Wednesday 4 September 2024

Poisoned By Society

I saw an article on my Bing news feed today about how Queensland's chief health officer thinks social media is the major driver of poor mental health amongst young people. Maybe he is partly right, but CHO's aren't that credible anymore, right?

“More than half of young Queenslanders are feeling stressed and anxious with health experts warning the sharp mental health decline is a result of social media.

Research by Health and Wellbeing Queensland revealed that nine in 10 people aged between 14 and 25 have experienced a negative change in their wellbeing in the past year.”[1]

But what about what kids are learning in schools? Maybe anxiety is a growing problem amongst kids because many of them are being taught that the end of the world is nigh because of climate inaction. Climate anxiety is a real thing in many young people. It never existed when we were kids, but now it does. Young people are being taught to be stressed out about the fact that we drive ICE cars, use air conditioners, and live in houses where we have an excess of room.

Of course, high divorce rates, increasing poverty, increasing homelessness, and all of that should be considered a significant part of the issue as well. But teaching an eschatology of climate destruction, that does not have a solution is a cruel and unusual way to teach children. It is pure conditioning and it is having a negative effect on our children who are not growing up with the same hope for the future that many past generations did.

Someone might respond here that doesn't Christianity teach about the end of the world and judgement? Of course it does. But it also offers hope that the end is actually a beginning and it gives a general offer of salvation to all so that they can escape that destruction through faith in Jesus Christ. The Lord God would never be so cruel as a public teacher or climate bureaucrat to preach judgement without salvation or hope.  

Of course the nihilism of modern education is going to make more and more kids depressed. How can it not? It is hard not to see it as designed to achieve that very purpose, because a hopeless people is much easier to push around.

Why would parents tolerate their kids being taught this stuff? I wonder about people sometimes.

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