Friday 24 May 2024

Signs Was Smarter Than We Thought


Dave Cullen has shared an interesting alternative theory on the 2002 movie Signs starring Mel Gibson and Jaquin Phoenix, by M. Night Shyamalan on his youtube channel. I always liked this movie, I thought it was interesting, and that the twist about the water wasn’t that bad. I do remember them making fun of it in an episode of Stargate SG-1, “Why would aliens who are allergic to water invade a planet that is 70% water?” But I always liked the way that Shyamalan explored spiritual themes in his early movies and thought this was one of his better ones. The water twist didn’t diminish the other clever aspects of his story.

It was not one of my favourite movies, but I could never understand why so many people hated it so much.  

But the alternative theory proposed by Cullen in this video might explain why. If he is correct, and I think there are good reasons to suspect that he is, then this movie might reveal more about the spiritual realities of our world than is supposed to be revealed. And some people will not like that. The creators of the shows Stargate SG-1 were clearly dedicated to pushing the old Chariots of the gods theory that demonic, angelic and divine beings in history were really visitations of aliens to this world, and it is clear that much of our culture wants to suppress some spiritual truths about the world in which we live. Evil, non-human beings, are already amongst us.

Rather than facing existential threats from space invading aliens, or things like climate change, the most seious threat we face as human beings is from spiritual evil. To be fair you could describe some of these spiritual beings as “extraterrestrial” in some sense of the word. But they are not your classic aliens. This is not a threat that comes from “out there somewhere”, but a threat that is real, immanent and can only be fought with spiritual weapons. I don’t want to give away too much of the video, watch it yourself. It shows that the movie Signs was smarter than we thought.

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