Tuesday 6 December 2022

What Is Actually Happening In China?

Image: Unsplash

Back in late 2019 and early 2020 a continuous flow of videos came out of "China" which appeared to show a terrible and deadly virus was sweeping through the country, and threatening the whole world. That virus became known in the popular vernacular as Covid 19. It turned out to be far less deadly than those videos implied, yet still they had their effect, a wave of fear spread across the West, and governments around the world did...well we all know what they did. 

My only reason for bringing this up now, is because many of us saw those videos and believed them, at first. We then had good reasons by very early in 2020 to recognize that they were a psyop, a very successful psyop, that had a devastating effects on people in many places. But some of us who saw those videos and initially believed them came to this simple conclusion after they proved to be propaganda: we would never believe any kind of videos like that coming out of China ever again. We would just do, as we should always do with big news events like this, we would wait and see what actually is materializing. 

So, with all of the reports of uprisings and revolts and anti-lockdown protests going on in China right now, I have simply been waiting for more information. It is unclear what is happening in China, it is unclear what the real source of these videos are, who is really behind them, and what we should think about what is going on. 

Is this real anti-lockdown sentiment? Is there foreign interference? Is the US stoking uprisings in China to destabilise its ability to support its fellow Brics countries? Are these protests just staged fakes? Are they a combination of all of these things? I have simply been waiting for more information before making any judgement call at all. 

My gut instinct says we are being lied to about the real state of China. War is brewing across the world, and propaganda efforts of all kinds skyrocket during and prior to war. China is a potential enemy of the West, and therefore Western propaganda will increasingly target China in various ways. The response of Western leaders to these videos of protests coming out of China is in such contradiction to their responses to protests in the West, that this shows these videos serve the deceptive narrative in some way.

The popular comment about this online is that these leaders are hypocrites, which is true, but this is not the full picture. They are also loyal purveyors of the globalist narrative, so you will always see them drop into lockstep with whatever stage the globalist narrative currently is at. In this way they are not hypocritical at all, but are always on message. During the Covid years the message was: dissent must be suppressed, so that is what they supported. Now that war is ramping up, the message is "all our enemies are evil" and therefore that is what they now support. But the common consistency in their statements is that both these messages in their time support the efforts of the elite classes which are directing affairs. 

But more information is coming to light about these protests, and Jimmy Dore has a good summary of it in this video here. Jimmy is my favourite lefty for a reason, because he is dedicated to speaking the truth as he sees it, even when it means correcting something he has gotten wrong. This is rarer today than it used to be, and the information he shares from Jackson Hinkle in this video is helpful, and indicates that the same thing is happening with these videos, that occurred in late 2019 and early 2020; we are being manipulated.

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