Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Black Mirror


I've seen Christians write comments online and say them in other contexts that are just as deplorable as what those two nurses in NSW's said. They just said it about Palestinians which is more tolerated in our society in some circles.

People know my views on limiting immigration and relevant topics. And many conservative commentators are using this situation to point out the very obvious flaws in our immigration and refugee programs. No argument from me on those points.

But this is not the only significant point that we should address on this issue. We should face the fact that we have imported people from all sides of a war zone, a war zone our country helped create. And then large segments of our society have emotionally tied themselves to one side or another and people on many sides are saying equally evil things.

I think what those two nurses said is evil. But I also think some Christians got to see their mirror opposites in those two.

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