Thursday 16 June 2022

You had one job Mr President

Words cannot press how utterly stupid it is that America and it lapdog allies like the UK and Australia are stoking up war with Russia in Ukraine. It boggles the mind to live in such an era of stupidity. This exceeds even Churchill's foolishness of throwing away the British Empire over Poland, a nation it could not protect and never tried to. Poland suffered exceedingly because of Britain's hollow war guarantees, all of Europe suffered. It exceeds Napolean's foolish attempt to take Moscow, everyone in Europe suffered because of his arrogance that time as well. But this is once in a millennia level of stupidity, because of the stakes involved: nuclear war. 

But such is the state of an empire in decline. The end stage of any empire brings all of its worst depravities into the centre of its power structures. It appears to be part of God's law of physics for how empires end. The longer they hold power, the worse that power is exercised, until they became a mockery of their own once noble ideals. 

You had one job Mr President, to make sure America steered as far away from nuclear war as possible, but instead, you are doing the opposite:

"And this isn’t just another war. This is a proxy war being waged by one of the world’s two top nuclear forces against the world’s other top nuclear force. This is more serious than Iraq. It is more serious than Vietnam. It is more serious than any US war that has happened in the lifetime of anyone likely to be reading these words, because Russia has increasingly valid reasons to believe its very existence as a nation is being threatened. This is therefore a war that could very easily result in the death of everyone on earth.

The US Secretary of “Defense” has openly said that America’s goal is to “weaken” Russia in this war. Biden himself has made statements which can only be interpreted as calls for regime change in Moscow. US officials have been leaking to the press claims that US intelligence has directly facilitated the killing of Russian generals and the sinking of a Russian war ship.

The imperial political/media class are not even denying that this is a US proxy war anymore. In an alarmingly rapid pivot from the mass media’s earlier position that calling this a proxy war is merely an “accusation” promoted solely by Russia, we’re now seeing the use of that term becoming more and more common in authorized news outlets. The New Yorker came right out and declared that the US is in “a full proxy war with Russia” the other day, and US congressman Seth Moulton recently told Fox News that the US is at war with Russia through a proxy.“ 

At the end of the day, we’ve got to realize we’re at war, and we’re not just at war to support the Ukrainians,” Moulton said. “We’re fundamentally at war, although it’s somewhat through proxy, with Russia. And it’s important that we win.”“At the end of the day, we’ve got to realize we’re at war, and we’re not just at war to support the Ukrainians,” Moulton said. “We’re fundamentally at war, although it’s somewhat through proxy, with Russia. And it’s important that we win.”

Many, many western experts warned for many years that the actions of the US and NATO would lead to the confrontation we’re now being menaced with. There was every opportunity to turn away from this war, and instead the US-centralized empire hit the accelerator and drove right into it. Knowingly...

Allowing the world to come this close to nuclear war already makes Biden the worst US president since Bush. At least. History may well show his to be the single most depraved presidency of all time.

Preventing nuclear war is a US president’s single most important job. It’s so important you shouldn’t even really have to talk about it, because it’s so self-evidently the number one priority. And this administration is just rolling the dice on nuclear conflict with increasing frequency ever day."

This is wicked and depraved. These decisions will go down in history as some of the most foolish ever made.

Australia should be distancing itself from this war as much as possible. No nation that tempts nuclear war should be supported, not even our biggest ally. But instead we a following along. 

As empires decline their leadership and decision making processes become more and more depraved, but the stakes of disaster in this instance are far larger than any previous Imperial collapse. 

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