Thursday 9 February 2023

Segregated Spaces For Men and Women

Image: Unsplash 

Tik Tok videos of women shaming men in the gym prove that segregated spaces in public for certain things are a good idea. Especially if women are going to work out in their underwear. 

I think there'd be a good market for Christian, or conservative men, who wanted to work out without seeing that. It doesn't effect me, I have a home gym, but not everyone is so lucky. Seeing some of the innocuous things women shame men for in this videos, I think it is safe to assume there is a tonne of men who would be happy to not have to deal with that. 

Of course some guys are creeps, but you'd solve that too with segregated gyms. 

And a lot of women too of course would like to work out without being approached. But then, they currently already have segregated gyms don't they? 

Another solution is people in our society could stop dressing (or more accurately not dressing) as pre-industrial tribal natives. But aside from that, I see a grand future for segregated spaces in our society. In fact, I see a serious need for them. 

Just another way our forefathers and fore-mothers were smarter than us. The size of that list is growing. 

Edit: I just noticed that author and youtuber David Stewart has done a video on this very topic, where he outlines why he has a home gym. I agree with pretty much everything he says in that video, because I have done the same thing over the years. I think his video is good to watch, especially for Christian men who are not happy with the way women dress in the gym these days. 

You can watch his video here.

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