Thursday, 6 February 2025

Inability To Hold Women Accountable?


A few days ago I shared an article noting how important it is in the fight against abortion to hold women to unrelenting accountability. This is necessary because it is a fact that women, and the men who support it or occasionally coerce it, as well as doctors, nurses and other medical staff, are the perpetrators of the crime against the children in the womb. They are not the victims. Many men struggle with this fact, I have personally seen men really struggle to accept this. And of course much pro-life rhetoric reflects this unfortunate reality. Many men just do not know, do not believe, or are not capable of recognizing the culpability of women.

After this I noticed that Vox Day put up a fascinating article on women and accountability on his Sigma Game Substack. Vox is currently in the process of writing and publishing a book on the social-sexual-hierarchy, a topic which he has written about on his blog for years, and so his insights into this topic (and many others) are well worth paying attention to. What he says is fascinating,

“Female dominance may be inevitable in a representative democracy due to the facts that a) Deltas and Gammas always outnumber their socio-sexual superiors and b) Deltas and Gammas never hold women accountable for anything due to their tendency to believe in intrinsic female goodness.

A study was done looking at 40 years of cold case files, focused on primarily murder cases, as there is no stature of limitations.

What we discovered was shocking…

We found that 40% of the unsolved murder cases where no suspect was listed, actually had a prime suspect the whole time, but the police were blind to it, because of inherent bias that these officers held.

The police to this day, tend to discount women as suspects, assuming that women are sugar and spice, and everything nice, and would never hurt a fly.”[1]

This is fascinating, isn’t it. I have had pretty long and detailed conversations with other men on the issue of women’s accountability in abortion, and sex work, and often the worldview you are dealing with is pretty much as described by this research Vox shares. These men just cannot concieve of women acting with the deliberate intention to hurt a child, or to use their bodies to profit off weak willed and low status, or cashed up men. And even if they can accept this, they often think it is so rare it is not worth factoring in. 

But women have long been known to be more likely to kill their children, at least historically, and also much more likely to get away with it,

“In late 19th-century Britain, less than one-quarter of those tried for the crime were women. On the other hand, then as now women made up almost all of those tried for infanticide. British juries regarded these women as victims of “puerperal mania.” The latter was a fashionable disease that was also believed to cause “extraordinary obscenity in thought and language.” Very often, juries would simply refuse to convict. Parliament responded by changing the law so as to separate infanticide from murder and place it in a category of its own. Yet even so prosecutors still found it all but impossible to obtain convictions. Normally they could do so, if at all, only if they agreed that light sentences should be imposed. Even so, rarely did infanticidal women serve out their complete term. This was because, among all those declared to be criminally insane, it was they who stood the greatest chance of being granted an early release.[2]

This inability of lower status men to hold women accountable is widespread and not new. The problem is we live in a society that gives women all the functional power and responsibilities of men, but still refuses to hold them just as accountable. This is why crimes like abortion not only go rarely punished, but get celebrated and promoted by our culture. Abortion is the ultimate way to avoid responsibility. No act requires more responsibility than bearing a child, but because our society is not prepared to hold women to account, women are granted the ability to opt out of having to even give birth to the children they play an integral role in binging into existence. And because our society gives this power exclusively to the mothers, pro-life rhetoric is completely incapable of addressing the reality of the situation when it is directed at dead beat dads, but does not have dead beat mums in its vocabulary just as stridently. 

Abortion is child abuse. Until it is unrelentingly viewed this way, we will not succeed in moving the needle of society towards abolition. Until women who hurt their children are held to the same kind of account as men who do likewise, this kind of evil will go largely unaddressed. 

You also don’t have to put down women to see them more honestly and realistically. The Bible may teach that Adam is ultimately responsible for sin entering into the world, and the Bible may teach that it was necessary for Christ to reverse his sin. But it also says this, “3 But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ” (2 Cor. 11:3) and this, “13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve; 14 and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. 15 Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control” (1 Timothy 2:13-15) and also this,

“13 Besides that, they learn to be idlers, going about from house to house, and not only idlers, but also gossips and busybodies, saying what they should not. 14 So I would have younger widows marry, bear children, manage their households, and give the adversary no occasion for slander. 15 For some have already strayed after Satan” (1 Tim. 5:13-15).

In other words, the Bible also teaches that women can become allies and servants of the devil just as men can. Men might have a higher level of accountability before God, but he will also hold us accountable for not holding women accountable for their following after the wiles of Satan. Many men fail to understand why this is necessary, but it is. And, as Vox’s research notes, the failure to do so has incredible ramifications.

List of References

[1] Vox Day, 2025, Pedestalization: Societal Level,

[2] van Creveld, Martin. The Privileged Sex (p. 151). Unknown. Kindle Edition.

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