Saturday, 8 February 2025

Science Fiction Reality


Have you ever wondered why you see stuff in science fiction shows, and then you see some of these same things happening in real life. And then you look back at those science fiction shows and wonder, was it a reveal? What is a coincidence? Were the policy makers fans of those Scifi shows?

It was not a coincidence. It is because science fiction writers are an integral part of determining policy. From, There Will Be War, Volume 1:

"The Citizens Advisory Council on National Space Policy was formed in 1981 when fifty of the nation’s top space experts met in Los Angeles to draw up a space plan. The Council was jointly sponsored by the American Astronautical Society and the L-5 Society, and its meetings were made possible by a grant from the Vaughn Foundation. Council membership included aerospace engineers and scientists, astronauts, political leaders, business leaders and space entrepreneurs, science fiction writers, and students.

The first meeting was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Niven, and it was a zoo. I had helped organize the meeting, but there was no actual structure. Dr. Charles Sheffield, then President of the American Astronautical Society, had been scheduled to preside over the meeting, but he couldn’t attend due to medical problems. Next thing I knew, I was barking orders to get things organized; and shortly after that I was Acting Chairman. I’ve been Chairman ever since...

...For three days we were in a pressure cooker. This conference was expected to produce results; that was one reason we had science fiction writers, people like Greg Benford, Poul Anderson, Larry Niven, and G. Harry Stine. Note, too, that the writers sat in on the conferences as participants, not as “reporters” or “technical writers.” We were, after all, trying to form bold new concepts, and SF people’s imaginations were needed."[1]

Reality is often stranger than fiction, don't they say? Well, the reality is that fiction writers have a large hand in directing what governments do on a variety of issues. So, it was never a coincidence. This is fascinating. 

List of References

[1] Jerry Pournelle. There Will Be War Vol. I (Kindle Location 958-957). Kindle Edition.

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