Monday, 24 February 2025

Dear President Trump, RE: Ukraine - A Response

Dear President Trump, RE: Ukraine

That’s not my title, that is the title of a blog piece sent to me today, by a friend, that seeks to lobby President Trump regarding the Ukraine War. Since before this conflict started I have been doing everything I can to write about why we should stay out of foolish wars, and most especially what the Scriptures say about these endeavours. I particularly stepped up writing about wars and alliances once the Ukrainian war began, because for many years now I have been advocating that Australia not get involved in foreign wars that are not our concern. Our country has a bad habit of just following the United States into all of its conflicts (to date Australia has sent 1.5 billion dollars in aid to Ukraine, which is a provocation of war against a country that did not attack us, nor could we defend ourselves against effectively, in a far off region of the world) and I think we should speak out about this. You can read some of those writings by clicking here.

However, within the Church there is a strong pro-war lobby group. This group has particular influence in the United States, but there are Christians in Australia who would like to see the war with Russia continue, or who at least believe it is the United States role to subject other foreign powers and use force to do so. This article from this blog is an example of this philosophy, so I thought I would respond to it. I don’t know the author, I have only come across his blog a handful of times. From what I understand this author is a Christian brother with a genuine faith in Christ, and I have heard good things from friends about his public views on a host of other issues. So, my issue is not with him, it is with the position he puts forward in this blog which I have seen is a common one amongst Australians. This blog just gives me the opportunity to reply to the presented position in a systematic way.

My intention with this article is to knockdown the idea that the West should continue the war with Ukraine. So, let’s respond to the blog, knowing that this is a disagreement with a well commended Christian brother.

“Dear Mr President,

Congratulations on your return to the White House. I realise it’s been a long journey for you, full of twists and turns, let alone attempted assassinations. May God uphold you in your work.

Like many people, one of my big hopes for your second presidency is a return to the relative world stability we had in your first term. The last four years of your predecessor have been quite chaotic: a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.  The October 7 massacres. And, of course, the war in Ukraine. I’m hoping and praying you’ll help reduce the chaos and bring more order to our troubled world, such as the historic Abraham Accords you helped bring to fruition four years ago.”[1]

Ok, let’s pause here, because already we find an issue. Because the Abraham Accords did not bring “order to our troubled world.” Many of those who are well informed on the issue have the exact opposite view, the Abraham Accords helped pave the way for this current Middle Eastern conflict,

“It’s worth noting, that Joe Biden confirmed much of this analysis when he opined on October 25:

“I’m convinced one of the reasons Hamas attacked when they did… is because of the progress we were making towards regional integration for Israel and regional integration overall… ”

By “regional integration”, Biden is referring to the Abraham Accords which were promoted as a way for Arab countries to “normalize” relations with Israel and “to advance the peace process in the Middle East”. But don’t be fooled by the hype. The Accords were merely Phase 2 of Trump’s lopsided giveaway to Israel. As some readers might recall, Phase 1 of Trump’s so called Middle East Peace Plan “provided for a unified Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and Israeli sovereignty over the Jordan Valley and the principal Jewish settlements in the West Bank, amounting to annexation of roughly 30% of the territory. The Palestinians were given some desert areas near the Egyptian border, limited sovereignty, and a non-contiguous state with numerous Israeli enclaves…. ”

So, with a wave of his hand, Trump broke with all of his presidential predecessors, all the applicable UN Resolutions, and with traditional US foreign policy dating back five decades. And this was just the beginning because—as we know now—the Abraham Accords set the dominoes in motion leading inexorably to the flattening of Gaza and the displacement of two million civilians. As author of the Accords, Trump is largely responsible for the unfolding catastrophe.”[2]

Even if you think the Abraham Accords were a good thing, they were clearly still a failure, as has been noted in even in the Israeli media,

“When the Bahraini and Emirati foreign ministers stood proudly on either side of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Donald Trump to sign the Abraham Accords four years ago, all four men — and their governments — imagined an era of steadily expanding ties between Israel and the Arab world…

…But as the men were waxing poetic about the new era that the accords were about to usher in, events back in Israel foreshadowed how elusive that future would be.”[3]

So, even if you wholeheartedly agree with what Trump did, you cannot say that these Accords brought order to the Middle East, or the World. The situation in the Middle East has deteriorated since their implementation. One may be tempted to blame Biden for this, but well informed foreign policy experts note that the issues started to rise straight after the Accords happened. Any proper analysis will also concede that the Middle East is in worse shape than it was when the Accords were signed. Perhaps things will change for the better going forward, but if President Trump is in anyway serious about turning Gaza into a resort, then more war and chaos in the region is a guarantee.

Ok, the blog goes on to say,

“Mr President, you came promising to negotiate an end to the Ukraine war. A war that has decimated Ukrainian cities. A war that has left a trail of widows and orphans.  A war that has brought destruction into European soil we haven’t seen since World War 2.

We in the West are hoping it would be a fair and just peace, especially for Ukraine, which did not ask for this war, let alone start it.”[4]

The idea that Russia just attacked Ukraine while they were standing by doing nothing, appears to be a common perspective. Without doubt Russia did invade Ukraine in February 2022, but those who start the history there do a disservice to the full context of what happened. Russia invaded on behalf of Russian speaking minorities in the Donbass region, because of stated violations by Ukraine of the Minsk agreements made between those two countries,

“MOSCOW, Feb 18 (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov voiced alarm on Friday over a sharp increase in shelling in eastern Ukraine and accused the OSCE special monitoring mission of glossing over what he said were Ukrainian violations of the peace process.

Ukrainian government forces and pro-Russian separatists have been fighting in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine since 2014 in a conflict that Kyiv says has claimed some 15,000 lives.

Washington and its allies have raised fears that the upsurge in violence in the Donbass could form part of a Russian pretext to invade Ukraine. Tensions are already high over a Russian military buildup to the north, east and south of Ukraine.”[5]

The blog post we are reviewing asserts that Ukraine did not ask for this war. But the history of the events says otherwise. They massively increased the shelling in the Donbass region, something that is even affirmed by the American pro-Ukrainian media, and Russia saw this as a violation of the treaty between itself and Ukraine. We also know, because of the analysis of foreign policy experts like John Mearsheimer, Jeffrey Sachs and Colonel MacGregor, and others, that Russia went to war not just on behalf of the Donbass militias, but also in response to the continued encroachment of NATO towards their borders.

We all know that America would never tolerate China or Russia putting military assets or signing military treaties with countries on its border. It is beyond credulity to think Russia would ever be ok with it either. We also know that this conflict was in part provoked because America wanted to weaken Russia through its proxy, Ukraine. A long time US strategy. This is why the US continued to increase military and other aid to Ukraine, rather than work for peace previously,

“At a news conference in Poland after the visit, Mr Austin told reporters the US wants to see "Russia weakened to the degree that it can't do the kinds of things that it has done in invading Ukraine".

The Pentagon chief added that US officials still believed Ukraine could win the conflict with "the right equipment" and the "right support".

BBC diplomatic correspondent James Landale observed that Mr Austin's comments calling for a weakened Russia were unusually strong for a US defence secretary. It is one thing to help Ukraine resist Russian aggression, it is quite another to speak of weakening Russia's capabilities, he said.”[6]

There was clearly much more going on with this conflict than simply a resurgent Russia seeking to extend its boundaries. To act like this conflict just came upon an unsuspecting Ukraine out of the blue is ahistorical. Why do you think the American Congress sought to impeach President Trump in his first term for delaying weapons shipments to Ukraine? They were preparing for this conflict for some time. Trump knew this and has long stated that if he was in charge of the US the war would never have happened, indicating that America was a key player in starting the war.

Next the blog states,

“But your recent words and actions make me nervous for Ukraine and world stability. While I applaud your desire to end this horrible war, you seem happy to do it at Ukrainian expense. I know Putin would probably end this war if you gave him much of what he wanted. Looking on, it seems you want peace at any cost – especially to Ukraine.

But, Mr President, the Bible says yes, there is a time for peace. But there’s also a time for war.

While we all yearn for peace, sometimes war is the only way to defeat evil and bring that just and lasting peace.”[7] 

I don’t think many commentators realise just what has happened with this war. Russia is not just holding its own against Ukraine, the United States, and the combined forces of much of Western and Eastern Europe, it is winning. Handedly. Trump is not suing for peace just for the sake of peace, these are surrender negotiations. Putin holds all the cards in this situation.

This has been known for sometime,

“Ukraine is now experiencing a level of existential threat comparable only to the situation immediately after the full-scale Russian invasion in February 2022. But in contrast to then, improvements are unlikely – at least not soon.

Not only have conditions along the frontline significantly worsened, according to the Ukrainian commander-in-chief, Oleksandr Syrsky, but the very possibility of a Ukrainian defeat is now discussed in public by people like the former commander of the UK’s Joint Forces Command, General Sir Richard Barrons.

Barrons told the BBC on April 13 that Ukraine could lose the war in 2024 “because Ukraine may come to feel it can’t win … And when it gets to that point, why will people want to fight and die any longer, just to defend the indefensible?”

This may be his way of trying to push the west to provide more military aid to Ukraine faster. Yet the fact that the Nato secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, publicly accepts that to end the war Ukraine will have to negotiate with Russia and decide “what kind of compromises they’re willing to do” is a clear indication that things are not going well for Ukraine.”[8]

This piece is from early 2024.

For the past 50 odd years Europe, Britain, Australia and the United States, along with other western countries, have been progressively moving our manufacturing overseas, particularly to Asia, but also to other developing countries. This has gutted the West’s ability to manufacture anything it relies on, including military equipment. Russia, China and many other countries have not only benefitted from this, when the US put sanctions on Russia they actually strengthened their economy because they have been preparing their country to make locally what they need for some time,

“…Russia’s economy has been resilient to western sanctions and seen growth driven by the war. On top of deliveries from Iran and North Korea dual-use technology, including electrical components and machine tools for arms manufacture, has been supplied by China.”[9]

The chickens are coming home to roost for all the environmentalist propaganda and irresponsible offshoring of manufacturing that has happened for some time now in the West. The Western powers have now been shown that we are effectively underdeveloped and the combined might of the manufacturing capabilities of Russia and its allies, especially China, are at a level we cannot compete with anymore. Russia and the USA beat Germany in World War 2 because they both had larger populations and more powerful industrial bases. Well, the United States has gutted its manufacturing base for decades now, and the result is that it cannot produce enough to help Ukraine, a militarily very strong country, beat Russia, a manufacturing power with an even stronger military. The centre of gravity of world power has shifted. Trump knows it. The western world is only slowly recognizing this.

The blog then notes,

“Your great nation knows this well. It was American soldiers who fought the war that pushed Hitler’s armies back to Berlin. It was American soldiers who fought the war that brought an end to the Japanese empire. If the world was to see peace, your nation knew that the early 1940s was a time for war.  God knows where we would be now if they decided otherwise.”[10]

America is not the manufacturing power it was in the 1940’s. It is not the same country it was then in many ways. It cannot face great powers and guarantee it could come out on top, like it once did. But note this, America beat Germany with the help of which ally? Soviet Russia, which did the vast majority of the land-based fighting on the eastern front. What major power has the United States beat on the battlefield in its own right in a hundred years? Japan. But what other? The US contributed massively in the two World Wars, particularly in the second world war and especially against Japan, but in Europe Russia did the bulk of the fighting. And Japan was a sea power, not a land power. The US has held onto its heavy weight fighting championship belt since then by only fighting lightweights since WW2 (Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, twice, etc), and even many of the those wars it has lost.

Next our blogger notes,

“At other times, the mere threat of war can bring peace.

Whether it was President Clinton threatening force to bring a genocidal Bosnian Serb regime to the negotiating table in the mid-1990s. Or you threatening to bomb Putin in your first term if he invaded Ukraine. (Putin says that if you were President at the time he would not have invaded Ukraine). Or your threat of unleashing ‘all hell’ on Hamas if they didn’t return the hostages, which many Arab observers credit with helping bring Hamas to the negotiating table.

Sometimes, the threat of force, especially from you, is the only thing that the likes of Putin, Hamas, and many a dictator will heed.

And so, Mr President, I humbly believe you have options.”[11]

While I agree on principle that presenting a threatening military stance and backing it up with one of the most powerful militaries in the world can help maintain peace - the peace through strength strategy - this writer is uninformed about what actually happened in Gaza. Trump did not need to put pressure on Hamas for negotiations to happen, but on Netanyahu. As the Israeli Newspaper Haaretz notes,

“Wednesday night, Channel 12 News' Yaron Avraham, presented a comprehensive report detailing all of the hostage negotiation deals that have been proposed since November, when the last, and only, successful exchange took place.

Presented as a detailed timeline of the last 11 months, the investigation includes never-before-seen documents and previously unheard conversations which highlight Netanyahu's relentless attempts to "Torpedo the Deal," as the segment is titled.”[12]

It has long been reported in the Israeli news that Netanyahu was blocking any hostage deals. Trump did force the ceasefire, but he did it by putting pressure on Israel.

Even when it comes to Ukraine in Trump’s first term, remember Trump was brining pressure on the Europeans at the time, and, as we already noted, he stopped a weapons shipment to Ukraine. The idea that he was standing in the way of Putin and that this was stopping the war, does not take this into account. He was holding back western forces that were giving assurances to Ukraine and that were intent on provoking Russia. The fact that peace talks have begun with his second presidency shows that this reading of events makes the most sense.  

This next part of his blog makes me wonder how much attention this blogger and many Australian Christians have paid to the war. Do people not realize how much war technology has shifted in the last decade?

“On the one hand, you could continue giving major concessions to Putin at Ukraine’s expense, Demanding little from him and much from Ukraine. Yes, It might end the war and bring peace - for a little while. 

However, the testimony of history through events like Munich 1938 is that dictators like Putin become emboldened by such major concessions. They smell blood.  They end up demanding more, not less. They see concession as weakness, not strength. And they feel confident to push the boundaries – if not immediately, then soon after. And we’ve yet to mention whether such a peace is just.

On the other hand, Mr President, you could do what you did before: threaten escalation. After all, it worked before with Putin, as you have said.  Threaten to send a Naval carrier group or two to the Black Sea. Threaten to send a few squadrons of USAF fighters to control the skies of Ukraine on and off the battlefield. Russia can barely move forward against Ukraine (which has no control of its skies) despite a massive advantage in manpower.  Could you imagine what Ukraine could do if American aircraft controlled the air?

(Russian Generals know it, and Putin knows it: such American air power would decimate Russian forces.)

Such threats of escalation would help bring de-escalation. The threat of war will help bring peace. It would send a signal to Putin and other regimes that America won’t tolerate her allies being invaded and abused.

You could help bring order to our chaotic world. You could help bring peace, through strength.”[13]

Russia quickly neutralized Ukraine’s air power early in the war with its anti-aircraft missile systems, the famous S-400 and S-500 systems. The blog we are reviewing even notes that Ukraine has no control over the skies. This is why. These systems effectively make it suicide for fighters and bombers to take to the skies over the battlefield. These systems also neutralize one of the United State’s greatest former advantages, the Aircraft carrier group. Why do you think the United States has not done just as this blogger asks? They know that they cannot be assured victory in the skies or sea anymore.

Such a threat from Trump to bring in the navy would not worry Putin at all. For one, Navy carrier groups cannot defeat highly advanced and mobilized land-based militaries with superior air defence and endless missile stocks. It would be like attacking a 17th century fort with an old cannon armed frigate; suicidal. The day of the fighter controlling the skies is over. Russia, China and many other powers now have the ability to control the skies with anti-aircraft systems that are far easier to make, and far cheaper, than fighters or bombers. And they are many multiple millions of dollars cheaper than building aircraft carriers. This person does not know what they are asking. Russia is an advanced industrial power that can produce advanced missiles quickly, and far cheaper, than the US can produce planes to replace the ones shot down by those missiles. The math just is not on their side.

America has sent billions to Ukraine in equipment, training, aid and even reported manpower at times (for “training purposes” of course…) and still Russia is winning. Why it has not advanced further could be explained by Putin’s lack of desire to conquer all of Ukraine, because he has seen what happened to the US when it tried to hold Afghanistan and Iraq, rather than by an inability of Russia to do so. Though we are only assuming here. However, we are not assuming when we say that Russia has beaten Ukraine, how far they go will depend on how far the US and Europe will push the issue.

Our writer finishes with this admonition,

“Mr President, there is a time for peace. But also a time for war.

I’ll be praying for your decision.”[14]

Pray that Trump is able to get the peace Europe and Ukraine need. Russia holds all the cards. It is obvious much of the West does not recognize this yet. But many of us do. The West has been weakening itself with bad foreign policy, environmental ideology and offshoring decisions for decades. These bad policies are now all coming back to roost. Ukraine, and by virtue of their aid also the US, and Europe, have lost. The sooner they admit defeat the sooner they can save lives all around. Praise be to God, it appears that President Trump knows this. Pray he is successful in bringing peace.

List of References

[5] Reuters,

[9] Ibid.

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