Thursday 2 November 2023

Don’t Freak Out, Just Do The Kings Work


Image: Unsplash

Whenever you see events that appear to be like those prophesied about the End Times, the first thing you should do is not ask yourself: Is this the end? Every generation of the church thought it was in the end and every generation of the church had cranks who were certain this was it and got it wrong. Your chances of being wrong are far higher than being right. 

No, what seeing events that look like the end times should cause you to do is to look at yourself and say: Am I going about the king’s business of sharing the gospel, loving my neighbour, reaching out to people, being an agent of healing, improving my nation etc, etc. Or in other words: are you living like he could come at any moment or a thousand years away, and just focusing on following Jesus?   

Because we are all servants of the king, and he will return one day, but before he left he told us this, Matthew 25:14-15, 

"14 For it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted to them his property. 15 To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away.” 

Jesus wants us to be his living witnesses, and not to be overly concerned about whether this is the time or that is the time, or some other time is the time. 

The beauty of this response is that if he does return he will find you being a faithful servant. If he does not return and you die before he does, he will say to you, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” It’s a win, win. You cannot lose by doing this. Either way you are victorious. 

False end times predictions are as common as bad salesmen and politicians that make false promises. They will always be with us. Our job is to invest those talents (gifts, skills, money, resources, talents) that God has given us and focus on faithful, hopeful, joyful, righteous and bold living.  

So, the more you see people saying: “This is the end” “This is prophecy being fulfilled” the more you know that just basic Christianity is what Jesus wants, and that’s all he will ever want from you, until this world does finally end. Nothing about that will change. You should always have a sense of urgency to be about the king’s business. Whatever the “signs” are out there.

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