Monday 6 November 2023

The Food Will Be Great They Said



Diversify your immigration they said. It would be fun they said. The food will be better they said.

What really happens is your nation becomes unrecognisable, often in terrible ways. For saying that they punished you, and cancelled you. But you were right. 

But the increasing demands from people related to both sides of the conflict for Western governments to do something in the Middle East, should again drive home why our western immigration policies are evil. I will not say that they are a failure, because diluting the strength of the western nations and embroiling us in global conflicts and causes are at least a couple of reasons why globalist leaders have encouraged immigration. There are others of course, many others. But these policies are now bearing incredibly wicked fruit.

George Christensen notes this in one of his recent Substacks:

“A disturbing report has come from The Australian today about a radical Islamic preacher speaking at a mosque in Sydney’s Bankstown on Friday.

The Muslim preacher repeatedly calls for jihad and for Muslims to take up arms in overseas conflicts.

He attacks Australia, and Australians, and says the Australian flag is “not our flag” but the flag of ISIS (Islamic State) is the flag of Muslims, even Muslims in Australia.

The preacher was speaking primarily about the conflict happening in Israel and Palestine right now.

I have been loathe to delve into this issue because there is great historical complexity around that situation, and there are problems and issues that abound on all sides.

What I want out of that conflict is its end, so that there are no more unnecessary deaths and also so that it does not boil over into World War Three, a direction it appears to be heading in, according to many observers.

That being said, the importation of Middle Eastern problems into Australia and other Western nations is worrisome, to say the least.”[1]

I don’t really care what side of the conflict in Gaza you fall. I have made my position pretty clear over the last few weeks and in recent years that Australia should stay out of the Middle East, and other foreign wars, and that there are no religious reasons why one side must have claim on the land.

But an even more important issue for us here in Australia is that our nation is being dragged into the conflict, outside of the will of many Australians, on both sides because Australia has spent the last 60 years depending on an overly generous immigration program to artificially inflate our economy. Australia has many immigrants calling for action in Gaza and this is not good, this is not our fight, the Middle East is a minefield and we are best off staying far from it. What is worse is that large rallies of radical Muslims with values antithetical to our own nation have been happening regularly as well. Australia is being split by ancient divisions from far away lands, because of our immigration policy. 

Here is an interesting fact for you: did you know that before European settlement the continent of Australia was involved in no European wars of domination or conquest? Did you know that? Of course you did. But you did not think of the implications of that: that nations bring their foreign interests with them. Within a century or so of European settlement, Australian Aborigines found themselves in places all over the world fighting foreign wars against European powers that they had no beef with and no reason to want to fight against. But such is the way of immigration. It changes your nation much more than it changes those who immigrate. Especially if the immigrants come over in larger numbers.

Australia is watching the fruit of its immigration policies go rotten right before its eyes. How long will these policies continue? As long as the Australian people tolerate them I guess.

Most Australians have no interest in forging into any conflicts in the Middle East, most Australians would agree with George when he says,

“(As an aside, we really shouldn’t be involving ourselves with troop engagement, military aid, or foreign aid, with any other part of the world — Eastern Europe included — as sticking your bib in where it doesn’t belong often ends with you getting a blood lip, nose, or black eye.)”[2]

But the more that your nation engages in Empire, which is what basing your state on the multi-ethnic population is - ruling over many nations in one political entity – the more pressure there will be from varying parts of society to stick our nose in all over the world.

It makes sense Australia got involved in World War 2 and on the side of Britian, most Australians still had British citizenship at the time and family back in the mother land. But now we are being pulled in many directions, because we decided to diversify our immigration policies. This was always a fools errand and will end in a foolish tragedy.

*I know this is an American tweet, but Australia is seeing very much the same thing happening.  

List of References

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