Likening sending illegal immigrants home to lack of mercy, is like saying you are inhospitable for expecting your uninvited house guests to go home, after a time. It's just nonsense. It's inversion, actually, and just straight up evil. And it's not wrong to expect invited guests to return home either.
Any preacher who teaches that sending people to their home country is unmerciful is lying whether they are aware of it or not. In fact, they are committing the Biblical sin of legalism, or Pharisaism, which does not mean to strictly hold people to the Bible standard, as commonly thought, but rather means to go beyond scripture or add to scripture. In other words, they have committed the sin of creating a new sin and judging people by their own standard, just as the Pharisees did. They have replaced God's law with their own (c.f. Mark 7:1-13).
The chief salvation event of the Old Testament, which gives us the vast majority of verses about the sojourner (foreigner) in the Bible, is centred around an oppressor not letting people go. Justice to the sojourner is framed in light of this event. For example: Exodus 23:9 - “You shall not oppress a sojourner. You know the heart of a sojourner, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt." This teaching is often repeated in the Old Testament. It was to guide the Israelites on how they treated the foreigner.
There's no imperative in the the Bible to have to let people stay. And you won't find the verse that teaches it. Justice to the sojourner (sometimes translated foreigner) meant treat them well during their visit. Sending them home was never forbidden, or called unjust, it is an alien concept in the Bible. In the Scriptures the key plank of injustice to the sojourner is to keep them their against their will. You see that? The exact opposite of what the false teachers are saying.
False teachers have turned this biblical teaching on the sojourner on its head to lay an ungodly guilt on any society that tries to deal with immigration problems. They base their teaching on inversion, the opposite of what the Bible teaches on the issue, and that's without dispute.
Interesting description of the sin of the Pharisees. The well being of the native people is never considered in the official discussion.