those who are not honest about their own people's histories, but live in some kind of denial, cannot honestly evaluate the same thing happening right before their eyes, with people, like ourselves that they inherently define as the good guys. We are the good guys, they are the good guys. Good guys would not do that, ergo that's not what happened, that is not what is happening, it can’t be happening. But it did happen, is happening, and our denial of it is being revealed to be more and more dishonest as the tit for tat violence increases.

I suspect we'll come to understand more and more what is really happening as we become minorities in our own land. Only then for most people will it click: oh, it was happening, and we are heading towards our own reservations if we continue this trajectory.

As the native American told Dutton in Yellowstone, "You are the Indians now."

List of References

[1] Ilan Pappe, 10 Myths About Israel.