Tuesday 17 September 2024

Jab! Jab! Jab! The Flab


How low can the medical profession go? How low can scientists go? They are already scraping the bottom of the barrel by calling Molech worship (abortion) a women’s health issue. They have jumped the shark by calling MRNA gene switching jabs vaccines. They have outdone any other drug dealers in the world with countless addictive products, but they have somehow found a way to sink just a little bit lower, again. OK the child sacrifice that they call abortion is actually the bottom of the rung, but this is still just another low act on behalf of the medical industry,

“Weight loss jabs could be prescribed to children as young as six after trials found they slashed obesity and other health problems.

Those who took liraglutide for just over a year reduced their BMI by more than seven per cent and had lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Experts suggest the discovery could one day help to turn the tide on the nation’s childhood obesity crisis, helping them to ‘lead healthier, more productive lives’.

More than one in five children in England are overweight when they start school, rising to one in three by the time they leave for secondary school.

This can raise their chances of a number of chronic conditions in childhood and later life, such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes and some cancers.

Jabs such as Ozempic, Mounjaro and Wegovy have been linked to a growing list of health benefits in adults, with a study earlier this year showing they cut chances of heart problems by a fifth.

Last year a study of adolescents aged 12 to 18 found that giving the jabs for 16 months halved obesity rates, when given alongside lifestyle counselling.”[1]

This disgraceful recommendation by health professionals did not happen because westerners took one wrong path. It happened because we have collectively taken many. It has happened because people have forgotten what real food is and how they should eat and not eat. It has happened because people have forgotten the importance of a mother in the home making sure that ordinary and nutritious meals are being made. It has happened because people just refuse to do even the most moderate and simple exercise to keep themselves at a healthy body weight. It has happened because people have placed their trust in an increasingly corrupted and co-opted health system which find ways to keep people dependent on its various products, rather than healthy. And it has happened because people have forgotten that gluttony is a sin, not a lifestyle choice.

Obesity is not a disease. There are a tiny fraction of people with diseases which make it really hard for them to lose any weight, those people have a hard road ahead of them. But the vast majority of people carrying excess or seriously extra weight do so because they simply are not interested in the self-control and self-mastery that is necessary to keep one’s self healthy. Sadly, many children are taught from a very young age all the wrong habits with food, drink and exercise.

I don’t say this as someone who has kept myself in perfectly trim shape my whole life. I have always been active, and have always done weights. But in my mid-thirties, I put on a little extra weight because I maintained the same diet, and the same exercise routine as my late 20’s, but my body was no longer as efficient as it once was. So I have learnt over the years the need to cut things out, like sugary drinks at lunch and dinner, like excess bread based meals, snacks, and so many other things. I have also had to increase my exercise over time and cut out the amount of meals I have a day. In other words, I am not sharing this as someone who finds this easy, I get that it is hard work. But it is worth it. It is good to be able to keep up with your kids when mountain biking, or to be able to go for a hike and not feel like you are dying after 500 meters. It is good to be able to not have to buy new, larger clothes every 18th months. But it takes hard work and this is just something most people are not willing to do.

So here we are with these jabs. I don’t know what is worse, that these disgraceful medical professionals would suggest these jabs, or that people would lap them up. If you want to fight your obesity here is a simple plan: cut out all sugary drinks, except honey in your coffee or tea. Cut out most process food and lots of bread. Eat homemade meals, based on meat and vegetable dishes. And walk a minimum of 5 times a week. If you do these things you will notice the difference within a few weeks of starting. As you go add things to your exercise routine and cut things out of your diet that cause you to stack on weight. Just, whatever you do, don’t submit your bodily health to these jab pedallers. Even if they work, I would hate to imagine what the health side effects are. The health side effects of exercising and eating right are guaranteed to be far better for you.

It is hard to keep yourself cut and looking in shape like an athlete. Not everyone has the body shape or metabolism for that. But it is not as hard to simply keep yourself at a good weight and size that will prolong your life and improve it at the same time. Do the work. 

List of References

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