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Monday, 24 March 2025

You Are Being Robbed


Source: Macrobusiness

You are being robbed and you are being lied to about it. It is often claimed that Australia’s high level of immigration is necessary to fill skills shortages in the nation. But the data shows that with record immigration Australia is oversupplied with low-skilled workers and no progress has been made on fixing skill shortages,

“According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 1,044,160 net permanent and long-term arrivals have landed in Australia since the Albanese government took office in June 2022.

New data from Jobs & Skills Australia, collated by Justin Fabo of Antipodean Macro, demonstrates that the record net overseas migration has done nothing to alleviate high-skilled labour shortages, while oversupplying the economy with low-skilled workers:

As you can see, employers have little difficulty filling low-skilled jobs but continue to struggle to fill high-skilled positions…

…Despite two-and-a-half years of extraordinary net overseas migration, shortages of highly skilled workers have barely improved since the international border reopened in late 2021.

The vast bulk of recent migrants have been low-skilled. This is mostly due to the rise in international students, international graduates, and working holidaymakers. It also reflects the reality that the majority of ‘skilled’ migrants work in lower-skilled jobs…

…Deloitte Access Economics uncovered that 44% of permanent migrants in Australia were working in jobs below their skill level in 2023. The majority of these underemployed migrants entered through the skilled stream.

Deloitte projected that over 620,000 permanent migrants work below their skill levels and credentials. Of these, almost 60%, or 372,000, entered the skilled migration system.”[1]

The government tells us that migration must remain extremely high to fill shortages in skills in our country. But then they bring in an oversupply of certain skills, and an oversupply of low-skilled workers. Why would this be the case?

Because the goal of immigration is not to fill skills shortages. The goal of a policy is what it achieves, remember that. What does our immigration policy achieve? Social change, at a massive level. This is happening all across the West, governments are desperately trying to change their populations at a rate never before seen. But it also suppresses wages, and inflates the cost of living.

Westerners lived once in the most cohesive and wealthiest per capita societies in the world. Both these things are changing via immigration at this record speed. When the government tells you it is trying to fill skill shortages while doing no such thing, you realize that you are being lied to, whilst also being robbed.

The house you could not afford to buy. This is why.

That house you could not rent. This is why.

That job you did not get, that was given to someone from another country, who barely speaks English. This is why.

This is the goal, not a side effect, the actual goal. The goal is suppression of our way of life, because it was too independent and influential. And social change so that they can have the population they prefer. Populations that coincidentally come from societies that do not have the history of the levels of freedom that we have enjoyed in the West. Our governments do not serve our interests. This is certain. Economists have the raw data, we see the effects in our everyday lives.  

List of References

[1] Leith Van Olsen, 2025,

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