Monday 6 May 2024

Women Referees in Men's Sport


There has been a lot of talk in the media over the last few days about encounters between Rugby League players and female referees during footy games. The problem with involving women in men's sport is that what should be just about the game often becomes an annoying and degrading discussion about gender.

I think this is deliberate on behalf of the higher ups in the game, because much of corporate Australia is captured by radical gender ideology, the same ideology that dominates the parliament, universities and media. They want the gender discussion to constantly be in our faces, even when we are trying to ignore the craziness of this world and just watch football for some fun (this happens in many other areas of life now as well). Many of these corporate types believe this is moral, and they believe that you and I need to constantly be evangelized with their views.

The response by many male footy fans is to say, if women want to function in a man's space they should be treated equally, men are forceful with each other, the women have to get used to this as well. It should be equal, everyone should be treated the same. But this response is utopianism and is really just plain stupid. Equality is a silly myth.

Men and women are not the same. No man sees a big man getting in another man's face the same as a man getting in a woman's face. One is entertaining, the other is threatening. There is a reflexive thing in most men and women to recoil at that or to want to intervene, and we don't want to train this out of people. Men are the stronger sex and therefore have more responsibility to be protective. It's built into our creation. Men are commanded in Scripture not to treat women the same for a reason, God made us, he knows the different treatment the sexes need.

This is why it is vital that the wickedness of egalitarianism be challenged. Men and women are not the same, and it is vital they have separate spaces. The modern cultural elite wants to erase all of these separate spaces for men and women. They are dedicated to it. Passionate about it, and radically, ideologically driven to achieve this. And in pursuing this goal they want to masculinize women and emasculate men.

Men getting into the faces of referees has been a staple of sport for decades, it's the thing of highlight reels. Strong male referees pulling such men into line is just as entertaining, especially if its not your team. But radical gender ideologues are now going to use this normal athlete behaviour as another platform to attack men as sexist, or too aggressive, or misogynist, or some other thing. They can't help themselves, these are the discussions they want. If they can't get you to attend their boring, dreary, radical gender theory lectures on the subject, they'll invade your preferred form of entertainment to push it on you there.

Some silly person will be tempted to comment, "JuSt StOp WaTcHiNg SpOrTsBaLl." But the ideologues are doing this everywhere, like a spreading cancer attacking every cell.

The only solution is that women should be removed from men's sport. Men AND women should have separate spaces to be themselves. A world which doesn't allow this degrades both men and women.

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