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Saturday 18 November 2023

Do What You Are Told!


Image: Unsplash

Interest rate rises, like mask mandates, are ineffective, unnecessary (there are better solutions) and exist only to bully people into certain behaviours,

"(Punters) are dying and it's actually people like me who look at the data and other economists, it's killing us there was no reason for the Reserve Bank to put up interest rates in the last meeting.

"In fact, I looked at all the data presented in October, the Australian Bureau of Statistics released a whole lot of data, and none of the data said put rates up - it was one last chance to make sure they put a nail in the coffin, to make sure we behave over the next three to four months. For me, it looked like a behavioural sort of impost on us."[i]

Inflation was driven up by government spending and is being maintained by record high immigration and high fuel prices. None of us have the power to effect any of these policies, yet we are being told, through rate rises, to stay home and stop spending, as opposed to two years ago when it was stay home and shop online with free government money (a trap many people fell into and are now regretting).

Once you see how they seek to manipulate behaviour, you can't unsee it. It is good to spend less. There is wisdom to living below your means, and so people being encouraged to spend less is not inherently bad. But it is immoral for government bureaucracies (with a modicum of independent status) to rob people of their income to solve problems created by other government bureaucracies. It is even more immoral for governments and the RBA to pretend that it is Australian spending habits which are continuing to push inflation up. Per capita wealth is going down, the economy is only appearing to grow because so many people with money have been brought into the country since the borders were opened up. In reality job figures show unemployment is rising and Australians are becoming less secure in their workplaces.  

Australians are getting hit from every direction by dyscivilisational policies.

Of course, some people think this is evidence of stupidity, but it is also evidence of malicious intent. “You will own nothing and you will be happy.” This is the stated goal of some of the world elites, and there is nothing in these apparently contradictory policy decisions of those who govern our society to disprove that the trajectory to not being able to own a home, or much else in Australia, is not right on target. “…there was no reason for the Reserve Bank to put up interest rates in the last meeting” unless of course the reason is something other than sound economic management.

There is another way to look at this too: Indebted people are much more willing to do what their elites tell them, even sign up for wars they would otherwise want no part in… “Do what you are told! Or we will find ze ways to make you.” (Read that last line in a stereotypical bad guy voice from a 1960’s spy comedy). 

What is clear though is that the easy times are coming to an end. Buckle up, times are only going to get more interesting.   

List of References

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