Saturday 16 July 2022

It Is Being Admitted Now

Vaccine mandates were never about the science, they were always about the politics, ideology and socio-political attitudes. You may not like hearing that statement, but it is a fact. That was always the case, the reason we can know this is because there was no "science" on how society wide mandates of an experimental and rushed medication could stop a pandemic in its tracks. 

There were pockets of such experiments done in previous pandemics, but never a society wide push like we just experienced, it was an experiment on a grand scale. It just was not possible to say that "the science" says, when this had not been done. We can now say that the current "science", but really it is just good old-fashioned experience, shows conclusively that mandating rushed medications to stop a pandemic does not work. The data on the spread of the virus (and deaths from the virus) in Australia this year proves this: 

Source worldometers (Data shows deaths increasing despite high vaccine rollout. Go to worldometer for futher explanation of the graph). 

And now it is being admitted that the mandates are not good, or "science-based", by Australia's former deputy Chief Health Officer:

"He cited a quote from Monash University bioethicist Zeb Jamrozik: 'There are worrying signs that current vaccine policies, rather than being science-based, are being driven by socio-political attitudes that reinforce segregation, stigmatisation and polarisation …'

Dr Coatsworth gave two main reasons to argue that the public health rationale for mandates no longer outweighed ethical concerns.

He said it was now accepted that vaccines 'do not reduce transmission' because the Omicron variant was more infectious."

Dr Coatsworth, to his credit, has been a consistent critique of the mandates for some time now, but his quoting of this other expert is significant. The "tone" of the mandate narrative has changed in the last year, basically because they failed to deliver what was promised that they would deliver. 

This was obvious last year, it was obvious from the start of this whole fun parade back in 2020. It is just not possible to stop a respiratory virus in its tracks with experimental medications, when it has already spread across the world. You just can't do it. You can slow it down with all sorts of extreme measures, but you can't stop it. You can only delay its spread. 

However, no one was supposed to say this publicly last year. You were not supposed to point out the obvious, because it would "undermine the effort to get everybody vaccinated". I can speak to this personally because myself and some other pastors were severely slammed for making a public statement that people should not be coerced. You can read our statement here and you can read one of the most prominent responses to it here. I ask you to do something simple. Compare our Ezekiel Declaration with the response of those other two pastors, and then compare it to what is now happening and to the statements of Dr. Nick Coatesworth, the former Chief Health Officer and what he says in this article above. Then ask yourself this question: what came over society over the last two years? 

This was not hard to see, many people in Australia and overseas predicted saw this coming and yet many people severely freaked out at our pointing this out. What came over people? 

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