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Thursday 16 November 2023

Better to Live in a Desert.


Firstly, this meme is just funny, and encouraging. If it is a choice between miss woke and living on a desert island, often the better choice is the desert island. But the more I meditated on the message of this meme, the more it gave me a whole new insight into why so many men (and sometimes women) were driven to join communes in early Roman Christianity and shun the marriage partners of their day. These single sex communes were every where and some of them attracted great numbers of people. Even in the wilderness.

I have always seen such efforts as kind of silly. The idea of removing yourself from wider society to live in a single sex commune with no desire or hope for a married life, has always seemed to me about as alien a desire as I can imagine, but still be in the realm of righteous living. However, when you consider that ancient Rome was at least as sexually licentious as our modern society, if not more so, then the response of removing yourself from society makes a lot more sense.  

Some of the people who lived in this communes, or monasteries as they eventually become, wrote about how sexually impure Rome was and how much they just needed to get away that culture. Sex is pretty much in your face all throughout our modern society as well. But we know from archaeological digs that in ancient Rome is was even more intensely present. Roman towns, and homes were often decorated with pornographic images. People would often wear phallic symbols during certain festivals, openly and in the public. Public nudity and orgies were not uncommon during Roman festivals. And, of course, there was the sexual practices of their mystery cult religions. Rome was sexually perverse and open about it in ways that we would even find shocking in our modern sexually licentious culture.

It makes a lot of sense that many men and women were driven to find ways to avoid such open sexual promiscuity and licentiousness. It also makes sense that we are starting to see the beginnings of this kind of movement among modern men and women. Obviously, there are other reasons that people are avoiding relationships with the opposite sex today in our culture, but still, it is interesting seeing in the Red-Pill and MGTOW community how many men would prefer to just live alone in a log cabin somewhere than deal with many modern women (yes, I know there are many great women today, but there are also a lot who are just not marriageable). The level of promiscuity of ancient Rome drove men to seek communes and take vows of abstinence. Some men would just prefer to be left in peace than deal with Jezebels.

Feminism promised women the world, but it ended up just giving them loneliness and hopelessness. Think of the amount of famous and less famous feminist boomers who are now entering aged care homes with no family and no one in the world who cares about them. That is the end result of the feminist worldview for the individual woman. What a brutal reality. A just one, for sure, but brutal all the same and something people should work hard to avoid.  

I don’t like the idea of men seeking to avoid marriage, just because modern women are not that great. But when you consider it in light of Proverbs like the one mentioned above, it at least becomes more reasonable.

Thankfully, many of the young are starting to go in a different direction, the trad-wife movement, the unapologetic traditionalism of younger Christians, and other movements are starting to push back against this nonsense in a way which is better for our society. It is good to see this.

I can understand why many young men today do not want to marry the average product of the modern schooling system. But the truth is under the right leadership even a woke woman can be trained. The question is: are you the right kind of leader? If you are not, you might find yourself in for a world of hurt. But what is life without taking risks and stepping out in faith?

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