Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Capitalism vs. Communism?



This is a great meme, that a friend sent me, because it highlights the biggest flaw of socialism/communism.

I have actually read Marx (and Engels). I read the Communist Manifesto when I was in France in 2011 (it seemed fitting to read it there), and once since. I have also read his Das Capital, but only in part, and some of his other writings as well. What many people will not tell you about Marx is that his critiques of capitalism (he popularized that word by the way) were often on point and correct, because he could in part see where debt was getting us as a society, and how industrialists were taking more and more control (note, G. K. Chesterton wrote about the exact same issues, but he was no communist) The problem is Marx’s solutions are even worse than the problems he was seeking to address.

He proposes destabilizing the family, faith, and making all possessions common property. It's a disaster. It is what one should expect from a lifelong dole bludger. He had time to have some good insights but never had the ability to practice any real solutions, and never really understood how society works. Family, faith and private property are all essentials for a strong society.

What I propose, in constrast, is not to reject everything about our economy (though Capitalism means moneyism and is idolatry), but simply to believe the Bible is wiser than us, and so are the countless societies which practiced debt forgiveness for millennia, and institute once in a generation debt forgiveness.

If we don't do this, communism will gain traction with the young, again, who own almost nothing. And oligarchy will entrench itself in the older generations who own everything. And our society will spiral out of control.

Our options are: You will own nothing, and be forced to try and be happy anyway

Or: We put restraints on the banks with debt forgiveness like ancient Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Sumer, early Greece, early Rome, Byzantium and many other societies did.


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