Sunday 11 June 2023

The Conservative Case For Transgenderism


Image: Unsplash

Why does the Republican party exist? Why do right of centre parties exist? One might say, to protect conservative values. Someone else might say to ensure that left wing parties do not gain power. Another might say to serve the right leaning people of the citizenry. I say all of these people are wrong. None of these things are true, and it is very certain that such parties do not care much for the plight of the average member of their voter base. 

The major right of centre parties exist to move society slowly towards globalist goals, and make the case for progressive values that right leaning voters would never go along with, if leftist parties were proposing them. In Australia for example, it was the right leaning party that supercharged immigration. It was a right leaning party that supercharged the welfare state, baby bonuses, housing stimulus, extended maternity leave, and more. It was a right leaning party that ensured that same sex marriage was enshrined in law. It was a right leaning party that ensured that Australia signed up to radical carbon reduction goals. It was a right leaning party that empowered the covid tyranny a couple of years ago. Centre right parties exist, in my view and according to observation, to help move right leaning voters towards leftist, progressive, globalist policies, that promote degeneracy and advance globalist agendas.

And to prove that this assessment is a useful metric to understand the role of these right leaning parties, up steps a Republican, from a very conservative state, to argue that anti-woke conservatives should be ok with transgenderism. He actually wants to claim to be anti-woke, that is anti-social justice warrior, or anti those who see "injustice" in every structure of society and every so-called micro-aggression, while promoting transgender ideology. You can watch this "conservative" make part of his case in this video here, shared by Kyle Kulinski of Secular Talk. Kyle is a bit insufferable, he is also perhaps the most progressive person I have ever encountered, and he is stoked to see this Republican seeking to normalize transgender ideology. But this video is a clear demonstration of the principle outlined above: at the right moment, whenever it appears that those on the right are successfully pushing back against the woke or more accurately satanic culture, up steps a member of one of the major centre right parties, to put a halt to the moderate gains and victories being made against wickedness. And to push back against what is good and decent. They can’t help themselves.

I wonder how manufactured these people are? Probably very manufactured. Conservatives really only conserve one thing: their ability to conserve nothing good, and to allow every single principle of the right to be undermined in successive order. 


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