What is the most violent ideology of
the 20th century?
If you were to ask people this
question without doubt the two most common answers many people would give is
either Nazism or Communism. Nazism is officially held responsible for 17
million deaths in its short rise to power before and during World War 2.[1]
This is a significant amount of people, but it pales in comparison to Communism,
“According to a disturbingly pleasant
graphic from Information is Beautiful entitled simply 20th Century Death,
communism was the leading ideological cause of death between 1900 and 2000. The
94 million that perished in China, the Soviet Union, North Korea, Afghanistan,
and Eastern Europe easily (and tragically) trump the 28 million that died under
fascist regimes during the same period.”[2]
So, Communism is responsible for 94
million deaths. Nazism is responsible for 17 million, and fascism as a whole is
responsible for 28 million. Presumably this is including the numbers attributed
to the Nazis and other similar ideologies. But Communism is clearly the more
deadly ideology of the two.
In fact, “During the century measured,
more people died as a result of communism than from homicide (58 million) and
genocide (30 million) put together. The combined death tolls of WWI (37
million) and WWII (66 million) exceed communism's total by only 9 million.”[3]
This is a phenomenal fact, is it not? The two worst wars in our history were
only slightly more deadly than Communism as a whole. And, Communism had its
part to play in both those wars, so there is a bit of murkiness here where to
actually line up the totals. Either way though, people are quite correct to see
these two ideologies as the causes of some of the worst bursts of violence in
the 20th century.
But they are not even close to the most
violent ideology of the 20th century. There is one that leaves these
others in its dust and continues to achieve a number of deaths at a rate of almost an entire World War 2 each year. That ideology is feminism
and its corollary, abortion. Since the 1973 supreme court decision of Roe v.
Wade in the United States alone, 63 million babies have been aborted, at a rate
of around 1 million children a year.[4]
That is just in the United States. The feminists which pushed hard for the
passing of liberalized abortion laws in the United States are responsible for a
death toll nearly as large as World War 2. That is in just one country.
As I am writing this, March 22nd
2025, according to Worldometer already this year there have been 9,973,890
abortions and counting.[5]
By the time you read this the number will have increased by a large margin. The
Worldometer website notes,
“The data on abortions displayed on
the Worldometer’s counter is based on the latest estimates on worldwide
abortions published by various sources, including the World Health Organization
(WHO). According to WHO, every year in the world there are around 73 million
induced abortions. This corresponds to approximately 200,000 abortions per day.[6]
73 million abortions a year worldwide!
73 million! Read that again, 73 million! That is more deaths than World War 2,
every year! According to the Life Institute website, worldwide,
“More than 1.5 BILLION babies have
been aborted worldwide in the past 50 years.[i]
An estimated 50 million abortions are
carried out throughout the world every year.[ii]
One in five pregnancies worldwide end
in abortion.[iii]"[7]
This estimate reduces the yearly death
count to 50 million, but that is still a staggering amount. And this number
shows no movement downwards. It continues to add more deaths each year.
Nazism was stamped out. Oh, people
like to say it still exists, but wherever they say it does, it is but a shadow
of the original version. A ghost that people march out to win political arguments.
Communism still has a foothold in the world, but it has quietened down markedly
since its heyday of blood. Feminism and one of its cornerstones, abortion, are
riding a wave of power across the western world, that has killed over a billion
children and it continues to march. And it has its bloody claws on the necks of unborn children in many parts of the developing world as well.
For instance, the Feminism Project
notes on their website that,
“The healthcare landscape has
similarly benefited from feminist advocacy. Women’s health issues, historically
sidelined within both medical literature and healthcare policies, gained
traction through the efforts of feminist movements. For example, reproductive
rights and maternal health have become focal points in feminist agendas across
Africa. Activists and organizations tirelessly campaign for policy changes that
prioritize women’s health, offering comprehensive and culturally sensitive
reproductive healthcare services. Such strides ensure that women’s voices are
not merely heard but incorporated into the frameworks of health governance,
addressing unique challenges women face.”[8]
When you hear feminists talking about reproductive
rights, you know they are referring in large part to abortion. In fact, under
some US presidents USAID money was used to aid this purpose,
“Promoting abortion was at least as
high a priority for USAID as providing food or building basic infrastructure in
developing countries with Joe Biden in the White House. This is clear from an
analysis of the agency's use of funds, which, in 2022 alone, spent more than
$607 million on projects related to reproductive health around the world.
The Biden administration generously
funded USAID's family planning and reproductive health programs during its
tenure to spread its abortion policies across the globe. In 2022 alone, the
agency budgeted $607.5 million for these purposes, with African countries being
the biggest recipients of this money through funding for abortion programs and
Biden and Obama pioneer use of foreign
aid funds to finance abortions
This was not something he did on the
sly. As soon as he got to the White House, Biden ignored Ronald Reagan's
"Mexico City Rule" that prohibited a single dollar of U.S. foreign
aid from going to nonprofit organizations that promote abortion or provide
abortion services. Biden was the second president to cancel this rule. The
first was Barack Obama, and Trump reinstated it during his first term.”[9]
Not content with the high death toll
in western countries, the feminist ideologues have long continued to seek to
encourage their ideology to flourish around the world, even in societies we
would not think of as feminist. They continue to spread their ideas to women
wherever they can.
Abortion is not the only evil that
feminism has pushed avidly on the world. But it is the most violent, launching
feminism ahead of any other violent ideology the world has seen. This might be
a confronting truth, but it is without question the truth.
Yes, I know the 19th
century feminists argued against abortion on occasion. Yes, I know that
abortion existed long before feminism as an ideology. These facts are without
dispute. But what is also without dispute is that 20th century feminism,
and its granddaughters in the 21st century, have tied their ideology
deeply to abortion access,
“The topic of abortions is a focal
point in feminist theories…Abortions are a fundamentally feminist topic, as
they touch on bodily autonomy, sex and sexuality, private versus public sphere…
…Feminism is a large school of thought
that touches on every aspect of life. It seeks not only to explain the
patriarchal reasons behind the continued criminalization of abortions, but also
the unfair societal expectations of people with uteruses, and how we can move
towards a more equal, rights-based society.”[10]
Abortion is considered almost
universally among feminists to be a necessity for allowing women to function
equally with men in this “patriarchal” world. It is a pillar of their ideologies,
or as this feminist notes, it is a focal point. Other forms of contraception
are part of this ideology too, but abortion is the goal keeper to assure feminists their
independence from their biology if the other things fail.
For this reason alone, feminism should
be opposed. We need no other reason. The intrinsic connection between abortion
and feminism makes feminism the most violent ideology of the 20th
century and the reigning holder of this title today. It is, therefore, truly a
cancer on society that is willing to sacrifice innocent children in the quest
for the elusive equality that both male and female feminists seek to achieve. They chase a phantom at the cost of innocent lives.
Feminism, therefore, must be opposed
by all moral and right thinkers in the world. I have dedicated much of my life to
advocating against feminism and for seeking to teach people about its
unbiblical origins, its negative effect on both men and women, and also its
list of evil consequences. Feminism is a cause of many great evils in western
societies, and just like cancer in the body, it has damaging and fatal flow on
effects for the whole nation. We must speak against this ideology, for the sakes of
the good of all, but especially the victims of abortion; helpless children.
Warn people about the damage this ideology has done to our societies.
If you have sons and daughters, this starts
in the home. Then it this needs to be trumpeted throughout the Church. And, by the
mercy of God, may the Church be salt and light on this issue for the nations in
which we live.
List of
[1] Katharina
Bucholz, 2021, https://www.statista.com/chart/24024/number-of-victims-nazi-regime/
[2] John
Walters, 2021, https://reason.com/2013/03/13/communism-killed-94m-in-20th-century/
[3] Ibid.
Kyle Morris and Sam Dorman, 2022, https://www.foxnews.com/politics/abortions-since-roe-v-wade?msockid=2652711681de61e7277a647085de6fbb
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