Saturday 17 June 2023

Good News


When it comes to the news most Australians (and I know some people will find this metaphor offensive) have battered wives’ syndrome. That is they refuse to look at the clear evidence in front of their eyes that the mongrel does not love them, wants to hurt them, and will keep lying to them as long as they put up with it. They will even turn on friends who have done nothing but care for them, because they are angered by the fact that someone is criticizing the bubble they have built around their lives to explain away all of the bad things they see.

But eventually even many of the people who are most loyal to a bad spouse will start to see through their lies and nonsense.

And, likewise, Australian's are increasingly switching off the news. I have anecdotally noticed many more are switching of social media too. Which I get.

As the old saying doesn't go but should, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, fool me a thousand times, I might be the average Aussie. But maybe this is changing, and this is a good thing. At the very least I recommend, if you want to keep informed about what may or may not be happening, read the news, rather than watch it. It is a lot harder to be propagandized when you are carefully reading something with a critical eye. Only remember another modern Proverb: Those who do not read the news are uninformed, and those who read the news are misinformed. Broaden your knowledge base and where you are willing to seek information, you might out some fascinating things about the world.

Still it is good news that more people are turning the news of. May this increase.

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