Wednesday 17 August 2022

Shadow Government

Does this increase our chances of getting a royal commission into the handling of the pandemic? A lot of people are calling for this, including Pauline Hanson, the leader of One Nation. 

This vindicates those who said Scott had power to do more during the pandemic,  to combat the excessive power of the Premiers. He was in a position to micromanage other ministers influence on the pandemic as well, including the Health Minister, who had vast powers. He literally took a level of power unheard of among Australian Prime Ministers, and he did it in secret.

"'Scott Morrison was running a shadow Government. A shadow Government that was operating in the shadows. What we have when we get sworn in as ministers is that there's some transparency there.

These are fascinating revelations:

'A whole lot of questions arise from this.

'In Australia, we have a Westminster system of government that produces accountability. This is the sort of tin-pot activity that we would ridicule if it was in a non-democratic country.

'These circumstances should never have arisen. You know, we do have a non-presidential system of government in this country.

'But what we had from Scott Morrison is a centralisation of power, is overriding of ministerial decisions, and all done in secret. All done in secret.'"

We need a Royal Commission. The Australian people deserve an inquiry and the fired, corced and injured deserve it doubly so. 

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